HPS Headlines
Friday 16th February 2024

Head's Welcome
Can you believe we're already halfway through the academic year? Then again...we've been so busy that it's easy to see how time has flown by!
There's so much to catch you up on that I won't keep you reading my welcome, except to take this opportunity to thank all of our amazing staff for their hard work and dedication. And to our wonderful parents, thanks for being such supportive partners in your child's education. Finally, thank you to boys and parents giving up their time to support our Open Morning on 24th February.
Wishing everyone an enjoyable half-term, and to everyone celebrating Lunar New Year - very happy celebrations to you and your families!
Sam Naismith
Recent HPS Highlights!
🛁 Year 7 enjoyed an excursion to Bath this week to learn about the Roman baths and utilise their Latin knowledge, examining a collection of Roman epigraphy. A historic day out!
🏉 Well done to Year 3 who played their first rugby fixture for Homefield. It was great to see the boys determination and team work on the pitch!
🎶 The Year 4s have been hard at work preparing their recorder versions of 'Carnival of the Animals'. Here they are working on 'March of the Royal Lion!'
🧠Year 2 were able to practise their problem solving skills in our carousel of tasks related to fractions. They were able to interpret manipulatives and transfer this understanding to their knowledge of fractions.
🖍️ During Reception’s free flow session today, a small team of boys came together to create their very own Space theme masterpiece using the jumbo chalks. Just look at this incredible art work!
🏗️Super impressed with some of the amazing settlements that have been designed by Year 4 (Aun, Jaydon and Arjun). In History, we have been looking at how land can be used in different ways and how settlements have developed over time.
🌊"In Geography, Year 1 had to plan, design and build a home that would withstand a flood. We were so impressed with how well they worked in teams and how creative they were!" - Miss Rowe
🪨Year 3 are comparing landscapes and observing how they have changed over time. This lesson, we are looking at Epsom and how it’s transformed over the past century.
💧In Geography, Year 6 have been learning the importance of the water cycle and its impact on our climate.
Subject Summaries
Art: Boys in Lower and Upper School are finishing their projects, with new ventures starting after half term. A slight hiccup with the laser cutter needing a replacement part, so Year 7 are now moving on to a self portrait project, while their lighting assignment is put on pause. Year 8 will be starting their eco-house project after they have completed their oil paints. Year 4, 5 and 6 will be starting their DT projects when they come back from half term.
Computing: In Computing we’ve been studying Safer Internet Week’s theme of “Change in Technology”. Across the year groups we’ve looked at influencers and whether they can be good or bad; persuasive design techniques and how they affect our behaviours; changes and how we react to them and how tech can change in the future. This is on top of our regular curriculum ranging from coding to animation and various stops in between.
English: The boys have rounded off the term with such great effort in English. Year 3 have been using inspiration from Roald Dahl’s poetry 'Dirty Beasts' to write their own, using a character they created. Year 4 identified the success criteria for writing and reading comprehensions and applied these to some extended tasks. Year 5 have analysed characters and poetic techniques in the narrative poem of ‘The Highway Man.’ Year 6 have reflected on the vast array of poetic techniques that have been introduced, analysed and applied in context throughout their War Poetry module. Year 7 have been concentrating on descriptive writing techniques. Finally, Year 8 have been refining their exam technique in preparation for the forthcoming mock exams.
French: Over the last two weeks, boys In Upper School have been working hard towards their mid-year assessments. Congratulations to all on their hard work with revision, you can be very proud of your efforts! In the meantime, Lower School have been continuing to develop their vocabulary with Year 1 working on different types of animals and Year 2 learning about the items in their pencil case. Lessons have been full of games and interactive work to help embed their writing and pronunciation skills.
Geography: It’s been an inspirational couple of weeks in geography with lots of discussion, questioning, creating and learning. Year 3 have been planning a fieldwork investigation to compare human and physical features in their local area as well as observing how cities have changed over time. Year 4 have been focusing on different settlements and their function. The boys have designed and created some outstanding settlements of their own. Year 5 and Year 7 have been having some inspiring discussions on migration and sharing their own incredible experiences with the class. Year 6 have been learning about the ever changing weather, the climate and the water cycle. Year 8 have been reinforcing their map reading skills as well as revisiting all aspects of development which has led to some thought- provoking discussions.
History: History classrooms have been busy this week at Homefield as we have been analysing photographic evidence of the Blitz in Year 5. The boys were shocked by pictures of mannequins scattered across Oxford Street after one particularly powerful blast. I've been really impressed with the effort that the boys have put into their homework this week and have given a crest to Veer and Leo in Year 5 for their interactive posters about The Battle of Britain. Finally, Year 6 have been dancing (Tudor style!) to experience life at Elizabeth I's court. Kamran in 6S was a superstar when it came to executing some of the trickier moves!
Maths: There has been a buzz of excitement this week in the Upper School as 38 boys across Years 5 and 6 competed in the bonus round of the Primary Mathematical Challenge. Our boys performed incredibly well and put their critical thinking skills to the test. Well done boys! As a department, we look forward to awarding you with your maths badges after the half-term. Year 3 have continued to delve deeper into multiplication and division, exploring the relationship between the 3 and the 6 times tables and division facts. Year 4 have consolidated their understanding of adding and subtracting fractions including converting fluently between mixed number and improper fractions. Year 6 have been calculating percentage increase and decrease with percentage change, and converting between fractions and decimals. Year 7 have investigated the four operations with fractions and Year 8 have been revisiting key topics in preparation for their mock assessments.
P.E. & Games: On Monday 5th February, the U13 played their final rugby game of the season away at Cumnor House. For the Year 8 boys it was their last rugby fixture for the school and they came back with a win for the 1st 2nd and 3rd teams. First team Captain, Oscar, was outstanding and Petro put in a valiant performance. Super tackling from Keller and try scoring by Damon, rounded off a perfect afternoon. On Tuesday, the U8 boys all played tag rugby at home against Chinthurst. The Red team were fantastic. In a very close contest, Harin scored no less than 8 tries. The Blue team narrowly lost 8-9 with great tries by Arish and Aaron. The Yellow and Green teams combined and played out a super match just losing in the last minutes 13-15. Yohaan was outstanding, scoring 6 tries. Well done, boys.
Science: It has been another busy couple of weeks in the science labs with the boys learning new scientific skills along with their course content. Year 3 are learning about different types of teeth, Year 4 have either been experimenting with sound or using their new Bunsen burner licenses to carry out heating investigations, and Year 5 have either been researching renewable energy resources or carrying out a parachute investigation. Year 6 have just started their acids and alkalis topic and have enjoyed using universal indicator to test pH values. Year 7 have been getting to grips with the properties of light, and Year 8 have just started forces.
STEAM: Years 4, 5 and 6 have continued work perfecting their entries to the Leader's Award competition while Year 3 have been introduced to their next project - making working fairground models which will link together their circuits work in science and test their precision in engineering skills. In the Lower School, Reception and Year 2 have continued towards their CREST awards while Year 1 have spent time reflecting and evaluating their vehicles project prior to moving onto their next project.
Lower School Summary
In Reception, we have been working on adding one more and one less with numbers to 20 as well as working on forming these numbers correctly. Our focus text has been 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and we have written sentences about what the caterpillar ate. In Year 1, we have continued with our focus text 'Through the Magic Mirror' and written a continuation of this familiar text. In art, we made our own magic mirror to match the one that Toby walks through in the story. In Year 2, we have continued to deepen our learning on fractions by finding unit and non-unit fractions of amounts and explored how to compare equivalent fractions visually. In History, we have begun learning about different explorers and what their experiences were on their expeditions.
Sport Report
On Monday 5th February, the U13 played their final rugby game of the season away at Cumnor House. For the Year 8 boys it was their last rugby fixture for the school and they came back with a win for the 1st 2nd and 3rd teams. First team Captain, Oscar, was outstanding and Petro put in a valiant performance. Super tackling from Keller and try scoring by Damon, rounded off a perfect afternoon.
On Tuesday, the U8 boys all played tag rugby at home against Chinthurst. The Red team were fantastic. In a very close contest, Harin scored no less than 8 tries. The Blue team narrowly lost 8-9 with great tries by Arish and Aaron. The Yellow and Green teams combined and played out a super match just losing in the last minutes 13-15. Yohaan was outstanding, scoring 6 tries. Well done, boys.
Homefield Heroes
Reception: Ali for always being so polite and helpful, Kieran for working so hard in phonics, Ethan for great reading and working hard in >aths, and Aadit for being caring to his friends and working hard in English and Maths.
Year 1: Ali for his beautiful magic mirror design and finished piece, Michael- for his great work in English, Theo for excellent effort in phonics this week, and Shahmeer for super money work in Maths!
Year 2: Connor for amazing independent work and effort in his learning, Andrey for fantastic effort and motivation in his learning, Iniyan for working really hard to improve his handwriting and putting in his best effort into the work he produces, and Alan for continuing to show enthusiasm in lessons, making excellent contributions in class and showing great understanding in our Maths lessons.
Year 3: Ian for his super focus and excellent contributions to lessons, Roshan for excellent efforts in his work, across all lessons, Ethan for working hard and always wanting to challenge himself, and Zain for his politeness and good manners, setting an excellent example to others.
Year 4: Jaydon for being a brilliant role model to his peers, Hussain for his efforts in producing producing high standards of work, Keshav for his drive and determination to complete work to a high standard, and Charlie for his excellent manners and being a caring friend.
Year 5: Oscar greatly enjoyed the Epsom Music trip and was very enthusiastic about the experience. Ansel has improved his effort in English lessons and shown real enthusiasm and Leo has been helpful in lessons and has been a great role model in his new Form Captain position.
Year 6: Hanchen has been a supportive buddy to our new student, Jerrry, helping him to successfully settle in and make new friends, Kian has demonstrated a mature attitude and increased responsibility for his role as Vice Captain, and Alex H has shown support and encouragement to Lower School boys, during morning school sports club.
Year 7: Kaiyan for his maturity and enthusiasm during the Bath trip and Zaidan for his strong push in lessons and having the most house points in the year group.
Year 8: Denis for his work in English and catching up with his work despite being ill and Henry for his outstanding presentation on black holes.
Artwork of the Week
Rohan, Year 3 completed his final piece for the Art and Music project. His work is inspired by Kandinsky, his own music and emotions.
Dates for your Diary
Saturday 24th February: Open Morning for prospective parents
4th - 8th March: Book Week: we will be holding a Book Fair after school during the week which will be held in the LRC - CARD PAYMENT ONLY
Friday 8th March: Dress Up Day: boys come to school dressed as a favorite book character. We will also be collecting donations for a local charity.
Usborne Books
Hello Parents.
Just a quick message to let you all know that I am selling Usborne Books. There is a vast range of books available from baby sensory books, lift the flap books, look inside books, books targeted at certain topics as well as books to read for leisure.
If you are interested, please visit my Instagram page which is: to_booksandbeyond_ or visit my website which is: www.usborne.com/gb/partner/2booksandbeyond!
Ordering is very simple. You order through my website, simply select the books that you want and checkout as you usually would. The books will come straight to your door. If you wish to put in a bigger order for birthdays, parties, events etc please let me know, I can take a bank transfer from you and then order through my partner system which may result in some extra freebies!
Happy Reading!
Miss Bruton 😊
Homefield Insights - Children's Mental Health Week
‘Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously.’ ~ Article 12, The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
‘My Voice Matters.’ The theme of this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week has struck a chord with all of us at Homefield Prep. Long gone are the days of the teacher dictating from the blackboard. Walking through the corridors this week, I was struck by the numerous opportunities that our boys have to speak up, collaborate and be part of our community – both in and out the classroom.
In lessons, oracy and discourse are championed across the curriculum through debates, discussions and presentations from a very young age. Group work allows boys to establish relationships with peers, consider others’ points of view and have the opportunity to share their opinions and feel valued. ‘Purple pen’ in exercise books represents our students’ reflections on their work, responses to marking and – in many cases – allows boys to complement teacher feedback with their own examples of self-assessment and peer-assessment too.
Our boys are actively encouraged to take on positions of responsibility – form captain, sports leader and language ambassador, to name just a few – which in turn provides them with a platform to ensure that their voice is heard and sincerely does matter. Naturally, the student council provides a perfect opportunity for boys across the school to contribute to whole-school development and see the impact of their work and how it benefits their peers: a highly rewarding and gratifying experience.
A broad range of extra-curricular opportunities allows the students to have their voice heard outside of the classroom walls. Those in Gardening Club have, over the years, helped to design the garden and grow fruit and herbs that bring the whole school such pleasure. In addition, the Debating, Planet Protectors and Model United Nations clubs offer rich and exciting opportunities for pupils to participate in activities that promote pupil voice, aiming to instil our boys with confidence when sharing their views. Students are encouraged to join a range of other extra-curricular groups, particularly within the sports and music departments – communicating with teammates in a high-stakes rugby fixture and working together as one orchestra to play a beautiful piece of music are just two more examples of students ensuring that their voice matters, both as individuals and as a community.
It has been a pleasure to celebrate pupil voice during this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week – but it goes without saying that ‘my voice matters’ is a concept that applies to more than just one week of the academic year. Pupil voice is to be constantly nurtured, valued and, above all, listened to if we are to establish a genuine love of education for all of the boys under our care – a challenge that we, as a school, are genuinely delighted to undertake.
Written by Ms Auty
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