Hometown School Newsletter
March 14, 2023
Bencik's Buzz
Hometown Families:
We are even closer to spring break! Students will start spring break on March 27th. We will return to school on April 3rd. We are also looking forward to our Special Person's Day on Friday March 17th. Please be sure to wear green!
We need your help. We are half way there! We only have 10% of families who have taken the 5Essentials Survey. Please help the school get the 20%. Please see the link below to take the survey.
Special Person's Day
We are excited to have our special guests with us on Friday from 8:45-10:45. Please do not park in the lot as it is available for our special education students. Please park along the side streets. Please enter door 1 and proceed to the MPR room for a brief check in and introduction. You will then go down to your child's classroom for the morning and move according to their schedule.
Please turn in the summer school forms for ESY if you have not already done so. If you need a new form, please reach out to your teacher. They are due April 7th.
Chorus Concert
Our chorus students will participate in a concert on Wednesday, March 15th at OLHMS starting at 7pm. We are very excited for this opportunity to sing with Hannum and the middle school students.
Our PTA meeting scheduled for April 6th will be moved to Wednesday, April 5th at 6pm. Google Meet will come out closer to the event.
Title 1 Family Math Night
We had an amazing time at our annual Title 1 Math Night hosted by our Math and Lit Support Teams. This free family event is provided through money from a Title 1 grant. Games like giant UNO, Math Fact Jenga, Math Headbandz and so much more were a huge hit with parents and kids. Thanks to the amazing Hometown staff who helped run the games and events. It is always fun for kiddos to bring their parents to school and it is even more fun when you can challenge them to some games. At the end of the event, games were raffled off to the families who attended. To quote Fred Donaldson, "Children learn as they play; most importantly, in play, children learn how to learn."
Brother vs. Sister Yahtzee!
Who won? Dad or son?
Math Fact Headbandz
Fifth Grade Testing
Our fifth grade students will begin the Illinois Science Assessment next week. Students will be taking three science, state tests during the week. We ask that the students get extra rest, have a good breakfast, and have charged chromebooks.
Parent University- Wednesday March 15th
“It Starts With You" - Restorative Practices for Families - Part 2
School District 123 is continuing to ensure students and classrooms are “Learning Ready” and
working toward creating positive and inclusive environments for all. This spring, leadership
teams and staff members have embarked upon training and discussions regarding the role
restorative practices plays within the culture, climate, and disciplinary structure of district
schools. During this Parent University, a representative from the Restorative Group will be
sharing information about building strong relationships at home while improving the connection
with your child and increasing their confidence. This is the second of a six-part Parent University
series on the topic that will run through the spring and fall of 2023. Part 3 will take place on
April 13, 2023, with the remainder of the sessions scheduled for the Fall of 2023.
Calling All Kindergarten Families for the 2023-24 School Year
If you will have a child that will turn 5 by September 1st, please begin registration for the upcoming school year.
Use the link to register.
Mobile Dentist
Our building will be hosting the mobile dentist starting tomorrow, Wednesday, March 15 th and Thursday, March 16th.
Back Parking Lot
Please note the back parking lot is for staff only! Parents CANNOT pull into the lot to drop off students.
5Essentials School Survey
We are looking for your input! Please let us know how we are doing! Complete the survey.
We are only at 10% of a response rate. We need your help to make our goal of 20%. Please take a moment to ensure your voice is part of the process by participating in the survey. The 5Essentials survey helps school administrators in District 123 prioritize and plan for the upcoming school year. Our school will only receive the results of the survey if enough families, staff, and students participate.
WEAR GREEN- March 17th
Help us celebrate St. Patrick's Day on Friday. Wear green!
Volunteer Opportunities
If you are interested in volunteering for our PTA events, please visit the signup genius and Facebook.
District 123 is hiring! Please see the flyer and visit our website under employment.
Spring Picture Day
We will have spring pictures on Thursday, March 22nd. If you will be taking sibling pictures, please return the form sent home.
PTA Nominations
We are looking to fill spots on our PTA board. If you are interested or know someone who would be great at it, please fill out the form below. Please note, we will work alongside of you and not leave anyone alone.
Utility Assistance
If you are a family that could use some extra assistance with utilities, please review the flyer.
Mobile Dentist
The mobile dentist will be at Hometown next week Wednesday and Thursday. If you have not filled out the paperwork but would like your child to participate, please reach out to our nurse.
Teacher Spotlight: Five Fun Facts About Your Teacher
Five Fun Facts about Ms. Gomez
1. Favorite place she has traveled to is Florida with her daughters, Mia and Ava.
2. Enjoys summers at the lake on their family pontoon boat. Her dog loves to sunbathe on the boat!
3. Is 50% Irish and loves to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day!
4. Favorite holiday is Christmas!
5. Has been teaching for 24 years and kindergarten is her favorite grade to teach!
She's southside Irish
Happiness is family and palm trees.
Holidays and matching pjs
Bring A Special Person to School
We will have our students bring a special person to school on March 17th. Please see the attached flyer for details. We are excited to bring in all of our special guests.
Preschool/Kindergarten Registration
Please register your child for the upcoming school year for Preschool/Kindergarten. The links are provided.
2023-2024 Preschool Registration is now open!
For more information and to start the process please visit:
2023-2024 Kindergarten Registration is now open!
For more information and to start the process please visit:
Save the Date
Please see the attached flyer for tacos and trivia.
Principal Hometown School
Email: abencik@d123.org
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @AmandaBencik
Hometown Elementary School
Website: d123.org/hometown
Location: 8870 S Duffy Ave, Hometown, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @d123hometown