New Tech News
Monthly School Newsletter - February
In This Edition...
- Student Leadership Updates
- Students of the Week - January
- Pathways to Paychecks Field Trip - Feb 24th
- Counselor's Corner
- Senior News & Announcements
- SRA Digital Creation Workshop
- Code Quest Team Mentoring
- ELPAC Testing Begins!
- Parent Power Hour/ELAC/SSC
- Stock the Staffroom - THANK YOU!
- Important Events & Dates
Student Leadership Updates
Spirit Week is Coming Up!
Fundraiser Alert! - VALENTINE'S GRAMS
Students of the Week - January
Pathways to Paychecks Field Trip!
If your student is or was enrolled in any of our computer science classes this year, they should have received a field trip form for Parents to sign. If you have not seen this field trip form, please ask your student about it. Field trip forms need to be signed and turned in by Wednesday, February 22nd.
Here is the tentative agenda for the event:
9:00-9:20 Welcome Session with Professor M. Little
9:30-10:30 Workshop Session 1
10:40-11:40 Workshop Session 2
11:40-12:00 Lunch
12:00-1:00 Workshop Session 3
1:10-1:30 CIS Programs Talk
1:35-2:40 Maker Space Tour with Professor Cappelletti
Web Development - Coding HTML/CSS
This is going to be a super fun and super informative field trip for our students!
Counselor's Corner
Reminder for 12th grade students: The FAFSA/CADAA applications need to be completed ASAP to get money for your future college or vocational programs. SCUSD has made this a graduation requirement for all seniors this year!
If you have not already completed your application, talk to your parents/guardians and ask them to help you gather the following documents and bring them to school:
1. Your social security number (if you have one) and birthdate
2. Parent/guardian social security numbers (if they have them)
3. Parent/guardian birthdates
4. Date of marriage or divorce of parents/guardians (if applicable)
5. Last year's IRS tax return forms (if applicable)
6. Last year's W-2 forms (if applicable)
12th grade parents, guardians, or students can also email Ms. Kim at kim.seyford@snths.org or click on this link here to schedule an appointment to work on the FAFSA or CADAA.
Order Your Cap and Gown TODAY!
You can visit our school website for information on ordering and the special link to Josten's just for our school!
Josten's also offers announcements and other graduation regalia for your senior.
All graduates must have the appropriate ceremony attire in order to participate in the graduation ceremony.
Here is the link to our school website and to order: Order Cap and Gown Here!
Square Root Academy (SRA) - Digital Creation Workshop at New Tech!
Digital Creation Class EVERY FRIDAY!
Every Friday from 4-5:30pm, Scholar Mentors from SRA are teaching our students about Digital Creation. They are using programs like Adobe Fresco and Garage Band to teach our students how to make their digital creation come to life!
This program is available to 25 New Tech Students. We have about 5 spaces left. Students who have not yet signed up but who are still interested in joining this program, should talk to Principal Martin and plan to attend the class this Friday, February 3rd.
This is a great opportunity for our students! This program is free for students and runs from January 27th - May 16th.
Code Quest Coding Competition - Mentorship by Lockheed Martin!
Join our Coding Club!
Student who are interested in joining the coding team for this event should plan to attend the Coding Club meetings every Wednesday after school in Room 4.
It's not too late to join!
ELPAC Testing Starts THIS MONTH!
The ELPAC is a mandatory test for all EL students.
There are 4 components to the test. Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing.
Last year, 5 of our EL students passed the test and were able to be redesignated. We would like to see more students achieve this goal this year.
For more information about the ELPAC, you can visit this website: https://www.elpac.org/resources/parent-resources/
Parent Power Hour!
We will be discussing the following topics and we really need to have parent participation and voice.
This month, we are going to merge the Parent Power Hour with the School Site Council and the ELAC Committee.
Please plan to join us to discuss:
- LCAP Goal and Funding - Mid Year Data Review
- 2023-24 School Budget
- Recruitment Ideas (We need more students)
- ELPAC Testing - 2022 Test Data
- Redesignating EL/IEP Students
We could also really use a parent volunteer to help translate for our Spanish Speaking parents! If you are interested in earning a couple extra participation hours by volunteering to translate, please email Principal Martin at jessica.martin@snths.org.
Please RSVP to this event!
Monday, Feb 27, 2023, 06:00 PM
1400 Dickson Street, Sacramento, CA, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Stock the Staffroom!
Every month, our principal decorates the staff lounge with a theme for the month. She displays all the treats that parents bring in. This is such a huge help and show of appreciation to our staff and teachers who are working so hard everyday to provide our students with the best academic experience possible.
Our teachers onLY get 30 minutes for lunch, and our passing periods are only 3 minutes long. We like to keep snacks handy for those days when lunch is forgotten on the counter, or we just need a little pick me up.
If you would like to contribute to our Stock the Staffroom Event, here are some ideas of things we like or need:
- Keurig Coffee Pods (Any flavors)
- Flavored Coffee Creamers
- Individually wrapped snacks (chips, crackers, granola bars, trailmix, candy)
- Cold Beverages (Sodas - we really like diet Mountain Dew, Sparkling Water, Bottled Water, Vitamin Water, or similarly flavored drinks)
Bring your receipt and we will credit you participation time 1 hour for every $10 spent!
Important Events & Dates
- 7th - School-wide Assembly on Responsibility
- 13th - NO SCHOOL Lincoln's Birthday
- 20th - NO SCHOOL President's Day
- 24th - CS Pathway Fieldtrip - Pathway to Paychecks
- 24th - Pajama Pants Day (No blankets)
- 27th - Parent Power Hour
- 1st - SAT Day for 11th Graders
- 23rd - Q3 Finals (School is out at 1:40)
- 24th - Q3 Finals (School is out at 1:40)
- 27th - Parent Power Hour
- 31st - Pajama Pants Day (No Blankets)
- CAASPP Test for 11th graders (Date TBA)
- 3rd - 7th SPRING BREAK
- 17th - 21st DOL Week (Minimum Days all week)
- 24th - Parent Power Hour
- 28th - Pajama Pants Day
- 11th - Spring Showcase!
- 24th-26th Senior Trip
- 26th - Pajama Pants Day
- 29th - NO SCHOOL Memorial Day
- 30th - Finals (School out at 1:40)
- 31st - Finals (School out at 1:40)
- 1st - Last Day of School and TECH FEST!
- 2nd - Graduation Ceremony @ Burbank Auditorium, 4:30pm
*more dates will be added as we know them!
Sacramento New Technology High School
Email: support@snths.org
Website: newtech.scusd.edu
Location: 1400 Dickson Street, Sacramento, CA, USA
Phone: 916-395-5254