Schultz's Super Stars
Room 205
12/11- 12/15
Wow, Winter Break is already here. It doesn't seem like half of the school year is already done.
I am sending a small packet home with your child. It is not mandatory, but will give your child a little extra practice through out break. On the tracing sheets, your child can trace it multiple times in different colors. Also feel free to use the QR code that is stapled in your child's yellow folder for extra educational activities.
On Wednesday we did Holiday rotations. The kids made "Reindeer food," attempted a twisty candy cane, played musical chairs and pin the nose on Rudolph, had a snowball fight, and a holiday coloring sheet. The kids had lots of fun switching classrooms.
Our party was Thursday. The kids always enjoy getting to eat sweets. A big Thank You! to the parents who brought something to share.
I cannot stress this enough. I send out reminds and emails so you all know what is going on at school. Ms Ellis also sends out messages through remind. Also please check your child's back pack/folder. Sometimes a week goes by with nothing being sent home, but always check.
Happy Holidays!!!!! We will see you all next year!
Dates To Remember
12/18-1/2- No School -Winter Break
1/4- Report Cards go home
1/15- MLK JR Day- No School