🌷 2025 G/T 🌷 SPRING Sessions
Summer Courses Available Soon!
G/T 30 Hour Foundation Courses ONLINE Hybrid
In Texas, state law requires those who teach G/T students or have authority over planning and programming of those students have specific foundational training for working with G/T students.
This initial training consists of 30-hours of training, usually broken down into five separate 6-hour sessions.
We will continue to offer hybrid and virtual versions of this training. Each session requires a morning and afternoon online session in addition to independent research and work time. Check in begins at 8:30am.
- Participation is required via Zoom (camera on, mic ready) at the am and pm sessions with independent work time throughout the day to complete the module
- Participants will receive the Zoom link the day before the session
G/T Counselor, Administrator Training
❗Please click on links above or below for full schedule and registration.
- Online, at ESC, or at your district
- Update topics: Special Populations of G/T, Differentiating Instruction, ISN's and Interactive Notebooks, Texas Performance Standards Project, Creativity/ Critical Thinking, Depth & Complexity, or we can CREAT A CUSTOM SESSION to meet your needs!
- Review District Training Plans and Goals
Questions? Need Help? I'm HERE!
Email: msaphos@esc6.net
Website: esc6.net
Location: 3332 Montgomery Road, Huntsville, TX, USA
Phone: 936-435-8232
Twitter: @twitter_MelissaSaphos