The Weekly Update #4
March 11th, 2023

President's Message by Dr. John Oppliger
Click on button to read President's message
Peer Review Articles
Yang Song, PhD, Kinesiology Department, Washburn University; Todd Davis, EdD, Division of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation; Franco Zengaro., PhD, Kinesiology Department, Jacksonville State University, Delta State University
Atrial Fibrillation in Athletes
Mr. Payton Paramore, ATS, and Dr. Lindsay Luinstra, DAT, MS, LAT, ATC Wichita State University
Considering Effects of COVID-19 on Student Success: The Aftermath
Shelly Grimes and John Oppliger, Pittsburg State University
Mental Toughness in Single and Multi-Sport Athletes
Cole Shewmake, Cathy Lirgg, and Shelby Hutchens: Pittsburg State University and University of Arkansas
Supporting Mental Health Through Physical Education
Cole J. Shewmake, Associate Professor; PhD David Boffey, PhD, CSCS, *D, CPT, Assistant Professor Department of Health, Human Performance Department of Health, Human Performance
and Recreation and Recreation, Pittsburg State University
and Recreation and Recreation, Pittsburg State University
Submitted Article
What 46 years has taught me!
Glen F. McNeil, Associate Professor, Health and Human Performance, Fort Hays State University
History of KAHPERD
"The History of KAHPERD Journal," by Historian, Rick Pappas
Click button to read article by Rick Pappas
Award Nominations
Member Spotlight
Winter Workshop Highlights, by Becky Keely
Click button or video for Winter Workshop Highlights.
KAHPERD Convention 2023 Information
Click on button for more information on 2023 KAHPERD Convention
KAHPERD Grants Video by Jackie Hall
Click on button or picture to watch Jackie's video.
Representing KAHPERD at SPEAK OUT Day
Thank you to Claudia Welch, Jackie Hall, and Sunnin Keosybounhaung for representing Kansas at SPEAK Out Day
Summer Coaching Clinic
April is Autism Awareness Month
Click on button or picture to learn more about Autism Awareness.
Earth Day April 22nd, 2023
Click on button to go to official Earth Day site.
How To Plan An Awesome Field Day By Ben Landers, The PE Specialist
Click on button to learn more.
Teri Lund
Teri is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters