Chisholm Update
December 8, 2023

Happy Holidays Chargers Families!
Chisholm students were treated to a traveling orchestra concert by students in Cimarron's orchestra. The orchestra played holiday music to students in the cafeteria and various locations around the building. Many of the students in the Cimarron group were former Chisholm students and several had siblings or Chisholm students they knew. It was such a great treat for our students to see and hear this impromptu performance and we are very thankful for Cimarron's support of other school's within our vertical.
Thank you for the donations of blankets, gloves, socks, and jackets this past week, which will be given to Operation Angel Wings and The Hope Center. Through your generosity, our school was able to bring some warmth to those in need. This donation drive correlates well with our word of the month, which is Charity, and it provided the opportunity to give to others in need.
I want to take a moment to brag on our 3rd grade students for the program performance Paint the Town December. To help with parking and space in the cafeteria, we decided to split the classes into 2 performances. Both groups did an amazing job with this program, which was well attended by families and friends.
During the 2nd performance on Thursday evening, the music cut out a couple of times during a song. When this occurred, the students didn't miss a beat and continued singing their song. I almost thought it was intentional or planned the first time it occurred. When I realized it wasn't, I was immediately impressed how well they handled both incidents and how they displayed the common saying often heard in the world of performances that "The Show Must Go on". The preparation, practice, and work they put into this program gave them the confidence to carry-on with the music, and I feel confident in saying the first performance group would have done just as well if this occurred during their show.
Congratulations to Mrs. Tate and Mrs. Loomis and the 3rd- grade teachers for their efforts in preparing our students for this program! Congratulations to our 3rd graders for a job well done!
We have the December PTO meeting scheduled for this coming Monday, December 11 starting at 9:00 in the cafeteria. We hope to see you there, but if you can't make it, the minutes from this meeting will be placed in future newsletters!
Calling all Substitutes - We've noticed in recent weeks, the growing need for substitutes here at Chisholm as we get further into cold and flu season. If you are interested in becoming a substitute, as a classroom teacher or classroom assistant, or even if you want to inquire more about the possibility of becoming a substitute in the future, please click on this link or you can call the school.
I hope you and your families are well as we enter into the last 8 days before winter break.
Have a great weekend!
Thomas Higdon
JackBe/ Edmond Foundation Fundraiser - For those that shop with JackBe during the week of December 6 - 12. 5% of all proceeds will be donated to the Edmond Public School Foundation.
The order link for the 2023-24 Chisholm Yearbook is also included in this newsletter. The order deadline for purchasing a yearbook won't occur until February or March, but you can take care of this item at this time.
Edmond Fine Arts Camps - Edmond Fine Arts will be providing art camps for upcoming school breaks (fall, Thanksgiving, and Holiday). Contact and detailed information is listed below.
December Smart Social Tip of the Month
Did you know there are settings on your student’s phone or tablet that allow you to control how much they use it? In this month’s Smart Social tip, learn all about parental control options for your student’s devices. To access this information, just click on this link: https://smartsocial.com/post/parental-control?org=edmond?org=edmond
And, remember, if you haven’t signed up for Smart Social yet, EPS is providing this resource to all of our families for free for this school year. When you click the link, it’ll prompt you to sign up for your free EPS account. We hope you continue to find this information useful!
Looking Forward...
Looking forward...
Dec. 11 - PTO Meeting - 9:00 in the cafeteria
Dec. 18 - Holiday Explosion - dress in your favorite holiday clothing.
Dec, 19 - Grinch Day
Dec. 19 - Winter Party Date - 2:35 in classrooms
Dec. 20 - PJ Day
Dec. 20 - Last Day of School before Winter Break and End of 1st Semester
Jan. 9 - School Resumes for 2nd Semester
Possible Weather Related Virtual Instruction
Procedures for the season as we move into winter weather season that could impact in-person instruction,
Prior to these days and depending on the weather forecast, we will send student checked out devices home with the students. There also could be some paper/pencil work that is sent home as well. Teachers will create 2 google meets, morning and afternoon, and the meeting pin to access for your student to be able to check in with the teacher.Students would go to meet.google.com and enter this pin number, which would take them to the meeting. Student attendance will be taken from the work completed during the day of remote or virtual instruction when we return.
We will not send chargers home with students, so device use should be limited to school work only. Teachers will send instructions for remote day to the email listed in Infinite Campus. Hopefully, this won't happen often, but we wanted to make you aware in the event it does.
School Hours
8:45 - Our school day begins with announcements. Parents need to sign in late-arriving students.
2:55 - Pre-K Dismissal begins
3:25 - School Dismissal beings
Low Cost Home Internet /
Passrod Rest Portal /
Technology Information
Chisholm Elementary
Mon -Fri from 8:00 - 4:00
Website: https://chisholm.edmondschools.net/
Location: 2300 SE 33rd Street
Phone: 405 -340-2950
Facebook: facebook.com/chisholmelementaryedmond