Sunset Ridge Weekly Update
May 27, 2021
5th Grade Planning Meeting TONIGHT
Please join us TONIGHT for our 5th grade promotion planning meeting at 7:00pm
Únase a nosotros ESTA NOCHE para nuestra reunión de planificación de promoción de quinto grado a las 7:00 pm
5th Grade Planning Meeting Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 84933143607 Passcode: yeg21j98
Our Yearbooks Have Arrived!
Han llegado nuestros anuarios. Este será el anuario para tener como recuerdo ya que todos hemos experimentado la pandemia. Si desea solicitar su anuario, utilice el enlace a continuación. ¡La oferta es limitada!
4th & 5th Graders TOMORROW, May 28th is an "A" Group Day
RECORDATORIO: el 28 de mayo de 2021 será un día de grupo "A" SOLAMENTE para el 4º / 5º GRADO. Será un día asincrónico para el Grupo "B".
Summer Learning Challenge 2021 from the Pacifica Public Library
The San Mateo County Libraries will be offering their annual Summer Learning Challenge from June 1 to August 31. Free age-appropriate books will be distributed to all Sunset Ridge students. Every student with a San Mateo County library card will be automatically entered into a raffle for a chance to win a $1,000 college scholarship, so please make sure that your child has a library card.
(If your child needs a library card, or if you have any questions, please call the SMCL Customer Care line at 1-833-YES-SMCL).
PTO Executive Meeting
Tendremos una reunión de la Junta Ejecutiva del PTO el martes 2 de junio. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! Visite el sitio web de la PTO para obtener más información sobre cómo asistir.
Last Day of School Car Parade
¡El 11 de junio a la 1:30 pm estaremos celebrando el final del año escolar con un desfile de autos! Párese a lo largo de la ruta del desfile (ver mapa). ¡Haz carteles para animar el verano!
SAVE THE DATE - 5th Grade Promotion
Familias de quinto grado por favor guarden el 9 de junio para nuestra ceremonia de promoción de quinto grado. ¡Más detalles por venir!
PAWS Point Winners
PAWS points are awarded for students who are:
Problem-solvers Always Kind Willing to try Staying safe
Congratulations to this week’s winners:
Basma Abdulla
Aubree De La Torriente
Napolean Dowthard
Ka'Miyah Wallace
Sohalia King
Lorenzo Lombardo
Leo Meeker
Ryder Miller
Thomas Valdez
Bryden Waite
POP Star Winners
This award is given to students who have shown outstanding participation in their virtual classes. They show up consistently, engage in conversations and activities in a positive way, and complete assignments. Children can only be nominated for this award by their classroom teacher. Winners are given a certificate and a lollipop that is personally delivered to their home.
This week’s winners are:
Vida Oberes
Mateo Diaz
Marissa Zuniga
Symphony Ceballos
Makenzi Hy
”Celebrating Excellence Through Diversity and Collaboration”
Email: jcastaneda@pacificasd.org
Website: srepto.org
Location: 340 Inverness Drive, Pacifica, CA, USA
Phone: 650.738.6687