F.L. Moffett Primary
"Bloom Where You're Planted" October 2023
It's A Great Day....To Learn Something New!
Upcoming Events:
- Fall Break-October 9th-13th
- October 16th-No School: Staff PD Day
- October 18th-Pk3 & PK4 Visit Fire Station
- October 18th-1st 9-weeks' Attendance Reward Incentive Activity
- October 19th-1st 9-weeks' Report Card Sent Home
- October 19th-2nd Grade Field Trip to the SFA Theatre
- Alphabet Parade-October 31st (PK3)
- Mask Parade-October 31st (PK4)
- Storybook Character Parade -October 31st (K-2nd)
- GT Nominations Accepted for Kinder, 1st, & 2nd Grades until End of October
- Red Ribbon Week-October 23rd-27th
- Thanksgiving Break-November 20th-24th
- Christmas Break-December 21st-January 3rd
Math Night: Math Rocks @ Moffett
School-Home Connection: How You Can Help at Home!
PreK- Check, initial, & clean out folders daily, practice fine motor skills at home:
- holding a pencil, scissor skills, pushing Lego blocks together (and pulling them apart), manipulating play dough, getting dressed with belts, buttons, zippers and snaps, using silverware while eating, opening food packages
Kinder-Check folders daily, look for high frequency words, practice naming letters and sounds, number recognition, and counting items to 20.
1st Grade -Read 10-15 minutes daily, practice high frequency words (each student has an individualized list), review counting by 2s, 5s, 10s, counting from 1 to 100 with fluency, practice addition facts up to 10
2nd Grade- Read each night for 15-20 mins, practice math facts, and money concepts like counting coins
Character Education:
For morning Power Up & Counseling with Mrs. Meeks this year, students will be focusing on a specific character trait each month.
2023-2024 Monthly Character Traits
- August - Enthusiasm
- September - Self-Control
- October - Discretion
- November - Gratefulness
- December - Generosity
- January - Determination
- February - Compassion/Forgiveness
- March - Creativity
- April - Patience
- May - Flexibility
Counselor Connection: Click the links below to download the Counselor's Newsletters
FLM Parents & Guardians:
Thank you for a great start to our 2023-2024 school year! It is our pleasure to spend each day learning and making memories with your students as they grow and prepare for the future. As a primary campus, our goal is to establish a love of learning for your students while providing a solid educational foundation to set your students up for success in school. Our campus theme this year is "Bloom Where You're Planted". We are so happy that your child has been planted at F.L. Moffett. We can't wait to see how much they grow this year under the guidance and support of our amazing faculty and staff at F.L. Moffett! Please let us know if there is anything we can do to better support your child
Purple Up,
Brandy Bennefield, Principal
Perla Araiza, Assistant Principal/Behavior Coordinator
Sally Wilburn, Assistant Principal/Behavior Coordinator
Brandy Bennefield, Primary Principal
Email: brandy.bennefield@centerisd.org
Website: centerisd.org
Location: F. L. Moffett Primary School, County Road 1431, Center, TX, USA
Phone: 936-598-6266