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Literacy Coaching Corner
October 2022
Welcome October!
In this newsletter, you will find:
- "Carmela Full of Wishes" read aloud for Hispanic Heritage Month
- Author Spotlight: Matt de la Peña
- Indigenous Peoples Day Text Set and Teaching Ideas
- Teacher Spotlight: Brenda Epkey from Waldron Elementary
October Read Aloud
Author Spotlight
Matt de la Peña
Indigenous Peoples Text Set
We Are Water Protectors
When I Was Eight
We Are Grateful - Otsaliheliga
Don't have these texts? Use Epic!
Intention in Vocabulary Instruction
The vocabulary words below occur in many of the above titles. Teaching vocabulary words that students will see in multiple texts in a text set will help solidify their knowledge of the word and create depth to their knowledge.
Intentional vocabulary instruction will lead to comprehension of the text and concepts!
Virtual Field Trips & Resources
National Museum of the American Indian
Nokomis Cultural Heritage Center
Alaska Native Heritage Center
Important Considerations
DON'T: use accents or voices during read alouds that may promote stereotypes.
DO: talk about white privilege and the realities of Indigenous historical events.
DON'T: use terms that cultivate an "us" and "them" dynamic.
DO: engage in critical thinking and reflective activities.
DON'T: reduce Native American subject matter to a traditional craft or food.
Teacher Spotlight: Brenda Epkey, Second Grade Teacher at Waldron Elementary
She began a six-week coaching plan based on the text, No More Independent Reading Without Support. She and the literacy coach created a six-week lesson plan and outline. Each week the coach has modeled a lesson from the framework and Brenda will begin modeling the lessons towards the end of the cycle.
Initial data was collected regarding the students' attitudes towards reading. Post data will be collected to determine if the cycle helped improve children's attitudes and motivation. Brenda has been very enthusiastic about the process and is looking forward to digging deeper in this topic.
Reach out to your building literacy coach if you are interested in learning more about coaching or a coaching cycle within your building.
Clinton County RESA Literacy Resource Website
The early literacy coaching team is REVAMPING our Clinton County RESA Literacy Website! Find ready read alouds, professional development opportunities, resources, and more about the Literacy Essentials.
Let's Keep In Touch
Supporting Bath and Pewamo-Westphalia School Districts
Cecilia Stajos
Supporting Fowler and Ovid-Elsie School Districts
Ashley Windnagle
Supporting DeWitt and Ovid-Elsie School Districts