Digital Learning week of 3.16.20
with Mrs. Berry
Hi Parents!!! Welcome to the world of Digital Learning 2020!!!! We are excited to go on this new adventure with you!!! Please email me at tara.berry@cobbk12.org to help assist you navigate all of our resources. As a first grade team, we are working together to make lessons for all first grade students so that each and every first grader will have the same expectations for digital learning. You will see and hear from all of us throughout the coming weeks. ALL learning activities will be posted on SEESAW. You can easily access seesaw through www.clever.com. You can bookmark it on your computer or click the 1st button link below. Let me know if you are unable to login and I will email Mrs. Crosby to get it fixed. :0)
Click Log-in as a student, then click active directory, your user name is: your student'sfirstname.lastname and the password is: read
This is where you can find quick access to seesaw, dreambox, and freckle.
This is where you can find quick access to seesaw, dreambox, and freckle.
Cobb Digital Library/ Mackinvia
Pebble Go and Brain Pop JR. are great resources to use at home
To login use your Office 365 login: firstname.lastname@students.cobbk12.org
password: read
To login use your Office 365 login: firstname.lastname@students.cobbk12.org
password: read
Raz- KIds
Teacher name: berrysbusybees2020
password: read
password: read
Code: JT2Y8U
It changed again!!!! Your student's name is their class # For example: First name: 8. Last Name: Gabby
It changed again!!!! Your student's name is their class # For example: First name: 8. Last Name: Gabby
PTA Website
To keep up to date with our school and the PTA, be sure to check out the Teasley PTA website.
There is SO much amazing information on there!!
There is SO much amazing information on there!!
Song Links - on youtube
It's a Beautiful Day
Good Morning Songs
Go Noodle
Great songs for movement in the house :0)
How to Draw JUST for FUN!!!
Inquiry Resource Links
Reading Links
Math Links
Research Links
Kid friendly research site. Google for kids.