Clark-Shaw Magnet School
of Math, Science, and Technology
March 1, 2023
Principal's Message
Hello Eagle family,
It is amazing how time flies when you are having fun. The end of 3rd Quarter is upon us. Please take a few minutes to review your child’s course averages, attendance, and behavior. Contact teachers if you have questions. Do not forget the magnet program requirements regarding continued placement for next year. The last day of 3rd Quarter is March 17, 2022.
The arrival of 4th Quarter means it is time for state testing. The Alabama Comprehensive Assessment Program (ACAP) is the standardized assessment given to students in grades 6-8. The assessment includes subtests in math, English language arts/reading, and science. Our student scores are compared to student scores earned across the district and state. These scores contribute to Clark-Shaw’s overall report card grade for the year. ACAP scores determine if your 8th grader can register for certain classes next year. In grades 6-7, the scores determine mandatory placement in Math 180 which limits elective choices. Please encourage your child to work hard while completing the assessment.
Clark-Shaw is a remarkable school; let’s show the state of Alabama what we can do. We will confirm that Clark-Shaw is the BEST middle school in Mobile County and in Alabama. ACAP testing begins March 22, 2023.
Best Regards,
Mrs. Taylor-Jackson
“Speak to your children as if they are the wisest, kindest, most beautiful, and magical humans on earth, for what they believe is what they will become.” Brooke Hampton
ACAP (State Testing) begins March 22!
The Alabama Comprehensive Assessment Program (ACAP) is the state accountability test which will be administered at Clark-Shaw from March 22 through April 10. Students in grades 6, 7, and 8 will be assessed in math and language arts, and grades 6 and 8 will also be assessed in science. It is extremely important that all students are present and on time to school during these weeks. Testing will be conducted in the morning, so if medical appointments cannot be avoided, please schedule them for the afternoons if necessary. The schedule for testing is very detailed, and we would like to limit the number of make-ups for the good of our students, faculty, and staff.
Students will test on their school-issued Chromebooks with their regular teachers, who will inform them of the specific testing day. During the testing window, instruction and classroom learning will continue while certain students are testing each day, and once students finish testing for a subject, they will continue with their regular class schedules. All classes will meet each day according to a modified rotating schedule.
As always, please remind your student to bring their fully-charged Chromebook AND charger to school each day. Students may bring with them a water bottle and a book for after the test. Please ensure that they are well-rested and ready to do their best on the test!
Sign up for the Tech Fair!
Clark-Shaw is hosting our own Tech Fair!
Categories will include:
- Animation
- Audio
- Computer Programming
- Digital Art
- Digital Game
- Graphic Design
- Mobile Apps
- Multidimensional (3D) Design
- Multimedia
- Video Production
- Web Design
You may compete in the Individual or Group category. If you are competing in the Group category, you may have a total of 4 group members, including yourself.
For more information, please visit the following link--[LINK].
Registration closes Friday, March 10.
Science Fair News
Healthy Heart Month
February was Healthy Heart Month! Our 6th graders had an assembly to learn about healthy habits and the Jump Rope for Heart fund-raiser. Throughout February, candy grams and Gatorades were sold in PE to raise money for the American Heart Association. In addition, students, faculty, and staff donated for the privilege of wearing red on Fridays in February. We are hoping to continue to be the highest-earning middle school in Mobile County!
Scholars' Bowl News
Members of the Scholars' Bowl team competed against middle schools from across the state at the 2023 Alabama Scholastic Competition Association (ASCA) tournament in Hoover, Alabama on February 25. It was an honor to be invited to this tournament, and Clark-Shaw was one of only two schools from the Mobile area to be invited. These six young men represented our school well: Eli Weatherford, Max Norris (captain), Grant Langham, Andres Gonzalez, Garrett Langham, and James Colleli. We are very proud of you!
History Day Winner!
Congratulations to Clark-Shaw 8th grader Kyla Barnett! Her project, "Phoenicians: Frontiers in Trade" won 2nd place in the exhibit category of the MCPSS History Day Competition. National History Day is an academic program and competition which encourages students to conduct historical research on a topic of interest to them. This year's theme is "Frontiers in History: People, Places, Ideas." Kyla is to be commended on taking on this rigorous extracurricular project on her own outside of class. Her hard work paid off! She will now compete in the Alabama State History Day Competition on March 3rd at Auburn University at Montgomery. Congratulations, Kyla!
Archery Team
Our archery team hosted our first-ever archery tournament from February 8 - 11, 2023 which involved 31 schools and 550 archers! Our archery tournament was immensely successful due to the tireless efforts of our volunteers! Thank you to Mr. Braswell, faculty and staff, and all the archery parents for their help throughout the tournament! We couldn't have done it without you!
Our archery team hosted the Eagles Regional Warm-Up archery tournament in February.
Our archery parents were invaluable to the success of our tournament! Shree Meade and Kristina Stuart organized all the concessions throughout the 4 days. Thank you, ladies!
Our archery students also represented Clark-Shaw at the Regional Archery Tournament at Bryant High School on February 28th. We are happy to say that our team placed #2 in all middle schools! That will likely qualify us to go to the state archery competition. Congratulations to all students! Our top archers were Paden Roberts (score of 281), Conner Reed (278), Landyn Randell (277), Sophia Piper (267), Julian Agee (266), and Evan Bonner (264). Those who participated were: Ju’Morian Nettles, Isabella Meade, Emerson Stuart, Eli Weatherford, Ella Weatherford, Brookelyn Dunnavant, Caleb Farnum, Jordyn Adams, Rico Nixon, Ian Taylor, Sophia Piper, Iris Piper, Conner Reed, Jude Singleterry, Julian Agee, Kaii Phillips, Evan Bonner, Landyn Randall, Keli’ani Nixon, Katelin Taylor, Alejandro Serrano, Nathan Williams, Fatima Mahtahseen, Taye Phillips, Sanad Shabaneh, Paden Roberts, and Brady Burkett.
The Clark-Shaw Magnet School archery team placed second at Regionals!
Faculty Spotlight
Mr. Jonathan Braswell teaches 7th and 8th grade PLTW courses and a section of 6th grade U.S. History. He graduated from the University of South Alabama with a degree in Secondary Education and History. He has taught at Semmes Middle, North Mobile K-8, and Williamson Preparatory before coming to Clark-Shaw. In his 3 years at Clark-Shaw, he said he loves "what we learn and getting creative with the students, especially during Design and Modeling. The “Skimmer” project is really cool and the quality of work some of these kids do is top notch!"
He also has enjoyed coaching the archery team. Says Mr. Braswell: "Archery has helped me focus on things better. Practicing all of those steps in repetition over and over can be applied to everyday things that we face at work, school, and at home. Focus, go through the steps, and aim at a target… that target can be anything… Grades, jobs you have to get done, relationships, etc. This is a great school and I am blessed to be here. I am extremely proud to be a part of the Clark-Shaw family."
Thank you, Mr. Braswell, for your enthusiasm for what you teach and for all the hard work you've put into our archery program!
Black History Month Program
Advanced Band
Student Council News
To give you an idea of what we might be able to do, here are some Student Council projects from the past few years:
- Student Council raised money to donate the first four picnic tables for the courtyard, providing a new area for eating and getting together outside.
- Student Council raised money to donate the 4 large wooden benches in the front of the school, making car dismissal easier and adding more seating for getting together outside.
- Student Council raised money to donate a new Games Box for the Rec room, with student-selected items like cards and popular board games for rainy days.
So what ideas do you have? Let them know by completing their brief survey: [LINK]
2022-2023 Student Council:
President: Charlotte Milling; Vice-President: Chloe Seals, Treasurer: Madison King, Secretary: Chaise Bolden; Adviser: Mrs. Heather Mattern
Hayden Brooks, Cheyenne McCants, Katherine Orso, Caitlyn Yates, Ashlynn Smith, Eleonor Fernandez, Destinee Abrams, Heaven-Lee Martin, Graham Langham, Briana Pears, Ariana Price, Anthony Sharp, Jacob Crain, Thomas Luker, Zeina Aydan, Paden Roberts, Garrett Langham, Grant Langham, Isabella Dunnavant, Mei-Ling Rollman, Whisper Saunders, Chyler McCutcheon, Brielle Turner, Daniella Collocho, Andres Gonzales- Espana
Eleonor Fernandez, 6th grade Student Council representative, shows off this year's Student Council t-shirt for members.
Clark-Shaw teachers in the Big Apple
Mrs. Van den Bosch, Mrs. Martin, and Mrs. Howell on a bitterly cold day walked over the Brooklyn Bridge which connects the New York City burroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn.
Help the Ronald McDonald House
Our Red Ribbon Ambassador Kimberlyn Brown is working with the Ronald McDonald House to help send the message that Clark-Shaw Eagles care about others! We are asking for your help!
The Ronald McDonald House Charities offer a safe haven for families whose children are receiving life-saving medical treatment in nearby hospitals, and its goal is to keep families together during difficult times. You can help by bringing in any of the following items or by making a monetary donation.
- 6th grade: household items including kitchen items, trash bags, Ziploc bags, white bath towels, etc.
- 7th grade: individually packaged snack items
- 8th grade: personal hygiene items including deodorant, toothpaste, small shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion, shaving cream, etc.
You are welcome to bring in a monetary donation to go towards purchasing these items.
Thank you in advance for your generosity!
NJHS Announcements
Upcoming dates that NJHS members need to know:
March 14 - Current Member Movie Social
March 17 - Fundraiser for Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Foundation
Members should check the NJHS Schoology group for more information. Any current member who needs access to the group should email Mrs. Howell or Ms. Roberts.
WOW (Worship on Wednesdays!)
WOW is a group led by our Fellowship of Christian Athletes that meets on select Wednesday mornings at 6:50am for a time of prayer, devotional, and worship songs. All 6th – 8th grade students are welcome! A yellow pass from Ms. Caz will allow you to be released from the cafeteria or gym on the mornings of our meetings to report to Room 207 on 7th grade hall. Remaining dates for WOW are as follows: March 15, March 29, April 12, May 3, and May 10. Come join us as we start off the day with an encouraging word! For questions or passes, see Ms. Caz (Room 207).
Students participating in WOW (Worship on Wednesday) heard from a former eagle, Kaylei Touchstone, who is an MGM student leader and Azalea Trail Maid. We love that she took the time to visit with us!
Spring Sports
Spring Sports Updates
The boys soccer team, coached by Mr. Kloeckener, is off to a great start! They are 2 - 0 with 1 tie. Most recently, they defeated Semmes Middle School 1-0 off a header by Henry Sprague from a corner kick from Carlos Benitez!
The girls soccer team is steadily improving as they gain game experience. After the first match of the season, Mrs. Coumanis took over as head coach.
The baseball team, coached by Mr. Mattern, played their first games of the season over Mardi Gras break against Saraland and Faith Academy at a tournament held at Faith Academy. All the players got valuable game experience and represented Clark-Shaw well!
The softball team began their season with a double-header at Alba Middle School on March 1. Be sure to show them support as they go through their season!
8th grade Yearbook ads
February Highlights
Mrs. Kirksey’s 6th grade earth science students created a “pocket solar system” as a scale model of our very own solar system. Students understand even more about how close terrestrial planets are and how spacious the gas giants are in comparison to the distance from the sun.
The Science Bowl is a group of students who are preparing for a quiz bowl-style competition on March 11. They have been staying after school to practice with Mrs. Specker. Members are Elasia Williams, Jaedyn Moore, Beverly David, Edwin Perry, Patrick Manassa, Whisper Saunders, Allen Williams, and Nathan Lord.
Students involved with SECME (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education) have been staying after school to prepare for the March 10th competition. Here, a group of students works on the banner component.
Another component of the SECME competition is the egg drop competition. Here, a student tests his group's design as his teammates wait below.
The Eagle Eye News continues to report school news and interview students around school! Pictured here are Garrett Langham, Chloe Seals, and Jumarion Adams-Nettles.
Students in Mrs. Howell's 8th grade world history classes have been studying the ancient cultures of Greece and learned that Greek pottery was both functional and decorative, often featuring paintings of people or Greek gods/goddesses. Students choose a myth to summarize and then drew a scene from their myth onto their vase.
A student in Mrs. Howell's class summarized the story of Medusa and Athena and created a vase with images of Medusa.
Spotted! Mr. Mashburn helping 6th grade students study for their social studies test during breakfast. (We hope they did well!)
Scholars in Mrs. Kirksey's science classes observed the motion of a marble when acted upon by different forces “gravity”. They investigated the motion of a marble as it rolled with a balanced and unbalanced force. The students moved on in their observations to see (Planetary Motion) how a marble orbits a water-filled balloon at the center of an elastic sheet and investigated the effect of planetary mass on a moon.
Our wonderful PTA parents surprised teachers with Valentine's Day cards with Dunkin' gift certificates! We appreciate you!!
Mrs. Kirksey's 6th grade earth science scholars recently learned about the moon's phases. During this activity, students named the 8 phases: full, new, 1Qtr, 3rd Qtr, waxing crescent, waxing gibbous, waning crescent, and waning gibbous.
Mrs. Coumanis’s 7th grade life science classes practiced their new ecological vocabulary words using inside outside circles. They also experimented with limiting factors by trying to write the alphabet on a piece of paper with one pen in a 1 meter square standing with 3 other students.
Students in Mrs. Van den Bosch and Mr. Kloeckener's 7th grade geography classes kicked off their unit on South America with an image analysis activity. They took a gallery walk through the hall and Collab Lab while using a "See - Think - Wonder" graphic organizer to organize their impressions.
7th grade students examined images from South America to form conclusions about the physical and cultural geography of this continent.
Mrs. Coumanis’s STEM class tested various models for irrigation systems they created for a village in South Sudan that has both a dry and rainy season, yet needs water year-round. They did quite well!
Students in 8th grade World History class with Mr. Roberts demonstrated their understanding of content-specific words with Roman Word Art! Students drew visual representations of key terms from the unit on ancient Rome, including aqueduct, Romance languages, the Colosseum, and the Roman Forum.
Mohamad Hamied, an engineer at AirBus and a parent of a Clark-Shaw Eagle, spoke to the 7th grade recently about Airbus and the physics surrounding airplane flight.
Former Eagles in the News
Former Eagle Amelia Velaski placed 1st at the MCPSS History Day!
Former Eagle Spotlight
Hey! My name is Isabella Martin! I am currently in my second year at the University of Alabama. I attended Baker High School and after taking 17 AP classes including both AP Capstone classes, I was able to come into UA with 60+ credits. I was the Salutatorian of my high school class, and I currently am maintaining a 4.0 GPA throughout my college years. I owe a lot of my dedication to my middle school experience— Clark-Shaw fostered my rigor and passion for excelling in academics.
My days at school start with Calculus 3 and end with my Health Disparities class. I want to become a Data Analyst with a focus in health disparities and substance abuse. Therefore, my classes look like a combination of higher-level math and public health courses. I have been so fortunate to have amazing teachers throughout my entire educational experience. While I do have my own personal drive, I cannot discount my teachers that have inspired my life course. Go Eagles, and Roll Tide!
Isabella, you are one of the finest around! Thank you for sharing what you've been up to. We are so proud of you!!
Purchase a Yearbook!
Our PTA needs you!
Please consider joining or helping our PTA! Joining PTA does NOT require you to volunteer on campus. But for those who would like to help, several opportunities are available, including dance committee, awards committee, concessions and ticket sales, Spring Fling, and other events. We appreciate the efforts and support of our parents and families, and we hope you will consider joining! To join: [click here]
Important Upcoming Dates
March 14, 2023: Pi Day (see your math teacher for more info!)
March 17, 2023: Last day of 3rd Quarter
March 20, 2023: Teacher Workday (no school)
March 21, 2023: 4th Quarter begins
March 22, 2023: ACAP testing begins
2022-2023 School Calendar
Follow Clark-Shaw on social media!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clarkshawmagnet
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clarkshawmagnet_eagles @clarkshawmagnet_eagles
Twitter: https://twitter.com/clarkshaweagles @clarkshaweagles
Clark-Shaw Magnet School
Timesha Taylor-Jackson, Principal
Website: https://clarkshawmcpssal.schoolinsites.com/
Location: 5960 Arlberg Street, Mobile, AL, USA
Phone: 251-221-2106
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clarkshawmagnet
Twitter: @clarkshaweagles
Newsletter compiled by Dena Van den Bosch, dvandenbosch@mcpss.com