Hero Happenings!
Hellstern Middle School Newsletter, Springdale, AR
Aug 16, 2021 - First Day of School!!!!
On the first day......
- Chromebook distribution for students with a completed Acceptable Use Agreement
- Team-building in advisory
- Overview of the Hellstern Handbook
- Orientation to the cafeteria and procedures for lunch
- Explanation of dismissal procedures
- Students will get schedules
- Tours of the building and classroom locations
- Administrators will host a school-wide zoom
Be sure and ask your student how his/her day went. Ask them about the "card system" that we are launching this year.
Please know that students will have ample opportunity to learn procedures, policies, and practices during these first weeks of school. If you ever have questions, do not hesitate to contact your child's teachers and ask.
Mask Requirement
XC students WILL report to Hellstern on the first day.
Car-rider Arrival & Dismissal
Please remember the following things:
- Students should exit & enter vehicles using the vehicle door closest to the curb for safety.
- Cell phones should NEVER be used on school property in a vehicle - it's the LAW!
- Always pull as far forward as you can - students will walk to get to your car.
- At dismissal, students will stand on the same sidewalk every day. Each team has a designated area that they will wait. Again, PLEASE pull ALLLLLL the way forward, so we can load as many students as possible at a time.
- We now have a crosswalk across Har-Ber Ave.
TEAM School Supply Lists
EVERY student at Hellstern will need the following:
- earbuds
- zipper binder w/strap ("Trapper-Keeper")
- backpack with laptop protection area built in
- paper & pencils
- water bottle (labeled with student name)
- PE shirt ($10 optional) OR provide a gray t-shirt for PE
- PE combination lock rental ($5) OR provide a combination lock
*All students are required to wear a lanyard w/an ID EVERY day. We provide the first one and you can buy extras for $5 (or if the first one is lost).
All other supplies needed will be on team lists. 7th grade students may have supplies needed for elective classes.
Upcoming Dates
16 - Students first day!!
24 - Band meeting @ 6pm, Hellstern cafeteria
24 - Band rental night @ 6:30pm, Hellstern cafeteria
7 & 8 - Math MAP testing, 6th & 7th graders
14 - School Board meeting (5pm)
15 & 16 - ELA MAP testing, 6th & 7th graders
17 - HBHS Homecoming
20-23 - High School & Junior High student-led conferences
25 - Band Car Wash @ Speedy Splash, Elm Springs Exit (8-2pm)
27-30 - Middle School & Elementary student-parent conferences
27-Oct. 1 - Hellstern Book Fair