GES Grey Wolf Gazette
February 11, 2022
Happy Friday!
Dear Greenfield Families and Friends,
Our 1st-4th graders have been working hard on the Winter NWEA-Measure of Academic Progress Math and Reading assessments! I'm really proud of how they are taking their time, reading carefully and double checking their answers. ConVal students take these assessments three times a year. Results provide us with a snapshot of each student's individual progress each year and across their experience in the ConVal District. You can learn more about these tests here:
Miss Heard and Mrs. Goodspeed's classes enjoyed a trip to ConVal High School to visit the Applied Technology Center on Thursday. They were very excited to go on a field trip-even if was just up the road! They enjoyed learning about the different programs that are available at the ATC, such as Graphics, Woodworking, Engineering, Teacher Education, Computer Programming, Robotics and Digital Photo and Video Production. The ATC will be hosting an Open House tomorrow, 2/12/22 from 9:00-2:00pm if you would like to check it out too!
Our K-2 students will be heading over to the high school next Wednesday 2/16/22 to see a production of Frozen performed by the ConVal Drama Club.
Weather permitting, we will be heading over to the Greenfield Inn next Friday 2/18/22 for some sledding! This warm weather has certainly been enjoyable, but not so good for the snow! It looks like we are in for more warm weather late next week, so we will hold off on a final decision until we get a little closer to the date.
GES will be doing a Read-a-thon Fundraiser from March 1st-15th! Details will be sent home before the break. We will be reading in school together and encourage families to read at home together over the course of the two weeks. We will also have special guest readers from the community coming in to read to students!
It appears that we are over the recent bump in positive COVID-19 cases here at GES. That said, it is still important for families to monitor children for ANY symptoms and to keep symptomatic children home until they can be tested. We are seeing positive cases with mild symptoms of scratchy throats and headaches. If your child presents with ANY of the following symptoms please keep them home and call the school and schedule a rapid test.
- Headache
- Muscle pain or aches
- Sore or scratchy throat
- Cough
- Congestion or runny nose
- Fever or chills
- Fatigue
- Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting
- Loss of smell or taste
The ConVal District updated its guidance on Monday 1/10/22. You can find updated guidance regarding isolation and quarantine after a positive exposure or test result below.
Effective immediately, we will be emailing families to notify you of any potential close contacts that occur in school instead of calling individual families. Please don't hesitate to call me or the school nurse if you have any questions after being notified of a potential close contact. Please monitor your child for symptoms after receiving notification. Students who may have been exposed at school may continue to come to school as long as they do not have any symptoms.
If your child has been fully vaccinated, please send a photo or copy of the vaccination card to our school nurse, Alaina Slocomb at for our school records. Per the updated guidance, anyone who is fully vaccinated does not need to quarantine if a close household contact tests positive for COVID-19, as long as they are asymptomatic.
As part of our efforts to keep students and staff IN school as much as possible this year, we are able to perform rapid COVID tests for symptomatic students and staff. If your child develops symptoms at home, you now have the option to have your child tested at GES. Please keep them home and call our school nurse to schedule an appointment. If your child develops any symptoms while at school, we can test them here as well. We must have parent permission to perform a rapid test at school. If you have not already done so, please follow the directions below to sign your child up and provide consent to test.
To get started, please fill out the consent form with your permission to perform a COVID-19 test for your student at Greenfield Elementary School. This process should take no more than 5 minutes to complete using a computer or a smartphone.
1. First, click here
2. Then, enter this access code: K06QO0
3. Finally, enter your child’s information, and you’re done!
Note: If you need to provide consent for more than one child at GES, please complete the process once for each child using the same code. If you have children in other district schools, please use the code sent from the principal where your child attends.
Only students with completed consent forms are able to participate in testing. Testing empowers us to make these informed decisions about in-person learning and allows students, teachers, and staff to come to school with peace of mind.
Per our Reopening Plan, any child who is symptomatic with new or unexplained symptoms should stay home until they are tested for Covid-19 and receive a negative result.
Winter Weather and Outdoor Play:
We do go outside for recess every day unless it is dangerously cold or raining. As long as the "real feel" temperature outside is above 10 degrees, we will be outside at recess! Please be sure to send in appropriate winter gear for your child. This includes, snow pants, boots, jacket, gloves and a hat. You are welcome to have your child keep their gear here at school if you have an extra set. While we do have some extra gear, we are running low on gloves and mittens. If you are cleaning out used gear and happen to have any extra gloves or mittens, we will happily take them to restock our supply of extras here at GES!
Winter Benchmark Testing:
All students in grades K-4 will participate in winter benchmark testing in Math and Reading between January 31 and February 18. Students will be assessed using a variety of tests, including Aimsweb, NWEA-Measures of Academic Progress and PNOA (Primary Number and Operations Assessment). Teachers use the data to identify gaps in learning and develop lessons and interventions to support students. Results from the assessments will be shared with families no later than the end of the second trimester in March.
It is important that you check and update your children's after school pick up plans in Pick Up Patrol each day, especially if they have plans that may change on a daily basis. We will follow the plans that are entered in Pick Up Patrol. It's your responsibility to make sure the plans are correct. Thank you for your help!
In case you missed the news, morning snack/breakfast and lunch are free for all ConVal students this year, however if your child gets only milk at either meal there is a charge of $0.50. Please be sure to add money to your child's lunch account to cover the cost of milk if needed.
You can find the latest elementary menus here:
The Grey Wolf Gazette is now available on our website under the "What's Happening" button. You will be able to find previous editions by clicking on the View All News button. No more scrolling through your email to find the newsletter.
Have a wonderful weekend!
1/24-2/18/22: Winter Benchmark Testing K-4 (Math and Reading)
2/14-2/18/22: Special: PE/Health with Mrs. Parker! Don't forget your sneakers!
2/21/22: Winter Carnival! Stay tuned for details!
2/21-2/25/22: February Vacation!
2/28-3/11/22: Special: Music with Mrs. Petrick
3/1-3/15/22: GES Read-a-thon Fundraiser! Details coming home soon!
3/2/22: GES PTO Meeting at 5:30
3/7/22: NO SCHOOL-Teacher PD Day
3/8/22: NO SCHOOL-Town Voting Day and Teacher PD Day
3/14-3/25/22: Special: PE/Health with Mrs. Parker
3/28-4/8/22: Special: Art with Mr. Shultz and Library Residency with Mrs. Mack
4/6/22: GES PTO Meeting at 5:30
4/11-4/22/22: Special: PE/Health with Mrs. Parker
4/25-4/29/22: April Vacation!
5/2-5/6/22: NHDI comes back to GES! We are excited to welcome the New Hampshire Dance Institute back to GES for a week of dance and fun! Mark your calendar for the evening of Friday 5/6/22 for the family performance!
5/4/22: GES PTO Meeting at 5:30
GES has a facebook page! You can find the link here:
The ConVal School District has news blog to serve as a hub for the latest updates, information and news about the district’s schools, students, faculty, events and accomplishments.
The blog, is integrated into the schools and District’s Facebook and Twitter accounts and will automatically broadcast news blog content onto these platforms, connecting directly with the district community.
With a clean, user-friendly and mobile responsive layout, the news blog allows for easy navigation throughout. It can be accessed on computers, cell phones and tablets. Community members can subscribe and be notified by email when new posts are published.
Parents/guardians, students, staff, and community members should still utilize the district’s main website,, to access the District-wide calendar of events, contact information, school committee meeting notices and minutes, important documents and notices and to view general information about the district and its schools.
What's Happening in First Grade?
Our first-grade crew is hard at work building our math, reading, and writing skills. This week we celebrated the 100th day of school on Wednesday afternoon with a STEM building challenge. We are excited about our field trip to see the Frozen play at ConVal High School next week.
In literacy, we are reading words with a variety of short and long vowel patterns, blends, digraphs, and even some multi-syllable words! We love when it's our turn to lead the daily Quick Dash review. Each week we practice reading words in isolation using word lists, games, and blending boards. We also work on our fluency by reading phrases, sentences, and short stories together. We always read once to ourselves, once with a partner, and once with Mrs. Barnes or Mrs. Burnett because repeated reading helps us become smoother more automatic readers. We are learning sight words by connecting them to their letter-sound patterns and identifying which words don't follow the rules we know. We have to learn those rule-breakers by heart! Along with our reading practice each week, we have spelling practice too. Our favorite way to practice spelling words with the patterns we are learning is through an activity called Guess and Groove. If you guess the correct word and spell it right you get a fun dance, yoga, or fitness move to try!
First graders have been working on addition and subtraction within 20 using different strategies like "make a ten" to solve problems like 9 + 7. We break apart the 7 into 6 +1 and add the 1 to the 9 to make 10, then solve 10 + 6! We are getting so good at it that we are using mental math now!
We recently started working in small groups on getting our writing second-grade ready. If you see some eraser marks on our papers it's because we are really trying to slow down and do our best work! We've been researching polar animals and writing all about them. Did you know a walrus can whistle and sing? We wrote about that this week!
Grades 3 and 4 ATC Tour!
Community Events
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Souhegan Valley Boys & Girls Club! Find out more about Before & After School Care at GES!
News from the Souhegan Valley Boys and Girls Club!
Looking for Before or After School care for your children? Check out the Boys & Girls Club! They have different options to meet the needs of all our families-come one day a week or all 5! They also have a punch card for occasional use! The Club is up and running and accepting registrations for before and after school care at GES. The program will once again serve Greenfield, Francestown and Hancock students. Before school care is available from 6:00am-8:20am and After School care is available from 3:20pm until 6:00pm. Registration information can be found on the Club’s website If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Alyssa Nykanen at or Catherine Kendall at
Connect with us!
Location: 860 Forest Road, Greenfield, NH 03047, USA
Phone: 603-547-3334
Twitter: @ges_royc