MCCHS Friday Focus
265th Issue - September 1, 2023
From the Desk of Brad Williams
We are off to a strong start here at Marian Central for our 2023-2024 school year.
Behind us are two full weeks of school, a home football game with a packed stadium, our first all school Mass, our first home volleyball game, our first home tennis match and our first home soccer game. Underscoring all of this action is lots of settling in among both teachers and students regarding schedules, routines and daily patterns.
From my perspective as a teacher and administrator, I am very happy with our start to the year. Students are engaged and hungry to learn, there is excitement around our athletics and co-curriculars, our first all school Mass was filled with faith and reverence, and our sense of community is developing with speed and strength. All good things to see at the start of the year!
Looking ahead, we hope that students are feeling comfortable in their classes and setting goals for the first academic quarter. It’s important to get off to a strong start, which it seems we have, and the focus now is on continuing toward a positive path in order to get the result we want. Homecoming is also on the horizon, so we look forward to a week of fun and festivities culminating in a football game Friday night and the Homecoming Dance the following Saturday.
With all of the action behind us and excitement ahead, we hope that everyone is feeling comfortable and confident about where we are as a school and that we are all on the path to a great first quarter of the academic year.
Mr. Brad Williams
Illinois Seal of Bilteracy
On Friday during Advisory, the juniors and seniors attended a presentation on an opportunity to earn the Illinois Seal of Biliteracy through taking a test that assesses the 4 domains of learning a language, reading, writing, listening, and speaking. There are various levels of recognition, both at the state level and globally, that the students could earn based on their assessment scores.
Please review the information below and have a discussion with your student to see if they are interested in pursuing this.
**There is an interest survey linked in the document that needs to be completed by September 5 so that the tests can be ordered.
If you have further questions about this, feel free to reach out to Mrs. Cunico.
Concession Sign Up - Juniors & Seniors
All juniors and seniors are required to work at least one shift of concessions. All proceeds go towards the Prom and students who do work will receive prom tickets at half price. Please click the link below to sign up for your shift.
Does your student have an inhaler and/or an EpiPen? If so, please let me know if this is something they carry with them. Prescribed EpiPens and inhalers can always remain with the student, as long as a current prescription and/or doctor’s note is on file in the school office.
If they do not carry one with them, would you like to leave an inhaler or EpiPen in the office in case of emergency?
Please let me know the status, regardless, if your student does have one of these items prescribed to them.
Kris Johnson
Next Week's College Visits in the Guidance Office
Juniors and Seniors may attend these visits. Students must sign up for all visits in SCOIR and obtain permission from their teacher.
Thursday 9/7: Nova Southeastern University-1st Period, University of Oklahoma-3rd Period
2022-23 Yearbooks
There are a limited number of extra yearbooks from the 2022-23 school year. They are available for $100 on a first-come, first-served basis. Please bring payment to the office to purchase one.
Homecoming Dance
Tickets are $15 each and can be purchased during lunches beginning Wednesday, September 6th and ending Tuesday, September 12th.
If a student would like to bring a guest from another school, a Date Request Form must be completed, signed by the Guest's school and turned in at the time of ticket purchase.
Homecoming Dress Down Themes
Color Run - Hosted by NHS
Marian Central’s National Honor Society is hosting a color run on Sunday, September 10th at the Marian Central track from 3-6pm . Come join the fun by registering here! We hope to see you there!
Homecoming Parade
The Homecoming Parade is a wonderful Marian Central tradition! The parade will take place on Wednesday, September 13 at 3:30pm in the Woodstock Square. As the Homecoming parade preparations are being made, we are in search of the following vehicles: convertible cars to drive the Homecoming court and pickup trucks and flatbed trailers to drive the sports teams and clubs. Please contact Mrs. Bordeaux at kbordeaux@marian.com if you would be willing to drive your vehicle in the parade.
Parents Association
It takes many hands behinds the scenes to make every school event a success, so our students have the best possible experience! We appreciate your willingness to help make that possible. We are looking for help with the following events: Homecoming, Teacher Conference Dinner, Winter Formal, Catholic Schools Week, and Prom. Each event will have a small committee to help with the planning needs. Sign up to help here! We look forward to a successful school year and can't wait to make wonderful things happen at Marian Central with your help!