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Inland Lakes District Newsletter
Superintendent Newsletter for February
Let's Tell our Story Bulldogs!
Dear ILS Guardians/Parents:
I hope this message finds you well. I would like to share information from the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) about Inland Lakes Schools and our overall improvement during the 2022-2023 school year. My hope for this letter is to acknowledge the contributions of every individual within our school organization. Together, we have demonstrated the strength of teamwork and the positive impact it can have on the Indian River community. As always, we have areas that we need to improve but today we can celebrate our overall growth during the 2022-2023 school year.
The School Index Report from the MDE is a comprehensive document that provides valuable insights into the performance and overall progress of our school. It is a product of diligent evaluation and analysis conducted by the MDE, offering a complete view of all areas here at Inland Lakes Schools. This report incorporates multiple factors to assess our school's overall performance, including student proficiency, growth, graduation rates, and other key metrics.
The report is structured to offer a detailed breakdown of different indicators, allowing us to grasp where we excel and where there's room for enhancement. It provides a nuanced perspective that goes beyond simple test scores, emphasizing growth, equity, and various elements that contribute to a well-rounded education.
The table above provided by MI School Data https://www.mischooldata.org/ highlights Inland Lakes growth between the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 school year. If interested, you can see all public school index reports by going to the website above- by clicking K-12, school accountability and school index report.
Should you have any questions or need further clarification regarding the School Index Report or any other aspect of our educational programs, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Warm regards,
Elizabeth Fairbanks
Inland Lakes Schools
231-238-6868 #163
Save the Date for Monday, Feb. 5th for Coffee and Conversation
IL 2024 Bond Website
Inland Lakes Schools
Register to VOTE
IL Elementary Supporting the Detroit LIONS!
New IL Website and App
Save the Date for the K-12 Open House -Wednesday, May 1st
SAVE THE DATE for the Class of 2024- Thursday, May 23rd
Save the Date for the 3rd Annual Broomball Fundraiser
2nd place- Thunder Bay International Film Festival - Congratulations ILS News
Congratulations to Sam Schoonmaker, Maggie Grant, Connor Wallace, Payton Teuthron, and Thomas Zaryczny for your 2nd place award at the Thunder Bay International Film Festival!
Congratulations to the Barkers of the Week
5th Grade Students - Created a Snowman Family to Welcome our K-5 Students
Physical Science with Mrs. Cindy Morley
Making Waves in Physical Science
Photo courtesy of Mrs. Cindy Morley
Financial Aid Night- Monday, Feb. 5th
IL 2024 FAQ Bond Information
1. How much money would the bond proposal generate?
The proposal would generate $15,100,000 for district wide facility improvements.
2. What projects would the May 2024 bond proposal fund, if approved?
If approved, this bond proposal would provide $15.1 million dollars for major projects at both the Secondary and Elementary schools in the district for 15 years following the approval of the bond. The elementary school will feature an upgrade to security camera systems, parking lot and drainage improvements, select LED lighting replacements, interior renovations, and updates to the heating control system. The secondary school will have similar upgrades, including updates to security cameras, select heating system upgrades, roof replacement, and interior and exterior renovations. Additionally, a renovation in the secondary building will create an appropriately designed space for the Career & Technical education training program, as well as updates to district-wide technology, two additional buses, and upgrades to the elementary playground equipment.
3. How was the bond scope determined?
The district regrouped following a past unsuccessful bond proposal and reassessed facility needs, prioritized the most important facilities improvements, hosted multiple community forums and planning sessions, and arrived at the bond proposal.
4. How long will it take to complete the bond program?
If this bond proposal is approved, projects would be completed over the course of three years. Although the bond proposal’s planning phase was thorough, substantial design development is necessary before generating construction for each project. This timeline will remain flexible to accommodate extensive input from students and staff throughout the design process.
5. Where can I find more information about the bond?
You can find more information about proposed bond projects, financials, and election information at inlandlakes.org/bond.
6. Will this proposal change my tax rate?
The bond proposes no estimated tax rate increase over the current rate.
7. How much will the bond cost taxpayers?
This bond is not anticipated to change tax rates.
8. How do community members know the bond funds will be used responsibly?
Michigan law mandates that the use of bond proceeds must undergo an audit, and such funds are prohibited from covering repair or maintenance costs, salaries for teachers, administrators, or employees, and other operating expenses. An audit will be conducted upon the completion of each project financed with a specific bond series to verify compliance with these regulations.
9. What can the Bond funds be used for? What can Bond funds NOT be used for?
Allowed expenses include major remodeling, new construction, technology, furniture, land acquisition and purchasing buses. Bond funds cannot be used for facility and bus repairs, maintenance, instructional materials, teacher, or administrative salaries.
10. Where can I find voting information?
The following webpage provides official information to voters.
11. If I rent a house, can I vote? How would my taxes increase if I rent a house?
Yes, if you rent a house within the district and reside there as your primary residence, you can still vote. As a renter, unless you are responsible for paying the property taxes, your taxes would not increase.
12. How is an absentee ballot obtained?
Absentee voter ballots are available to any registered voter. Registered voters must complete and submit an application online at mi.gov/sos. Click “Elections” on the top menu, and then click on “Voter Information” then click on “Absent Voter Ballot Application.” Absentee ballots are available by late February through May 3, 2024.
13. Where and when will the vote occur?
Registered voters may cast a ballot at the polling location established by their city/township. If you have any questions or do not know where you vote, please contact your city/township office. The election will be held on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.
Thank you FOILS for the Donation for our Interactive Smartboards! Go Bulldogs!
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If you have any questions- Contact Us!
Email: efairbanks@inlandlakes.org
Website: https://www.inlandlakes.org/
Location: 4363 South Straits Highway, Indian River, MI, USA
Phone: 2312386868
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ilsecondary