The best tricks for Telegram
The instant messaging service - which reported 500 million active users at the beginning of 2021 - adds new functions on a recurring basis, so it is always convenient to know some of the best tricks for Telegram.
This is not a definitive guide: it will be expanded later with the intention that anyone can master this application that has already earned a relevant place among users.
1. Home Screen Widgets
Adding the chat widget — on your home screen — displays a preview of recent messages, while the shortcut widget displays only names and profile photos.
Telegram clarifies that, on Android, the chats and messages in the widget are always up-to-date, plus it can be expanded to take up more space on the screen. On iOS, it only receives updated data occasionally and cannot be expanded.
Press and hold a free area on your home screen, select Widgets, and search for Telegram . Once here, choose and configure the widget that best meets your communication needs.
2. Pin Messages in a Chat
It is one thing to pin contacts, which is explained later, and another to have starred messages within a chat.
To do this, go to a conversation, click on the side of the message you are interested in setting — it can be on the right or left side — and, in the menu that appears, click on Set . Decide if you just want to keep it pinned for yourself or for your contact as well.
Pinned messages are stored at the top of the chat, with the ability to jump between one and another, or view them in a separate list.
3. Preview a Chat
It is possible to have a preview of any chat in the main interface of the application, to know which are the last messages exchanged (without the need for them to be marked as read).
To do this, you only have to click on the contact's photo. The popup window that shows you the conversation is displayed; If you are interested in opening it, drag it up a bit, if not, just release.
4. Saved Messages
One of the great virtues of Telegram is this chat, which works as a repository of all kinds of information, from fragments of specific conversations to links that you would like to read later (even from your computer).
All you have to do is copy the data that interests you, open the chat from the main interface of the app and paste it.
Of course, they will remain private, that is, only you can see them.
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