September 5, 2023

The Mountaineer Minute digital district newsletter is shared with Iron Mountain Public School families on Monday mornings.
Due to Labor Day, this week's newsletter is delivered on Tuesday, September 5.
We are all excited to welcome you back, Mountaineers!
Welcome to the family!
The entire Iron Mountain Public Schools team is excited to welcome nine new smiling faces to the staff for the 2023-24 school year. Click on the photo below to learn more about the new additions to our Mountaineer family!
(Front, left to right: Bionca Nattiel, Nikki Peddycord, Sierra Gonzales, Beth Hart, Amanda Thoune
Back, left to right: Korina Harris, Brad Perry, Harvey “Bucky” Johnson, Patrick Ratkovich)
North Elementary School Drop-Off and Pick-Up Process
EK-8th grade t-shirt orders are due THIS Thursday, September 7!
IMHS Athletics
The weekly athletic schedule is subject to change.
The JV Boys football game scheduled at home on Thursday, 9/7/23 has been canceled. The game will be replaced with a home JV game on Wednesday 9/6/23, 5:30 PM vs. Marinette High School.
Smile, Mountaineers!
Upcoming Events at Mountain Public Schools
EK- 8th Grade T-Shirt Order Forms & Payment Due
Thursday, September 7
North Elementary School Picture Day
Monday, September 11
(Retake Day TBA)
Homecoming Spirit Week
(Themes coming soon!)
Monday, September 25- Friday, September 29
Homecoming Pep Rally & Football Game
Friday, September 29
Homecoming Dance (Grades 9-12)
Saturday, September 30
5-12 Grade Picture Retake Day
Monday, October 2
It's lunch time! Thank you to Miss Magen, Miss Mitzi, Miss Wanda, Mrs. Casanova, and Mrs. Anderson for serving breakfast and lunch to our 5-12th grade Mountaineer students!
Free breakfast and lunch for all K-12 Mountaineer students!
Mountaineer Bulletin Board 🗞️
The following flyers have been submitted by district and/or community organizations and approved by district personnel to be shared in our newsletter.
We reserve the right to refuse any submitted materials. Thank you.
Fundraiser supporting Upper Peninsula Honor Flight
There will be a fundraiser benefiting the Upper Peninsula Honor flight at the Bear's Den in Spread Eagle, WI on September 9, 2023 from 4-8pm. A portion of mini golf and go cart sales will be donated to the Upper Peninsula Honor Flight.
The Upper Peninsula Honor Flight is a service organization that provides Veterans from around the Upper Peninsula the opportunity to go to Washington DC and see their memorials. This is provided at no cost to the veterans and relies on donations to provide this service to the men and women who have proudly served our country.
Sponsorships in the form of monetary donations and items for raffle baskets will be accepted as well.
If interested in sponsoring the event, please contact organizer Hailey Greenleaf. Hailey is a student at the Iron Mountain High School, and this fundraiser is her personal service project as a National Honor Society Member. Hailey can be reached at 24greenleafh@students.imschools.org
Thank you to The Bear's Den Mini Golf and Go Karts for their generous support of this worthy cause!
Central U.P. Youth Football League Game Schedule
Check out this fun slideshow Mountaineer teacher, Mrs. Yake created and shared with her high school classes to celebrate the first day of school!
Happy New Year, Mountaineers!
Thank you!
Please help us in thanking our friends at First Bank for this generous donation of school supplies to North Elementary School!
Donations such as this help Mountaineer teachers and students get through the school year and we cannot thank First Bank enough!
Thank you to Leeds Real Estate: Kim Harder Webb for sponsoring a surprise ice cream truck for our Mountaineer fans and student-athletes at Meet the Mountaineers on August 16 and for your continued Mountaineer spirit and support!
Principal Mendini had a special visit at school from his Uncle Ted, who came bearing gifts! Thank you First Evangelical Lutheran Church for this generous donation of school supplies to North Elementary School!
The Mountaineer Minute weekly e-newsletter is distributed on Monday mornings to district families via SwiftReach.
Alumni and Mountaineer families!
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Iron Mountain Public Schools,
217 Izzo-Mariucci Way, Iron Mountain, MI 49801