Davis Richmond E-news
September8, 2023
Picture Day for Davis/Richmond is Friday, September 29th
You may pre-order your child’s photos at the link below. Retakes will be taken on Dec. 8th if you are not pleased with the pictures. (Photos ordered after the picture day may incur a shipping fee). Please note, each student will receive a free class picture later in the school year.
- Click here for Photo Orders
- Davis Code: 78097RF
- Richmond Code: 78114JF
PTO News
Davis Richmond has a new spirit wear store! We are excited to partner with 1st Place Spirit Wear to offer a wide selection of spirit wear, hats, jackets, mugs, backpacks, and more! Gear up for the school year with Davis Richmond spirit wear! Ships directly to your home. Enjoy a 30% discount across our entire website during the back-to-school sale. Shop at https://1stplace.sale/31519
Room Parent Volunteer Signup
Interested in becoming a Room Parent, Lead Room Parent or Room Sponsor?
We have three Room Parent options:
- Room Parent = help in person or donate/organize parties
- Lead Room Parent = help in person or donate/organize parties. Lead planning with other Room Parents
- Room Sponsor = Be a Room Parent or Lead Room Parent for a class that doesn't have one.
Learn more and sign up by 9/15! https://forms.gle/7N6eUQ2mGMvQsh7H8
We are looking for volunteers to help on picture day at Davis and Richmond 8-11 a.m. Friday Sept. 29th. Helpers will fix necklaces, check collars and comb a stray hair or two getting our students looking their picture-perfect best! If interested sign up here. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050F4EACA728A0FE3-picture
Looking to get PTO information?
- Make sure you like the Davis Richmond PTO on Facebook today!
- Check out our new Website DavisRichmondPTO.com for the latest PTO news.
District News
Parent Education Sessions
District 303 is pleased to present its lineup of Parent Education sessions for the 2023-2024 school year.
The Parent Education series (formerly Parent University) includes informational meetings and workshops intended to empower parents and guardians to support their children’s academic, social and emotional needs. Become informed on specialized topics, engage in two-way dialogue with speakers and fellow parents, and become a support resource for others.
Sessions for this school year will focus on bullying prevention, addressing anxiety, and include film screenings and discussions about the impact of screen time and cultural awareness. The schedule also includes college preparation workshops hosted by our high schools. Sessions were selected based in part on feedback from District 303 parents.
Explore the full lineup of sessions here. Signup forms for each session will be made available closer to the session dates. New this year, you can also register for Parent Education notifications and receive alerts as new information and session recaps become available.
Davis Primary
Open House Success!
Thank you to all of the families who were able to attend the Davis Open House. The students were very excited and proud to show you around and share in their learning!
News from the Nurse
To avoid injuries, please make sure your child has appropriate shoes for running and climbing on the playground equipment. Sandals with heels and Crocs are not recommended. Tennis/Gym shoes are what is preferred.
Classroom Food Allergy/Sensitivities letters were sent home this week. Please be mindful when sending classroom snacks for your children.
Many of our Kindergarten students continue to not be in compliance with their paperwork. Please continue to work on getting their Physicals, Record of Immunizations, Dental and Vision exams to me asap. I prefer that you email the documents (a picture of the documents will do) directly to me if at all possible, at Peggy.Faught@d303.org.
Thank you to everyone who has sent in underwear for our students. We are still in need for the bigger sizes 8-10.
STUDENT ABSENCES - Keep your child home when:
Your child has had a fever of 100 degrees or more within the past 24 hrs
Your child has been vomiting or had loose stools within past 24 hrs
Your child has an unexplained rash, sore or pink eyes with or without drainage
Your child has a persistent and or productive cough
Children should be fever free without the use of medications before returning to school
If a bacterial infection has been diagnosed (Strep), your child MUST have 24 hrs of antibiotics before returning to school
If your child is not fully recovered or remained at home for the recommended length of time, parents may be contacted and asked to take the child home.
Extended absences of 5 or more days may require that the student present a doctor’s statement for re-admittance to the school nurse.
Peggy Faught RNC
Davis Primary School Nurse
Watch D.O.G.S Are Coming to Davis Primary!!
What is Watch D.O.G.S?
Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students) is an educational initiative of the National Center for Fathering
Dads/male guardians/grandpas/uncles/adult brothers etc. volunteer in school to provide positive male role models for students.
Our Goal
To have more positive male role models in our school that will provide support for our students in a fun and relaxed environment.
Watch Dogs at Davis Primary
Volunteers will support students during all lunch periods both inside and outside. Watch Dog day will be on Fridays, beginning September 15th. Please sign up for one day only, in order to provide opportunities for everyone who is interested. I will reach out throughout the year if we have additional openings. Volunteers will eat lunch with their own child/children and help all students during mealtime as needed and interact with students at recess. Times will be from 10:50-12:50
Fridays = Volunteer Day!
We ask that each volunteer commit to one day only
Your Day: support all students in the lunchroom and during recess
How to be a Watch Dog
Sign up using sign up genius form (press here)
You will need to bring a current drivers license or state ID to present at the front office to run through our security system.
You will need to submit the "Waiver of Liability" form volunteer liability form to the school. Please email it to Ms. Hittmeier or send to school with your child. Contact Chris Hittmeier with additional questions or clarification christine.hittmeier@d303.org 331-228-4952
What should I wear?
Blue jeans/khakis and comfortable shoes are recommended.
A light shirt to wear under your Watch D.O.G.S. t-shirt. Also, masks are highly recommended.
Who do I contact if I have questions or need to reschedule?
Chris Hittmeier christine.hittmeier@d303.org 331-228-4952
Where do I go when I arrive?
Present photo identification at the front office and you will be given a Watch D.O.G.S. t-shirt. Please contact the office in the morning by 8:00 AM if you wish to order lunch for yourself. Lunch cost is $4.00, water is $1.25. You can pay in cash or add to your child’s lunch account. You are welcome to bring your own lunch, as well.Davis Primary School
Email: linda.jezek@d303.org
Website: dav-ric.d303.org
Location: 1125 S 7th St, St. Charles, IL, 60174
Phone: 331-228-2200
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DavRic.D303
Twitter: @StCharlesD303
Richmond Intermediate
Guest Readers Needed
We are excited to offer an exciting parent engagement opportunity. During the month of October, we will invite guest readers into classrooms to read a book that pertains to Hispanic Heritage Month. For a list of possible books please click HERE. If you have another title you are interested in reading, please e-mail your book idea to our LRC director at brittany.brandenburg@d303.org to see if it can be added to our list.
To sign up we will use Sign Up Genius. Please note, you do need to create a FREE account if you do not have one in order to sign up. To sign up for a slot, please click HERE. You will then be prompted to provide the name of the book you will read.
Thank you for your help!
Open House: Please note time change. Open House will start at 5:00 p.m. and end at 6:30 p.m.
Richmond Intermediate School
Website: https://dav-ric.d303.org/
Location: 300 S 12th St, St. Charles, IL, 60174
Phone: 331-228-2800
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DavRic.D303
Twitter: @StCharlesD303
We have a lot of fun events planned for this fall, and we hope you all can join us to see if Pack 260 is a good fit for your family. You are welcome to come to any of the events to just check it out without having to join.
Pack 260 is a family friendly, co-ed Cub Scout pack, so any gender can join. Family participation is welcomed and encouraged at all our events.
We have two fun public events planned in August and September, and fliers for both are below. We hope to see you all at our upcoming Adventure Night on Tuesday August 29 at 6:30 at Davis School. There will be a nerf gun shooting range, inflatable tomahawk throw, and more!
There are links to our website and our facebook page below. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Lark Peterson
Cubmaster, Pack 260