Almond Thursday Word
From the Principal
Dear Almond Families:
Thank you for joining us last Tuesday evening for Back to School Night. The staff and I valued our time meeting and connecting with you and sharing ideas around your child’s educational program. We look forward to our continued partnership in the months to come!
Cultivating a strong home-school partnership begins with clear, proactive and timely communication about your child. To provide a glimpse of what is happening in the classroom, our teachers will be sending home a weekly newsletter every Friday sharing upcoming units of learning and other general goings-on in the classroom. Also, be on the lookout for key student work sent home on green-colored paper. This will be one way your child’s teacher will keep you informed of your child’s individual learning progress over the course of the year.
If I don’t get a chance to see you before then, enjoy the extra long weekend with both the minimum day this Friday and the Labor Day holiday on Monday.
Here’s to clear, proactive and timely home-school communication!
2019-20 6th Grade Class
Student letter at Back to School Night
Mrs. Burke sharing with parents at Back to School Night
Back to School Registration
The Almond Back to School Registration System enables you to:
Register your child/children for school activities such as Chorus, Birthday Book Club and the Bookwave writers program
Join the Almond PTA
Get involved in school activities
Support other programs such as the Eagle Scholarship Program and LAEF
Participate in adult only events such as gala evenings
Easily apply for corporate matching to further support Almond
Important Dates
Mon, Sept 2, NO SCHOOL, Holiday
Wed, Sept 11, PTA Board Meeting, 8:30
Mon, Sept 16, TK and Kinder begin extended day
Mon, Sept 23, Photo Make-ups in morning
After School Activities!
We're pleased to announce that enrollment is open for Almond's Fall 2019 After School Activities schedule.
All information and sign up details can be found at our dedicated website:
We'll update the site for every new session, so please check back frequently to ensure you are able to sign up your kids for the programs that they want.
Sign Up - Get Them Before They Are Gone!
Ppace on some of these programs is very limited. To ensure you can get a space for your child please review the choices and sign up soon.
Reminder that our contact email address is: almondactivities@gmail.com
Thanks and please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!
LASD Flag Football - Fall 2019 Season
Dear Parents,
Flag Football is a CO-ED, recreational program that allows girls and boys to compete together in a team sport representing their school, to have fun and learn fundamental football skills without the collisions of tackle football.
The Elementary League is organized around grades 4-6 with two levels of play at each school. The A league is for grades 5/6, the B league for grades 4/5.
Practices are after school at your school on Mondays and Fridays and begin in early September.
Games are on Mondays and Fridays and begin at 4:00.
The season ends with a district wide tournament at Foothill College on Sunday November 3.
For more detailed information please see our website: http://asa-lasd-flagleague.com/
It is important to note this is an athletic league and relies on parent volunteers to coach and organize each team at each school.
Los Altos Educational Foundation
LAEF welcomes you to the 2019-20 School Year!
We are proud to support the Los Altos School District (LASD) to provide a well-rounded education for your student this school year. Visit LAEFonline.org and watch our new 2 minute video, “Funding an Excellent Public Education”. Learn why our local public schools need your financial support, and how LAEF and your school’s PTA work together to support your student.
This school year, with your support, LAEF will fund teachers and staff for STEM, Wellness, Literacy, and Arts for every LASD student in grades TK-8. LAEF is also a co-sponsor of the MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series, which had over 1,100 LASD attendees in the past school year. Whether your student’s favorite part of the day is PE, art, music, STEM, computer science, library, or a junior high elective, your donations to LAEF help make that possible.
Parents are encouraged to donate $1,200 per student to LAEF this school year. We welcome and encourage donations of any amount. Our goal is to raise $3.4 million for LASD, and 100% participation from our parent community.
Visit LAEFonline.org to learn more about LAEF and Donate Today!
Volunteer Docents Needed
BECOME AN ART DOCENT: All training will be provided! losaltosartdocents.org
BECOME A LIVING CLASSROOM DOCENT: Training: Mondays - 9-12. September 9th-Oct 14th at LASD iLearn Studio
Nuts and Bolts
Parking lot reminder
Please do not leave your car unattended, even for a couple of minutes, during drop-off and pick-up. We need to keep things moving as smoothly as possible during those times for our students’ safety, and to minimize adult frustration.
If your student is going to be absent, please call the Attendance Line by 9:00 at 650-917-5454 and leave a voicemail.
Are you the parent of a child with special needs, behavioral challenges, or a learning difference? We’re here to help!
¿Es padre de un niño con necesidades especiales, retos de conducta, o diferencias de aprendizaje? ¡Estamos aquí para ayudarle!
Almond Elementary School
Email: rmatteroli@lasdschools.org
Website: almondschool.org
Location: 550 Almond Avenue, Los Altos, CA, USA
Phone: 650-917-5400
Twitter: @AlmondEagles