Nokesville News
News for Parents & Guardians from The Nokesville School
September 23, 2023
Important Updates
Volleyball Update
The TNS Girls Volleyball team is off to a great start his year. They won their opening match against Unity Braxton Middle School on Monday. They lost their second match against Reagan Middle School on Wednesday, but did really well, splitting the first two games, and only losing close in the final game. Come out this Wednesday, September 27th to see our tigers in action against Bull Run Middle School at 5:00 pm.
Middle-Level Back to School Night
Middle-Level Back to School night on Tuesday went very well. Parents were able to experience their children's schedule in a condensed format. Parents made it to class "on time" and there were very few tardies, so no detentions were given out. Thank you teachers for the great presentations!
Evolv Safety Screening System
We simulated and practiced using the Evolv Safety Screening with all our students this week. A reminder for students is to wear their bag in front of them for easy access if they need to remove something (eye glass case, umbrella, laptop). They'll need to remove it and give to the staff member for the pass through table. We practiced that as well. If it is in a bag or sleeve, it has to be opened and removed. This has a significant effect on the efficiency of the process when students are prepared. Most other items like cell phones and tablets can be left in the bags as they walk through. We even made a commercial starring one of our awesome students as the tiger.
No School Monday, 9/25/23
A reminder to families that on Monday, September 25th, there will be no school due to the Yom Kippur holiday.
K-2 Back to School Night - Tuesday, 9/26
We are excited to bring in our parents for students in grades kindergarten, first, and second grades. Door will open at 5:40 pm and the Back to School Night will begin at 6:00 pm. Parents should go directly to their child's homeroom teacher and we will have staff and helpers their to assist you. We will also leave time at the end for you to visit other teachers if you have multiple children in grades K-2. The evening will conclude at 7:15 pm.
Elementary Behavior Assemblies
On Wednesday, 9/27, elementary grade levels will have behavior expectation assemblies led by administration. We look forward to sharing our behavioral norms and the PWCS Code of Behavior with our K-5 students. We already did this with our middle level students.
Reading VGA (Grades 3-5)
On Thursday, 9/28, students in grades 3-5 will take the Reading Virginia Growth Assessment. This begins right after morning announcements, so please make sure your child is on time to school Thursday.
Students Reporting Misconduct
Please talk with your child about the many ways to report bullying, harassment, and/or misconduct. We want to make sure they know exactly where to go to get help when needed. This includes talking in person with their teachers, administration, office staff, counselors, etc. They can also email our staff directly. Another option in the middle level is for them to use the Say Something app and website. The link is also found on our school website. Every child deserves to feel safe and supported while in school. Let's work together to make sure that happens. We have a school goal of resolving all disciplinary issues within a few school days to ensure that we respond appropriately and timely when misconduct occurs.
Afterschool Clubs
We are almost ready to send out a form to sign your child up for afterschool clubs. We are going to have a fall and spring season with set sign up dates, start/end dates, and a much more structured process of registration. Look for this to come out early next week. So far clubs include TNS Buddies, Green Team, Sit-N-Knit, Art, Chorus, Design, Battle of the Books, Chess, Sewing, and Create clubs. These are all grade specific so will be limited, but we are excited to have so many options for students this year.
Tiger Task Force
Please also look out for the registration page for Tiger Task Force to be coming out next week, which we are looking to start back up in October. Tiger Task Force is a program that brings in parents to school every day using a personalized schedule, helping out in many ways including arrival, lunch, recess, and classroom work. This is targeted for father-figures to connect fathers to school, but both mother-figures and father-figures are welcome to register.
Attention to Attendance
Regular attendance in school is one of the most important strategies for your child's success. Please make sure they are on time and in school every day as much as possible. We have information on our website with a TNS Attendance & Dismissal Form to use in case your child is out of school. When students miss school regularly, we will be sending home official letters and making contact with families to improve attendance.
Tiger-ific Moments in School
Mrs. Duncan's Science
Mrs. Duncan's Science
Mrs. Duncan's Science
Episode #3 in our TNS Tiger Talk Podcast highlights and amplifies the excellence of TNS First Grade Teacher Mrs. Ciocca and her impact on students! Listen to learn more about her military family background, special class projects, an upcoming grade level fundraiser, and special excerpts from her students last year! Listen to this episode and previous episodes on Spotify, iTunes, Amazon Music, and more:
Please review the Counseling Team Newsletter with important information on how to request support, change schedules, classroom lessons, and other great resources. -->
Check out the latest Nokesville Nexus from Ms. Moul, TNS School Social Worker, and Ms. Lombardi, TNS Parent Liaison, updating families on local basic needs resources, mental health and parenting, SPED info and school anxiety. -->
Upcoming Events
Rotation Days Next Week
Monday - No School
Tuesday -MS Black Day, ES Day 3
Wednesday -MS Orange Day, ES Day 4
Thursday -MS Black Day, ES Day 5
Friday -MS Orange, ES Day 1
School Calendar Reminders
- Monday, 9/25/23 - No School (Yom Kippur Holiday)
- Tuesday, 9/26/23 - MS Language Arts Dept Meeting, 3:30-4:30 pm
- Tuesday, 9/26/23 - Back to School Night (Grades K-2), 6:00-7:15 pm
- Wednesday, 9/27/23 - Home Volleyball Game vs Bull Run MS, 5 pm
- Thursday, 9/28/23 - Reading VGA Testing (Grades 3-5)
- Monday, 10/2/23 - Away Volleyball vs Metz MS
- Tuesday, 10/3/23 - Back to School Night (Grades 3-5), 6:00-7:15 pm
- Wednesday, 10/4/23 - Away Volleyball Game vs Marsteller MS
- Monday, 10/9/23 - Staff PD Day (no school for students)
TNS Admin Team
Assistant Principal, Mr. Geoff Brunson
Assistant Principal, Mrs. Abbey Martinez
Administrative Intern, Mrs. Brittney Giovannelli
The Nokesville School
Prince William County Public Schools
Location: 12375 Aden Road, Nokesville, VA 20181, USA
Phone: (571) 781-3040
Twitter: @NokesvilleSch