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Physical Therapy Leadership Group (PTLG)
The next meeting of the Physical Therapy Leadership Group (PTLG) will be Feb. 21 from noon -12:30 p.m. The group is open to any physical therapist or physical therapist assistant. Attendance is free and registration in advance is not required. Select the link below at the specific date and time to join:
Tuesday, Feb 21, 2023, 12:00 PM
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February Resource of the Month
TxSpot's Resource of the Month is Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd Edition, by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. In addition to info about the health benefits of physical activity, this helpful resource includes guidelines for active children and adolescents (including real-life examples). Check out February's Resource of the Month via the link below.
Dismissing Students from School-Based Occupational or Physical Therapy Services
- Is a reevaluation required to dismiss a student from occupational therapy or physical therapy services in Texas?
- Can a student be dismissed from services at an annual ARD/IEP meeting or only at a REED or 3-year reevaluation meeting?
- What are some considerations for dismissing a student from occupational therapy or physical therapy services at school?
Read the Feature Article via the link below:
Interdisciplinary Collaborative Goals
Many wonder whether school-based OTs and PTs should develop their own "stand alone" goals or support collaborative goals developed by members of the student's Individualized Education Program team. A recent guide by the American Occupational Therapy Association, American Physical Therapy Association, and American Speech-Language-Hearing Association helps guide stakeholders toward best practices.
Click below to read the "Joint Statement on Interprofessional Collaborative Goals in School-Based Practice (2022)".
2023 Biennial Conference: OT and PT Service Delivery in Schools: Policy, Research, and Best Practices
About TxSpot
TxSpot was developed so that occupational and physical therapists working in Texas schools would have a sustainable resource providing easy access to policy and practice information for supporting Texas schoolchildren.
TxSpot provides credible, authoritative information regarding federal and state education policy relevant to occupational therapy and physical therapy service to children in schools, and serves as an information depot for families, school personnel, and others.
TxSpot is a service of the Harris County Department of Education (HCDE), School-Based Therapy Services Division. HCDE is a public education entity dedicated to helping meet the needs of learners and school staff through innovative programming and support services.
TxSpot's Mission Statement:
“Advance best practices for physical therapy (PT) and occupational therapy (OT) service delivery in Texas schools by informing, educating, and modeling.”
Email: txspotsupport@hcde-texas.org
Website: www.txspot.org
Location: 6300 Irvington Boulevard, Houston, TX, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/txspot
Twitter: @HCDETxSpot