Principal Update
Mills Family Newsletter, August 17, 2022
Dear Mountain Lion Families,
Please continue reading for a few celebrations, reminders, and upcoming dates. This will truly be an exceptional year of learning and growing at Mills! #BetterTogetherAtMills
Angela Frageman
Joe Dan Mills, Jr. Elementary
Way to Go, Mills Students, Teachers, & Staff! TEA Rating: A! Academic Distinctions: 5 of 6!
Reminders: Safety, Arrival & Dismissal
- 7:40am School start
- 3:10pm Official End of Day
- All visitors must check in and come in & exit through the front office. No exceptions.
- See Arrival & Dismissal Map for Drop Off/Pick Up locations (below)
- Use crosswalks, follow speed limits in school zones, and stay off cell phones while driving for arrival and dismissal.
- No dogs allowed on campus grounds.
- Post your dismissal number visibly in your car when picking up.
- Report all suspicious activity to school staff and call 911.
- Absences- email millsattendance@gmail.com Office Contact: Kristi Thomason
Updated Austin ISD Covid Protocols
What to do if your child tests positive: Please email angela.frageman@austinisd.org and cc barbara.pestien@austinisd.org along with millsattendance@gmail.com with your child's name, ID number, date of positive test and test type.
Per Austin ISD protocol: Individual may return to campus and begin participating in extracurricular events five days after testing positive if they are feeling well and symptoms are improved. The day of the positive test is Day 0. Individuals are also required to wear a mask for five days upon return to campus.
What to expect when there is a positive case on campus: Campuses are required to send out a letter to the community informing you of a positive case or cases, on campus. The letter will not go into specifics and will not share any identifiers, rather give you a general heads up.
New to Mills Staff
Join me in welcoming new staff (teaching and classifeds) to Mills- we are thrilled they have joined our team! We will have an opportunity for you to meet everyone at Back to School Night.
1st Grade- Whitney Eberhardt
Special Education Resource Support- Daniel Sweet
Special Education Lifeskills Support- Anna McGroty
Special Education Early Childhood- Lauren Spears
Physical Education (PE)- Lisa Lindberg
Physical Education (PE)- Javier Sanchez
Art- Caitlin Trueheart
Music- Devin Thomas
Music- Thomas 'Matt' Jackson
Counselor- Elise Edwards
Teaching Assistants- Javier Gonzalez, Tracey Gonzales, Marian Rye, Heather Karn, Lisa Vienneau, Tammie Garcia
Custodian- Rolando Villatoro Martinez
Message from the Mills Healthroom
Hi! I'm Nurse Barbara. This is my 5th year as a Mountain Lion and I'm looking forward to another great year!
I will be here 7:30am to 3:30pm Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Tuesday and Thursday the health room will be staffed by a trained clinical assistant, with whom I will work closely.
Some friendly reminders:
If your student has medical needs that require medical assistance during the school day, please reach out to me so we can plan accordingly.
The health room does not have "stock" medications. If your student is going to need medication during the school day, please understand that we are required to have a signed Authorization form as well as a doctor's note dated June 2022 or later. These forms do not carry over year to year. Please do not send medications in your student's backpack. Medications may be dropped with the health room staff or front office staff with the appropriate paperwork. Please reach out to barbara.pestien@austinisd.org if you have questions. Thank you!
Upcoming Dates
August 24: PTA General Meeting & Principal Coffee, 3:30pm-4:30pm, Library
August 31 : Back to School Night Pre-K-2nd Grade, 5:30pm-6:30pm
September 1: Back to School Night 3rd Grade-5th Grade 5:30pm-6:30pm
September 5: Student & Staff Holiday, Labor Day
September 10: Dirt Club Workday
September 12: Campus Advisory Council (CAC) Meeting via Zoom 3:30pm
September 21: Fall Pictures
September 28: Parent Conferences
October 3-7: Custodian Appreciation Week
October 7: Elementary Early Release at 1:30pm
Past Principal Newsletters/Updates:
July Principal Newsletter:
August & September Staff Birthdays
August 22- Sarah Ray
August 31- Javier Sanchez
September 4- Leni Serrano
September 19- Kelly Pallarino
September 30- Marcey French