Happy New Year!!!
with Mrs. Berry
WEEK OF January 7th
Teasley Vision Statement:
Fancy Nancy Word of the Week
Significance: of importance or consequence
Mid-year Feedback Survey
Please fill out this survey to let me know how to support you and your child.
The Hills are Alive!!!
We are moving into a BRAND NEW IB Unit. We are so excited! We will be learning all about landforms, where we are on the map, as well as, Lewis and Clark. Here is a fun landform memory game: https://matchthememory.com/mrpolum Or for more difficulty try: https://jeopardylabs.com/play/1st-grade-landforms
New Year Goals and Reflections
One fun activity to begin with your family is to be reflective and create a family or school “New Year’s Resolution”. Choose to read 30 minutes instead of 20, play a board game once a week as a family, cook a meal together, or share a ‘glow’ and ‘grow’ for your day.
Reflection Journals
Curriculum Corner
Ask me what I’m learning!
Math- How do I determine an unknown addend? How do I solve unknown addend addition and subtraction problems? How do I solve word problems utilizing strategies? Writing- How do I write an opinion writing piece?
Daily 5/Language Arts- How do I determine who is telling the story?
Phonics- What are letters and letter blends? How do I read and write familiar sight words?
IB Unit: The Hills are Alive
Central Idea: Geography influences our community
Learner Profile Traits:
Open Minded
Lines of Inquiry
-Earth has many features
-Circumstances determine where people live
-Humans investigate the unknown in various ways
How can you help at home?
-Talk with your child about landforms they might have experienced (Kennesaw Mountain, Stone Mountain, Chattahoochee River, Beaches, Lakes, Etowah Mounds, etc.)
- Find pictures of landforms and discuss how people might live on these landforms (i.e. How would a person live on a mountain? How would a person live near a river?)
- As you are driving/riding the bus- have a discussion with your child about the changes in the scenery. * Discuss trips you have taken as a family and where the houses/buildings are located- Ex: Were they right on the beach or away from the water? Were the buildings on the side of the mountain or at the bottom of the mountain?
-Encourage your child to write about what they have learned about Lewis and Clark- what would you take on an expedition
Encourage them at home to be reflective by:
-Discussing how their ideas of exploration has changed over the course of the unit.
- Discuss which IB learner profile your child utilized the most during the new unit?
-Encourage your child to think about what they have learned so far this year—how are these units connected? What have you learned about the world around you?
Encourage them at home to be open-minded by: -
Discussing how the exploration of new land might change your perspective -Discuss how people would work together, trust others, and/or take someone else’s advice -Ask your child to think of ways they can listen and learn from others. Being open minded embodies the ability to do this!
Encourage them at home to be knowledgeable by:
Discussing land-forms with you and where they are located (I.e. Valleys are located in between mountains) -Discussing Lewis, Clark, and Sacagawea - Describe the Corps of Discovery and the difficulties of the journey they experienced.
Specials for the Week
Learning Lab
December 22nd- January 7th Winter Break: NO SCHOOL
January 15th: ASP Open House
January 18th: Performing Arts Day
January 22nd: Spirit Night: Murphs
January 25th: International Night
Berry's Busy Bees
Email: tara.berry@cobbk12.org
Website: https://berrysbusybees.blogspot.com/
Location: Teasley Elementary School, Spring Hill Parkway, Smyrna, GA, USA
Phone: (770) 437-5945