R10 Title III News
Volume 2, December 2020
Tips and Tools for English Learner Parents and Families
Greetings to our Region 10 English Learner parents, families, and colleagues! The English Learner support team here at Region 10 is so excited to announce a new series designed especially for you! Starting this month, we will begin sharing tools, tips, and strategies to help you help your students attain English proficiency and develop high levels of academic achievement. Each part of the series will include an infographic with linked resources and tips that you can explore on your own and with your family. We will follow up with a short video clip that will help walk you through the highlights shared in the infographic.
Take a look at the video below to learn more about the series and the different topics that will be covered. Don't forget to check back with us every month for a new topic.
- Share the infographic with your EL parents and families.
- After sharing the infographic, invite parents to a live coffee chat or virtual cafe. Parents can have the opportunity to share ideas, strategies, and practice the tips shared on the infographic.
- Follow up with the video clip which provides additional tips, tools, and strategies.
Do you have other ideas? Share with us! #R10ELSupport
Traditional Chinese
Check out the redesigned English learner web portal!
The portal NOW introduces resources for parents and families of English learners and a NEW strand focusing on building community partnerships. This innovated portal provides a one stop shop approach for all stakeholders to access state and federal guidance and web-based resources to boost student outcomes. The site now offers a translation feature to toggle between the top languages in Texas.
Visit www.txel.org and see how you can implement these great resources to increase the impact on the academic success of the State’s English learners.
Source: TEA
How to Navigate the Parents and Families Page
Have you seen the latest video explaining how to navigate the Parents and Families page at the TXEL Portal?
Click on the picture below to watch the video. Other videos are available at www.txel.org
Por Nuestros Niños Podcast
@R10ELSupport #R10ELSupport
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