Cerro Villa Vikings News
September 3rd - September 9th: Weekly Publication
Cerro Villa Highlights - Great things Happening at CV!
Congratulation Ms. Dao!! OUSD Employee of the Month!
CV's very own Ms. Dao was selected by Human Resources selection committee as the District’s EDGE Employee of the Month!! Ms. Dao was recognized for her leadership and hard work co-leading our leadership students with registration and PBIS First Day of School Activities. Congratulations Ms. Dao!
Ms. Dao was surprised by the Celebration committee from HR, which included: Acting Assistant Superintendent Tracy Knibb, Director of HR Susana Solis, HR Supervisor Kimberly Lay. Ms. Dao will be recognized at the Sept 7th Board Meeting as the Certificated Employee of the Month for OUSD!
- Leadership held a Corn Hole Tournament througout the week! The championship match was held on Friday with the students "crushing" Ms. Fernandez and Mr. Jones!
Thank you to Mr. Benham for hosting the event and leadership students for the organization!
The 2023 Corn Hole Champions are: Easton D. and Alex S., Congratulations!!
- Counselors held a "Win the Day" activity for students to create 1 goal they want to achieve!
- On Thursday, Students had the chance to check out CV's clubs
Cerro Villa has numerous CLUBS students can get involved in!! "Enjoy School by Staying Engaged". Here's a brief list of the many opportunities for our students:
- Anime Club= Dao/Peacock (lunch, last Tuesday of month)
- Book Club= Buchness (lunch, every other Thursday)
- Cheer Squad= Dao (after school, Thur/Fri)
- Chinese Club= Liu (after school, once a month)
- Christian Club= Cartiglia (lunch, Wednesdays)
- Drama Club= Shuler (TBD)
- e-Sports= Williams (lunch, daily)
- French Club= Marx (after school, once a month)
- Kindness Club= Liu/Dao (lunch, twice a month)
- Math Club= Itani (TBD, once a month)
- SAGA Club= Tanenbaum/Glickman (lunch, 2nd and 4th Wednesday)
- Star Wars Club= Ramus (TBD)
- Taylor Swift Club= Dao/Marx (lunch, last Monday of month)
- "Other" table= Chess, Cross-stitch, Maker's Club, Robotics, Spanish, Ukulele
- Ms. Fernandez and Mr. Jones were able to promote CV at the OUSD Booth!
"Win the Day" at Cerro Villa
Here are a few ways to "Win the Day"
- "Flip the Script" on struggles/challenges and make them successes!
- Follow "Kaizen" - strive for continuous improvement each day!
- "Be Kind" - smile, say hello, look out for your fellow vikings! Remember - everyone is going through a battle we may not know.. Be Kind Always!
Cerro Villa Announcements
Labor Day Holiday! No School on Monday
Back to School Night - Thursday, September 7th
- Parents are welcome to attend the Counselors presentation of "Tips to Survive and Thrive" middle school. Visit the CV auditorium to meet our CV Counselors and learn positive ways to make the two years of middle school a successful journey!
BTSN - Welcome and PFSO Introduction: 6:00 pm in the Amphtheater
- All parents / guardians are welcome to attend Back To School NIght at Cerro Villa. This evening is your opportunity to meet your Childs teachers, learn about classroom expectations and course syllabi.
Minimum Day on Friday, September 8th
Breakfast and Nutrition will be available for students (Lunch is not provided)
CV Viking Shelf Life - Weekly LIbrary Newsletter
Viking Shelf Life - September Library Newsletter
Meet your School Counselors
Cerro Villa is so proud of our School Counselors:
- Mrs. Glickman: A - H
- Mrs. Sampat: I - M
- Ms. Emter: N - Z
Mrs. Glickman: A - H
Mrs. Sampat: I - M
Ms. Emter: N - Z
September is Attendance Awareness Month - "We Champion Attendance"
September is Attendance Awareness Month. Orange Unified School District continues to strive for high overall student attendance rates. Student attendance has a profound impact on student success, funding, and resources. As such, our attendance campaign for the 2023-24 school year will seek to promote positive student attendance through monthly recognition of schools that a) demonstrate the highest attendance rate for the respective month or b) demonstrate the most improvement from the previous month.
The theme of our campaign is "We Champion Attendance". In line with our theme, sites that are monthly winners will be presented with Traveling Championship Cups to display with pride in the main office. Elementary and Middle School Sites will have a school-wide BBQ (highest) and Pizza lunch (most improved) as an additional incentive for the students.
LET'S GOOO, VIKINGS!! "Win the Day" by attending school!!
Homework Help Available
Spirit / Club Shirts allowed throughout the week
Get involved..Stay engaged!!
- The City of Villa Park recently refurbished Serrano Ave. In doing so, the crosswalk at Dodson Way was removed. To keep the flow of traffic moving, this crosswalk will not be replaced.
- Students MUST cross at the Serrano Ave curve crosswalk OR Serrano/Featherhill Dr. crosswalk
- We understand this will cause an inconvenience in picking-up your child, BUT safety to all students and families is TOP PRIORITY.
- PLEASE DO NOT have your child cross Serrano in the middle of the flow of traffic
DO NOT cross here
Serrano Ave Curve
Serrano/Featherhill Dr.
Leadership / Activities Announcements
CV Athletic News / Events
- Boys Tryouts will be held TUESDAY, 9/5 from 3:00-4:15
- PRACTICE begins Wednesday for Boys and Girls, 1:30
About PFSO
https://www.cvpfso.org/ - visit the PFSO website to learn about all the opportunities to get involved.
What is the PFSO?
The Cerro Villa Parent Faculty Student Organization (PFSO) is a non-profit organization that assists the faculty and staff in enhancing the education experiences of our children.
​The PFSO assists with many programs around the school, including dances, Student of the Month, Honor Society, and the 8th Grade Promotion Party. Without your support, these events would not be possible. Most importantly, the PFSO also supports the faculty and staff at Cerro Villa in acquiring items they need for their classrooms in order to enhance our children’s educational experiences.
PFSO Board Members
Executive Board
- President - Jason Forgash
- President Elect - Joy Nguyen
- 1st VP Membership - Erin Flynn & Megan Artherton
- 2nd VP Ways & Means - Michelle Tao & Kathleen Lim-Valle
- 3rd VP Programs - Jim Aichelman
- Secretary - Beth Brunett
- Treasurer - Michelle Tao
- Parliamentarian - Michele Norman
- Auditor - Wendy McGrane
General Board
- Health & Safety - Shelly Johnson (8th) & VOLUNTEER TODAY!
- Honors Society Dance - VOLUNTEER TODAY!
- Fireworks - VOLUNTEER TODAY!
- Legislative Coalition Rep - Beth Brunett
- Staff Appreciation - Megan Artherton (7th) &
- Student of the Month - Kelli Takach
- Webmaster & Social Media - Beth Brunett (8th) & VOLUNTEER TODAY!
- 8th Grade Promotion - VOLUNTEER TODAY
Next PFSO meeting..
Tuesday, September 19th
8:30am in the CVMS Library​
​Our PFSO meetings are held on the THIRD TUESDAY of every month at 8:30 a.m. in the CVMS Library.
We hope to see you there!
Meeting Minutes are posted promptly for those who are unable to attend.
Need Uniforms??
Important Dates
September 4th: Labor Day - Holiday
September 7th: Counselor Presentation "How to Survive and Thrive" - 5:30, Auditorium
September 7th: Back to School Night, 6:00 - 8:00 pm, Principal Welcome, 6:00, Amphitheater
September 8th: Minimum Day, 12:25 dismissal
September 19th: PFSO meeting and Coffee with Counselor, 830 am
September 21st: ELAC meeting, 8:15 am
Parent / Orange Unified Information
Connect with OUSD
We invite you to take a moment to follow Orange Unified on social media to receive the district’s latest news and announcements. Social media may also be a critical line of communication during emergencies and will be an excellent place for you to get up-to-date information: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram
You can also check out videos featuring programs throughout the District, Board Meetings, school highlights, Measure S progress, graduation ceremonies, and more on our YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/OrangeUnifiedCA
New for this school year is the OUSD App, which is available for download in the Apple App and Google Play stores. Free for our families, the app allows users to see District-level news and events as well as customize their experience by selecting their school(s) of choice to follow to receive news and calendar information directly to their phones.
Orange Elks Lodge and The Community Foundation of Orange - 9.11 Event
Speakers include Fire, Police and City Officials, signing of the National Anthem, Color Guard presentation and more.
Nutritional Services Letter
Cerro Villa 2023-2024 Bell Schedule
*Every Wednesday is an Early Release Day
2023-2024 Student Calendar / Attendance
2023-2024 Student Calendar - OUSD
Cerro Villa Calendar & Events - Cerro Villa
*Every Wednesday is an Early Release Day
Positive Information on Student Attendance:
Cerro Villa Middle School
Email: CerroVillaPrincipal@orangeusd.org
Website: https://www.cerrovilla.org/
Location: 17852 Serrano Avenue, Villa Park, CA 92861, USA
Phone: 714.997.6251
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CerroVillaOUSD