Curriculum Review Project
Byron Bay High School 2021
Newsletter Monday 1st March 2021
Over terms 1 and 2 we will be engaging with students, staff, families and the broader community to discuss ways we might improve opportunities for student learning and curriculum engagement.
The feedback that we gather during this process will be used to inform our planning over the next few years.
Why do we need a review?
'Our school is committed to the continual improvement of student outcomes. One important contributor to student engagement is how the curriculum is organised and delivered. The way we timetable learning and how this structure supports quality pedagogy (how learning and teaching are framed in classrooms) are significant factors underpinning the type of learning experiences we want to provide for our students.
There are many definitions for curriculum. For the purposes of this project we are interpreting curriculum broadly to refer to experiences children have under the guidance of teachers and/or a sequence of potential experiences set up in schools for the purpose of developing the skills of children and youth in ways of thinking and acting (Bilbao, P. P., Lucido, P. I., Iringan, T. C., and R. B. Javier (2008). Curriculum development. Philippines: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.).
A project team comprising student, staff, and family representatives will use a variety of approaches to gather ideas for improvement from our school community, and use this information to develop some recommendations for the school executive to use to guide future school planning.
David Silcock from Collaborative Growth International will lead the consultative process. If you are interested there is a link on the project website that will take you to David's bio.
Keep an eye out for our next newsletter which will outline our timeline and processes to be used in greater detail.
Our guiding question
How can a collaborative review of curriculum options, delivery and supports lead to improved outcomes for students?
Starting off - please complete our survey!
If you click on the button below this will take you to the survey. It has 8 questions and is designed to help the project team get a sense of your thoughts about the curriculum and timetable structure that are currently available at Byron Bay High School.
If you cannot complete the online version of the survey please contact Warren Lee at Byron Bay High School and he will arrange for someone to help you.
Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey.
Update: our survey has closed on the 17th of March. The project team will review the information from this survey and decide on our next steps. (17th March 2021)
This survey closed on the 17th of March
Our team
The project team for the review consists of:
- Warren Lee - Deputy Principal
- Sarah McGregor - Teacher
- Melinda Smotlak - Teacher
- Doctor Bardia Asaadi - Parent
- Michelle Pullen - Parent
- Kate Giddy - Student
- Ella Whan - Student
- Lily Dubois - Student
- David Silcock - Project Coordinator