The Blackhawk Flyer
November 2023
Principal's Corner
Primary Families,
Can you believe we are only two weeks away from Thanksgiving Break? This school year is going to be over before you know it. October was very busy but November is shaping up to be much slower. This week is our second club meeting. This is something new we are trying this year at the Primary. We want to build relationships with all of our students and teachers across different grade levels. Students chose a club that interested them and every two weeks they meet with their club for 30 minutes. We hope to wrap up this semester with clubs in December and let students choose a new club in January.
November is a month to give thanks. We want to continue our tradition of sending our wonderful staff members "Notes of Gratitude" from our parents/community. Please fill out this survey and tell us who/what you are grateful for here at the Primary. Each day the week of November 13th, I will be sharing your notes with our staff members. We appreciate you so much.
This year our PTO is bringing the Penguin Patch back to the Primary. PTO would appreciate your help in working it to give our kiddos the best experience shopping for their loved ones. If you would like to sign up to help our kiddos shop, please click this link.
Here is a look of events for the month of November:
- Friday, November 10th-Veteran's Day Assembly @ PRHS-1:00 pm
- Friday, November 17th-Mid Quarter Reports go home
Darah Bennett
Nurse Notes
We have several coats, jackets, lunch boxes and water bottles in the lost and found. If your child is missing one of these items please have them look. It is most likely here!
We are in need of some things in the nurse’s office.
Bright Futures has been very generous and helped out when there is a need and we are so thankful! If anyone would like to help with supplies please let me know or you can drop off at the nurse’s office.
Some Items that are needed in the nurse’s office are boys underwear sizes 4-5, 6-7 and 8-10. Sweatpants for both boys and girls size 4-5 up to 14-16. Gently used coats and gloves are also needed. It has been cold out and some of the students are needing a warm coat to keep them warm while playing outside. Healthy snacks such as cheez its, saltine crackers, peanut butter crackers and small bottles of water.
There are a lot of illnesses going around. Please make sure your child is fever free without medication for 24 hours before returning to school.
Also, If your child is needing Immunizations please make an appointment and let me know so that I can make note of it and they won’t be sent home. Also, If you have filed for an exemption through the Arkansas Dept of Health please let me know. Thank you all for getting this done.
We have some wonderful parents, students and staff at the Pea Ridge Primary and I feel blessed to be a part of this community!
Thank you all,
Nurse Rhonda
Counselor Corner-Ms. Brodie
Hello Primary Families!!
I can't believe it is already November! What an amazing semester we've had so far! I like to spend this time of year talking with students about gratitude and all the different things we can be thankful for everyday. During my lessons, we are learning how to have an "attitude of gratitude." When we have an attitude of gratitude, we can turn our sad moments into happy ones by thinking of all the things we are thankful for. We are practicing showing gratitude by writing "Thank You" postcards to share with people we are thankful for. Another fun activity you can do at home is create a gratitude jar! We can write notes about positive outcomes and the things we're thankful for, and put them in the jar!
We are fortunate to have another Angel Tree for our Pea Ridge community! If your family needs extra support for the holidays, please fill out the form below. To apply, you must have a student in Pea Ridge Schools, or live within the boundaries of the Pea Ridge School District. All applications will need to be submitted by November 20th. Angel Tree 2023
Please continue to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. :)
Kelsey Brodie
Book Nook-Mrs. Hamilton
Hello Blackhawk Readers! Thank you so much for all your support during our October Book Fair! Book
Fairs are fundraisers for the school library, so not only are you getting books for your home, but you are
helping to build our collection here in the library! Also, thank you for all your support during our Fall
Festival. We hope you had a great time with your family! This is not only a favorite event for the
community, but it is a favorite for us as well. We love to see those smiling faces!
During library, we are learning to make connections to the books we are reading. Finding a connection
to what we are reading helps us understand the book better, remember what we are reading, and it
helps us engage with the text, making reading more enjoyable. As you are reading books together as a
family, I encourage you to look for these connections together. Is there something in the story that
reminds you of another story you have read? Or maybe you can relate to one of the characters? Even
things in the world around us can help us connect to the books we are reading. In fact, this is probably
the most common connection we make as we learn about new people, places, and things! But don’t
forget the greatest connection of all…connecting with your child over a good book! PRICELESS!