Fifth Grade
October 2019
Hope, Healing, and Wholeness
Email: lwilliamson@prov.church
Website: https://prov.church/ministries/kids/
Location: 2293 S. Rutland Road, Mt. Juliet, TN
Phone: 615.773.7862
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProvKIDS/
Thursday Nights
The Best Version of Ourselves through Honesty
8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light. Ephesians 5:8
The Bible is full of scriptures about light and darkness. This month, we will continue to look at being the best version of ourselves through the character trait of honesty, even if being honest means we might get into trouble. Growing up, as a fifth grader, this became one of the hardest struggles for me personally. But choosing the path of dishonesty, I broke a lot of relationships and trust, hurting those I loved the most. The Bible tells us that if we choose to lie, cheat, or steal we walk away from the light and the truth (Psalm 43:3) by walking in the darkness. But are little lies ok? And what does God think about lying?
In the story of Zaccheaus, he was known throughout the community to be a liar and a cheat. A scoundral! But Jesus called to Zaccheus. He did not point out all of the bad things Zacchaeus was doing, but wanted to be around him and invited himself to his home for dinner. Jesus, the Light of this world, brought his light into the home of Zaccheus to shine on Zaccheaus's heart. This is the good news of the gospel. Even when we stray away from the best version of ourselves by being dishonest, Jesus calls to us and asks to be a part of God's story.
Sunday Mornings
ProvKIDS Serve
This month, we will be adding a new type of service in by looking at storytelling in the preschool classrooms and being story assistants to bring the bible story to life in the lower grade school classrooms. We will continue to have our other serving opportunities (ProvKIDS communion, welcoming new children, prayer requests) on a weekly basis as noted below along with a follow up gathering time before the conclusion of service.
Try This . . .
Lying doesn't cover the Truth
What you’ll need:
- Vanilla Ice cCream
- Chocolate Syrup
- Salt
- 3 Bowls
- a big bowl of water
click here for the experiment: https://overthebigmoon.com/an-object-lesson-for-kids-on-honesty/
To Connect the Family . .
- Younger Siblings: This month, younger siblings are focusing on being brave and courageous, which is what our 5th graders focused on in September. Connect the two together by having your older sibling help find other stories in the bible that demonstrate courage and read those stories together.
- Older Siblings or Yourself: Through the month of October, our sermon series on: Jesus changed my life. Open the conversation up with your preteen about how making the choice to let Jesus in your heart has changed your life. Ask what it would mean to them if they allowed Jesus to change their life. What would be the benefits of that choice? How might that choice change their life?
In Prayer...
Talk with your children about a time when you had trouble being honest and the consequences that followed. Invite your preteen to be a part of the conversation and ask questions or share any similar experiences. Talk with your child about the following:
- Can you think of an example of how the world seems to make it easy to tell lies?
- Is it ever ok to lie? If the answer is yes, how do you know when it is ok or not?
- What do you think Jesus meant when he said that “if you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones” (Luke 16:10)?
Take time together to pray for for honesty to be a part of your family's life, even if it means they might get into trouble. Take turns in prayer one praying for the other.
Look it Up or Check it Out!
Proverbs 14:5
Proverbs 14:25
Proverbs 12:17
Proverbs 12:22
Proverbs 24:26
The Empty Pot
A story about a boy named Ping who loves flowers. When the emperor was ready to choose an heir, he gave each child in the kingdom a flower seed. Ping's seed refused to grow, but when he chooses honesty he finds it has its own great reward.
Bible Stories
Look for other stories and examples together in the Bible that showed honesty. How does honesty help build relationships within your family?
Special Event: Baptismal Service, Thursday, October 24
Music Connection
The voice of Truth
Speaking of honesty, sometimes we can hear things from others that contradict what God thinks of us. The voice of truth is God's words as to who He says we are. Use the song above as a reminder that the more we walk in the path of God's light by being honest, the more we will be able to hear the voice of Truth that comes from God.