Coyote Connection
December 14, 2021
Staff Spotlight!
This week we are spotlighting our amazing Reading Recovery Teacher Leader, Mrs. Stalzer! What is Reading Recovery you ask? Reading Recovery is a short term early intervention that supports literacy instruction for first grade students. As a Reading Recovery Teacher Leader, Mrs. Stalzer teaches Reading Recovery students at Kolmar daily and works with 30 teachers in 9 area school districts, including D123, to provide professional development and instructional coaching. Oak Lawn Hometown D123 has been a Reading Recovery Site for over 30 years, impacting countless students in our community. Mrs. Stalzer has made a difference in so many students' lives. Mrs. Stalzer is not only constantly supporting the Reading Recovery students, but also any other student who may need her help as well. She is also always willing to help our staff in anyway they need, whether that be sharing strategies, helping with assessments, or being an extra teacher when needed. Wherever you find her, you'll find her with a smile on her face and an encouraging word! Thanks for all you do Mrs. Stalzer!
Classroom Happenings!
The Preschoolers in Mrs. Parus' class have been so busy and have been having SO much fun! Preschool has been learning about bread, how it's made, the kinds we eat, and who works with the bread we eat. This study of bread encourages children to explore a familiar topic and allows them to gather information, solve problems and think symbolically. They made butter as a group by vigorously shaking heavy whipping cream with marbles, then toasted some bread. The children had the option to add jelly on top. How awesome!
Winter Concert
Kolmar's Kindergarteners, First Graders, and School Choir grade will perform on Thursday, December 16th at 2:00 pm. The concert will be held in the gym and doors will open at 1:45 p.m. Family members should enter through door 5 near the gym. In order to ensure adequate spacing, we ask that only two family members attend per performer. Additionally, please remember that face masks are required when inside the school.
Lost and Found
Our lost and found is overflowing. If your child is missing an item, please have them take a look to see if it has been turned in.
Spirit Days
Hat, Scarf, and Mitten Drive
SHIELD Testing Results
December Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Kolmar Avenue Elementary School
Website: d123.org/kolmar
Location: 10425 S Kolmar Ave, Oak Lawn, IL, USA
Phone: 708-422-1800
Twitter: @d123kolmar
Mr. David Creech - Principal
Email: dreech@d123.org
Website: d123.org/kolmar
Phone: 708-422-1800
Twitter: @dtcreech