Special EDition Newsletter
September 2020
-Special Programs Mission-
In collaboration with students, families, and stakeholders, we provide barrier-free access to individualized instruction and interventions to maximize student potential and meaningful participation in the community.
Special Programs Guiding Principles
- When there are questions or concerns, we address the staff member first, then follow the chain of command when necessary.
- Open communication and collaboration are valued to facilitate teamwork. We respect each member's expertise and perspective.
- As an effective team, we are accountable. We maintain high standards of excellence and commit to building trust by empowering and inspiring each other.
Welcome to Our New Special Programs Staff!
Liz Fortune
In Home /Parent Trainer
Bonnie Cryer
Lizeth Menchaca
Darla Davis
D'Aun Pakulak
Rafael Gallegos
Megan Carroll
Speech Language Pathologists
Kaylee Butterfield
Kelly Adrian
Katie Fernandez
Lauren Griffith
Occupational Therapist
Jennifer Cuellar
Physical Therapist
Madyson Drye
Licensed Specialists in School Psychology (LSSP)
Rebecca Smelley
Dora Camarillo
Behavior Specialists
Umul Vara
Sydney Morrison
Katy Pacheco
Carissa Penny, BCBA/Site Supervisor for TEAMS
KayCee Huntsman, TEAMS Teacher
Gilberto Morales, TEAMS Aide
Maurshel Taylor, TEAMS Aide
Natasha Mannan, TEAMS Aide
Tijuana West, TEAMS Aide
Instructional Specialists
Hazel Omar
Laura Matos
Dyslexia Therapists
Rhonda Shipp
Catherine "Kate" Ozmun
Anna Gode
Claire Fransen
Melinda Walters
Britney Carroll
A Gomez
Mary Perkins
Janet Musgrave
Stephanie Shipp
Baylee Beaudry
Christel Suson
Tonya Coward
Shandrira Omar
Kim Dunn
Monica Singletary
Glen Omar
Justin Main
Jose Lazo
Alyssa White
Caroline Seta
Monica Kaut
Eric Adams
Whitney Retter
Taryn Kovacevic
Jeanette Young
Jennifer Garlington
Amber Turner
Alyssa Taylor
Jennifer Scholebo
Laura Valle
Trisha Fowler
Richard Cruz
Duvall Shannon
If you are new and not listed, please email eepps@ems-isd.net to be added to the list. We want to recognize you and any oversight is accidental.
7 Self-Care Tips During the Pandemic
July 30, 2020 | by Edward-Elmhurst Health
We’ve been dealing with coronavirus for months, and the end is not yet in sight. The social, financial, psychological and physical stressors surrounding the pandemic have been challenging in many ways.
It’s time to take care of yourself. Practicing self-care can help you and your family be better equipped to get through this time together.
Here are seven tips for self-care during the pandemic:
- Eat regularly. It may sound simple, but getting enough nutrition gives us the energy we need to get through the days, think clearly and quickly, and sleep better at night. If regular meals are difficult try to keep a stash of healthy, protein packed snacks on hand.
- Keep moving. Even if you don’t have time for your usual workout, getting in 15 minutes physical activity can improve your quality of sleep and help reduce stress. Squeeze in exercise where you can — take the stairs, walk the dog, jog with your kids as they bike.
- Prioritize sleep. Hold your sleep time sacred as an important part of your self-care. It’s tempting to stay up a few extra minutes to watch that show, check social media or play games on your phone — don’t. Your sleep is a critical part of restoring your mind and body, and recharging for the next day.
- Practice pausing. Whether using mindfulness or taking deep breaths, taking a moment to pause can help center you back to the present moment when stress and anxiety are high.
- Consider mindfulness meditation apps like Calm or Headspace to help you release tension and center yourself on the now.
- Try paced breathing exercises (e.g., 4-square breathing) or diaphragmatic breathing (also called belly breathing or balloon breathing) to increase oxygen intake and relax your body and mind.
- Balance your mental intake. There is a lot happening in the world. It is easy to feel like you need to be constantly connected in order to not miss out on what’s happening. While staying informed is helpful, be careful not to overwhelm yourself with information either. Take time to unplug and focus on things that are uplifting and/or soothing.
- Check in on yourself. Take time throughout your day to stop what you are doing to notice what is happening within and around you. Try to be curious and nonjudgmental with whatever shows up as you consider what you are feeling and what you might need at the moment.
- Use your supports. Now is the time to activate your support network if you haven’t already. Reach out to others to tell them how you are doing. Ask for emotional and practical support when you need it. Consider a professional counselor to have your thoughts and feelings heard.
Special Education Contingency Plans
The training presentation and guidance documents can be accessed in CANVAS.
· Click this link to enroll in the Special Education Professional Learning Course.
· Scroll down to the Special Education Contingency Plans 20-21 module; there you can access the presentation and guidance documents.
Reminders about LPAC/ARD Collaboration
TLPAC / Annual Review and Dismissal (ARD) Collaboration (section I-B)
- Can the decisions of the ARD committee override the decisions of the LPAC?
No. For students who are identified as English learners and have qualified for special education services, the ARD committee and LPAC must collaborate on decisions such as assessment, program services, and instruction. Similarly, the LPAC must coordinate with any other special programs for which the EL is eligible (such as 504 or advanced academics/gifted and talented) while ensuring that ELs have full access to language program services (TAC 89.1220 (g)(4)).
- How are English learner identification assessments utilized for students who are significantly cognitively disabled?
Per TAC 89.1225 (h), if a student’s ability in English is so limited or the student’s disabilities are so severe that the oral language proficiency assessment (OLPT) or norm-referenced assessment cannot be administered, the LPAC in conjunction with the ARD committee identifies the student as an English learner. The attempted assessment is to be maintained in the LPAC documentation. Currently, there are no allowances for alternative identification assessments under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
- How are English learner identification assessments administered for students who are nonverbal, deaf, and/or visually impaired?
An attempt must be made to administer the appropriate OLPT and norm-referenced assessments. If no response or a response other than English is provided, the trial is scored as a non-fluent score. The attempted assessment is to be maintained in the LPAC documentation. Currently, there are no allowances for alternative identification assessments under the ESSA.
- Can English learners who qualify to receive special education services use different criteria for reclassification?
Under TAC 89.1225(i), districts are required to use the English Learner Reclassification Criteria Chart to reclassify ELs as English proficient. The reclassification criteria under TAC 89.1225(i) apply to the vast majority of ELs who also have identified special needs. In rare cases, an EL with significant cognitive disabilities who is receiving special education services may qualify to be reclassified using criteria permitted under TAC 89.1225(m), which gives special consideration to an EL for whom assessments and/or standards under TAC 89.1225(i) are not appropriate because of the nature of a student’s particular disabling condition. Students eligible to be considered using the reclassification criteria under TAC 89.1225(m) should only be those designated to take STAAR Alternate 2 and/or those who meet participation requirements for TELPAS Alternate, as determined by LPAC, in conjunction with the ARD committee. The first five steps of the six-step Process for Considering Reclassification of English Learners Who Also Have Identified Special Needs is to be completed by the LPAC and ARD at the beginning of the school year in order for the special reclassification criteria to be utilized at the end of the school year in step six.
- Can the administrator in an ARD committee meeting for an EL who also receives special education services perform the role of the ARD committee administrator and the role of the LPAC representative simultaneously?
No. According to TAC Chapter 89, Subchapter AA for Commissioner's Rules Concerning Special Education Services, section 1050 (c)(1)(J) refers to the LPAC representative as a professional staff member who is a member of the LPAC. As stated in this section, the LPAC representative may also be the ARD committee general education or special education teacher representative simultaneously. Typically, the best representative of the needs of the EL in the ARD is the bilingual or ESL educator from the LPAC that directly instructs the student and has detailed knowledge of the student’s linguistic needs and strengths. Resource: TAC Chapter 89, Subchapter AA Commissioner’s Rules Concerning Special Education Services
- Can the ARD and LPAC determine that an EL who receives special education services will not participate in the bilingual or ESL program?
No. An English learner who receives special education services cannot be limited from access to the appropriate bilingual or ESL program. The joint colleague letter from the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) and the United States Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights (OCR) provided in January of 2015 clearly outlines the responsibility of LEAs to appropriately serve ELs with disabilities as follows: “School districts must provide EL students with disabilities with both the language assistance and disability-related services to which they are entitled under Federal law. Districts must also inform a parent of an EL student with an individualized education program (IEP) how the language instruction education program meets the objectives of the child’s IEP. The Departments (OCR and DOJ) are aware that some school districts have a formal or informal policy of “no dual services,” i.e., a policy of allowing students to receive either EL services or special education services, but not both. Other districts have a policy of delaying disability evaluations of EL students for special education and related services for a specified period of time based on their EL status. These policies are impermissible under the IDEA and Federal civil rights laws, and the Departments expect SEAs (State Education Agencies) to address these policies in monitoring districts’ compliance with Federal law. Further, even if a parent of an EL student with a disability declines disability-related services under the IDEA or Section 504, that student with a disability remains entitled to all EL rights and services as described in this guidance.” Resource: The quote above can be found on pages 24–25 of the joint colleague letter from the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) and the United States Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights (OCR) provided in January of 2015.
District Supplied Cleaning and Disinfecting Materials Classroom, Office, and Common Areas
EMS ISD will provide a tote bag with gloves, masks, cleaning supplies, and paper towels for classrooms, offices, and common areas. During the school day, the tote bag will need to be stored out of reach of students when not disinfecting. Once disinfecting has been completed between each class, please again store the tote out of reach of students.
At the end of each day, once all students have left the classroom/area, place the tote bag on the teacher’s desk if any products need to be restocked or refilled. If multiple teachers are using the same room and need additional supplies, please include a note in the tote (e.g. Need 3 pairs of gloves). Custodial staff will restock the totes overnight and leave them on the teacher’s desk.
Each tote bag will contain: • One spray bottle of PURE Bioscience disinfectant. PURE is your primary product for disinfecting. ** These bottles are refillable and are not to be thrown away. • One spray bottle of Oxivir Tb disinfectant. Oxivir Tb is your back-up product for disinfecting OR product that can be used when more drying time is available. The Oxivir Tb product must remain on the surface for at least 1 minute before being wiped with a paper towel. ** These bottles are refillable and are not to be thrown away. • Paper towels • Hand sanitizer bottle • Disposable facemasks • Reusable facemasks (Staff are responsible for washing their own mask) • Disposable gloves
Staff are to use the tote bag items to assist in the cleaning of high use surfaces in their classroom/area.
High use surfaces include, but are not limited to: • Desktops • Door handles • Handrails in rooms with a bathroom • Faucet handles • Chairs • Light switches • Any “community use” equipment or supplies.
Staff are asked to please minimize personal items throughout the classroom and workspaces.
Cleaning instructions: • PURE Bioscience – Hold nozzle over the surface approximately 30 inches and lightly spray the area to be disinfected. Do not place excessive product on the surfaces. PURE requires a 30 second to 90 second disinfecting period and a two-minute drying time. There is no need to wipe PURE with a paper towel. • Oxivir Tb - Use only one trigger squeeze on small surfaces like desktops and door handles. Do not place excessive product on the surfaces. Oxivir Tb requires a one- minute disinfecting period. After that time, the remaining product can we wiped with a paper towel.
Please see the documents (in the tote) for product Safety Data Sheets.
September Birthdays
Allena Waters 9/3
Phyllis Glidewell 9/4
Mary "Allison" Macevicius 9/5
Staci Fouke 9/7
Patricia Raney 9/13
Catherine "Kate" Ozmun (N) 9/13
Cheryl Whaley 9/24
Janet Dobbs 9/25
Andrea Stark 9/26
Lauren Jack 9/26
Rebecca Morgan 9/27
Laura Matos 9/27
Michelle Miroddi 9/27
Brandi Coble 9/29
Please Update Your Information
Shout Outs and Thank Yous!
To Dr. Brande Kettner, Kylie Pherigo, Dora Camarillo, and Kim Goff LSSP's: I would like to thank this group of ladies for being so supportive and welcoming with me being new to the district. From Rebecca Smelley
To Erika Licari, Dyslexia Therapist: Erika has already proven to be a phenomenal mentor! She has guided me and helped me prepare for my first year here at EMS. I cannot wait to learn more from her. From Claire Fransen
To Tracy Hathaway and Jeanne White, Special Programs Secretaries: Thank you for being flexible and being available for our staff, during this unique difficult time. You all are Amazing, Kind and Sweet ladies! From Anonymous
To Stephanie Morgan, Lead for OT, PT, APE and AT: Thank you for being an amazing mentor and helping us newbies feel welcomed and prepared during this crazy time. 😊 From Madyson Drye
To Kimberly Goff and Trina ARD, Copper Creek LSSP and SLP: Thank you for helping to make the start in a new school a successful one! We are already working as a TEAM! From Darla Bird
To All Special Programs staff, All Campuses: Thanks for your hard work and dedication across the district in these difficult times. Everyone one of you is a valuable team member! From Anonymous
Tp Pat Wood, Saginaw Elementary Dyslexia Thank you Pat Wood for always being available to help me navigate and acclimate EMS . You have helped me feel right at home! From Melinda Walters
To Sarah Moore, Dyslexia Therapist, SARAH is the most amazing person! She has calmed me down when I was worried sick about not "doing something incorrectly". I am so happy to have her by my side and help me get through my first year at EMS. We became fast friends. From Claire Fransen
To Elizabeth Epps, Director of MTSS: Thank you so much Beth for truly being the best boss I have ever had. You have been so concerned with my commute (have no fear...I am actually loving it) and overall wellbeing. You have gone above and beyond for our team, always thinking 10 steps ahead and thinking of EVERY detail. I feel so proud to be a part of the EMS family. I cannot wait to see what the year has in store for us. From Claire Fransen
To Margaret Bloodworth, Diagnostician: Thank you for making the Diag and Related/Instructional Services Meetings go so smoothly and for all the important information for DES and WCES!! From Emily Kasper
From Shalia Wolter, RPE Resource: Shaila did an awesome job of preparing the student files and data sheets for our new resource teacher before she was able to start working. I know this was a lot of work, but a tremendous help to our new resource teacher. She is a great example of a team player!!! From Anonymous
To Dyselxia Therapist Team: Coming together as a team and encouraging each other. It's really starting to feel like a family! From Brandi Coble
To Anna Brewer, SLP at Lake Pointe Elementary: Thank you to Anna for being a rock star speech therapist and an awesome mentor!!! :) She has helped me so much with learning the ins and outs of everything, and I so appreciate her willingness to sit and listen to all my dumb questions. From Kaylee Butterfield
To Tristyn Robbins, SLP at Bryson Elementary: Thank you to Tristyn for all of the amazing help she has given me!!! I appreciate her telling me when I need to chill out ;) and listening to all my dumb questions and mistakes! From Kaylee Butterfield
To Shannon Matthews, IS Lead: Shout out and Thank you! From Hazel Omar
To Sandra Hilton, Tracy Hathaway, Jeanne White, and Cindy Evans, Special Programs office: BIG THANK YOU to these ladies for working behind the scenes to making things work, even doing so remotely! We appreciate all you do!! From Anonymous
To LaNelle Epps, Teacher of the Deaf And Hard of Hearing: Shout Out: for working with the IT department to find a “work around” solution to caption videos in canvas, and bring this training to teachers so that students with hearing differences can have equal access to instruction. From Anonymous
To Tracy Hathaway, Sandra Hilton, Cindy Evans & Jeanne White, Special Programs secretaries: An exuberant thank you to the ladies behind the scenes making our work feasible every day. From the Entire Special Programs Department
To Kim Mason, Lead Special Education Counselor: Thank you Kim for helping the special education counselors get started in a new school year under very unusual circumstances. Your assistance always makes situations less stressful and we appreciate your support. From Michelle Wallace
Shout Outs and Thank Yous for October
*NEW* Who to Contact?
Always contact your lead first.
If your lead cannot answer your questions use these contacts:
- has an IEP and attends school in the the BHS feeder pattern: contact Rebecca Morgan, ex 2755, cell 972-841-0704
- has an IEP and attends school in the CTHS feeder pattern: contact Charlene Rossander, ex 2719, cell 817-296-3899
- has an IEP and attends school in the SHS feeder pattern: contact Liz Fortune, jfortune@ems-isd.net, cell 817-937-5708
- has a Section 504 plan (regardless of feeder pattern): contact Allena Waters, ex 2764, cell 817-614-1304
- receives or is being considered for gen. ed dyslexia therapy (regardless of feeder pattern): contact Beth Epps, ex 2723 eepps@ems-isd.net cell 806-239-4864
- questions regarding special education, Lara Cantu, ex 2720, cell 817-688-9893
- questions regarding RtI or referral paperwork prior to notice/consent for initial evaluations for special education (regardless of feeder pattern): contact Beth Epps, ex 2723, cell 806-239-4864
- questions or issues regarding Success Ed products, contact Allena Waters, ex 2764, cell 817-614-1304
It is always our goal to respond to you within 24 hours. If you have not received an answer within 24 hours, please call and leave a message with one of the secretaries.
OneNote Special Programs Staff Notebook and Canvas
Special Programs Department Staff: The Special Programs Guidance Document and acknowledgment form are in the staff notebook. Please read the Guidance Document, print/sign the form, and submit to Tracy Hathaway by Sept. 25th
Teachers: The new Special Ed Teacher OneNote is available and can be found at this link Special Education Teacher OneNote
This is where you will find important forms, documents, and guidance.
The Special Programs Professional Learning Canvas course is available for all teachers and staff and is your resource for training videos, documents, and recorded webinars. You can self-enroll using the following link: https://emsisd.instructure.com/enroll/KY7EFD
There is a module for Remote Learning and a module for Contingency Plans.
Success Ed
When you receive a referral from RtI, please do not ever uncheck the "RtI" button in Enrollment and/or inactivate in Program Compliance. All students can receive RtI at any time and unchecking the button makes all information entered under RtI invisible in the program to everyone.
When you receive a referral from 504, please do not ever uncheck the "504" button in Enrollment. AFTER the ARD if a 504 student qualifies for Special Education services, you will need to change the status to "inactive" under Program Compliance...only AFTER the ARD if the student qualifies.
If you are new and do not have a username and password set up for Success Ed, please contact Allena Waters today.
Duty to Report
Texas law requires that any person suspecting that a child has been abused or neglected must immediately make a report. If there is an emergency, call 911 and then call the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) Texas Abuse Hotline at 1-800-252-5400. You can also make a report online at txabusehotline.org
Reporting suspected abuse or neglect is not limited to the home. The law requirements include reporting suspected abuse or neglect on the part of any persons responsible for a child’s care, custody, or welfare.
“Person responsible for a child’s care, custody, or welfare” means a person who traditionally is responsible for a child’s care, custody, or welfare, including:
- A parent, guardian, managing or possessory conservator, or foster parent of the child.
- A member of the child’s family or household as defined by Chapter 71.
- A person with whom the child’s parent cohabit.
- School personnel or a volunteer at the child’s school.
- Personnel or a volunteer at a public or private child-care facility that provides services for the child or at a public or private residential institution or facility where the child resides.
Professionals must make a report no later than the 48th hour after first suspecting a child has been abused or neglected or is a victim of an offense under Section 21.11, Penal Code.
Process Maps
Log in to Eduphoria
Choose Formspace
Choose Documents
Choose Special Programs
Choose Process Maps
The first choice is a master list of all of the maps available
How to request behavior support
Remind your administrator to complete the form.
- Log in to Eduphoria
- Choose Formspace
- Choose "Submit New Form" at the bottom left of page
- Choose Special Programs
- Choose "Behavior Support Request" based on your feeder pattern
This form is used for all students.
For students who have a current BIP, there is no need to submit a form. Please contact the behavior specialist(BS)/BCBA who supports your campus.
Reminder, before the ARD committee considers a FBA, all session summaries from the behavior support team (BS/BCBA) must be reviewed in an ARD meeting.
If you do not have any session summaries to review, please contact the BS/BCBA who support your campus and do not proceed with a request for an FBA.
Reminders about REEDs
REEDs are conducted in collaboration with all instructional and related service personnel
All assessment personnel are responsible for adding their own information to the REED
REEDs must to be sent to all assessment personnel involved with evaluation as soon as possible after the ARD meeting, but not to exceed 5 days after the meeting
In EMS ISD, timely review of a re-evaluation FIE is within 30 calendar days of the re-evaluation report date
Reminders about Transfers (Student enrolls with IEP)
Email Ettiquette Reminders
Do maintain a positive and professional tone
Do remember that email messages and text messages are subject to open records requests
Do use professional communication skills
Do proofread all emails
Do use proper grammar, spelling, and English usage in email
Do use attachments to send student names and ID numbers
- Do not discuss personnel or individual student issues or concerns via email or text
- Do not place any content of a confidential nature in an email/text message
- Do not use email as a tool for “venting” frustrations.
Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD Special Programs
Email: eepps@ems-isd.net
Website: https://www.emsisd.com/Page/561
Location: 1200 Old Decatur Road, Saginaw, TX, USA
Phone: 817-232-0880