MVS Family News
Blazing our own path to excellence!
Monday, September 26
Upcoming Dates (details below)
September 26-- Post-Secondary Planning meeting-- for juniors and seniors-- 6 PM @ MVS
September 26-28-- 2nd grade- 8th grade-- In-Person Testing (date and time- scheduled with your teacher)
September 28-- Blount County College Fair at Maryville College 5:30 - 7:00pm
October 3-7-- Fall Break/ No School
October 10-- Intervention and Enrichment/ No School
October 11-- Professional Development/ No School
October 17-- Senior Success Night at MHS 5:00 to 7:00pm
October 18-- ACT Retake for all Seniors at Maryville High School
October 21-- Friday Night Frenzy at CGIS-- Maryville City Schools Foundation
October 22-- Miles 4 Maryville - Maryville City Schools Foundation
Post-Secondary Planning Meeting (Planning for College)-- Juniors & Seniors
Blount County College Fair
Wednesday, September 28 from 5:30-7:00 pm at Maryville College----- The Blount County College Fair will take place on Wednesday, September 28 from 5:30-7:00 pm. This free, in-person college fair will allow high school students and their parents to connect with over 50 colleges, universities, technical schools and art schools so that you can get the information you need during your college search. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with a variety of college representatives who are eager to discuss your many options for college! Register at https://apply.maryvillecollege.edu/register/2022-BCCF
Senior Success Night @ MHS
Monday, October 17 from 5:00-7:00 pm at Maryville High School------- MCS school counselors will host this year's Senior Success Night on Monday, October 17 from 5:00-7:00 pm at Maryville High School. All seniors and their parents are highly encouraged to attend this event. Experts from college financial aid offices will be on hand to offer FAFSA help (please bring your laptop and know your FAFSA login information!). In addition, representatives from local community colleges will be available to answer questions about admissions. Individuals from area businesses and recruiting firms will attend and will discuss future employment opportunities for our students upon high school graduation. This is a night not to be missed!
ACT Retakes for All Seniors
Counselor's Corner
September is College Application Month in the state of TN and several colleges are participating. ETSU (https://www.etsu.edu/admissions/app-waiver.php), TN Tech (https://www.tntech.edu/admissions/apply/index.php?cbe_rcid=2ad6474d-7faf-4184-a3b5-8a178fad7fef), and the University of Memphis (https://apply.memphis.edu/apply/) will offer a free application for the entire month. Schools in the UT System and MTSU will sponsor free applications during College Application Week, September 19-23.
The following colleges will have representatives at Maryville High School on these days from 9:55 AM to 10:10 AM. If you are a MVS junior or senior and want to visit with the representative, please check in at MHS front desk by 9:45 AM and then make your way to their guidance office.
9/26/22: Sewanee (The University of the South)
9/27/22: Queens University and University of Alabama Huntsville
9/28/22: Virginia Tech
9/29/22: Auburn University
10/1/22: Wofford College
Upcoming events of interest:
9/28/22: Blount County College Fair at Maryville College https://apply.maryvillecollege.edu/register/2022-BCCF
10/1/22: Big Orange Preview Day at UTK, to register: https://govols.utk.edu/register/fallbop22
10/8/22: Saturday tour at UTC https://www.utc.edu/enrollment-management-and-student-affairs/admissions/visit
10/15/22: Fall Preview Day at University of Memphis https://apply.memphis.edu/register/fall_preview_day_oct15
10/17/22: TSAC and FAFSA Workshop @ MHS (for seniors only)
10/22/22: Saturday tour at UTC https://www.utc.edu/enrollment-management-and-student-affairs/admissions/visit
10/20/22: ETSU Navigate Event (Crowne Plaza in Knoxville): https://etsu.secure.force.com/events/targetX_eventsb__events#/esr?eid=a1D8X00000aihjbUAA
10/25/22: Pellissippi State Blount Campus Fall Preview Day
11/5/22: Blue and Gold Preview Day at UTC
11/12/22: UT Martin Preview Day https://www.utm.edu/admissions/preview_day.php
11/12/22: Fall Preview Day at University of Memphis https://apply.memphis.edu/register/fall_preview_day_nov12
Miles 4 Maryville
Miles 4 Maryville is just around the corner! This annual race, sponsored by the MCS Foundation, will take place Saturday, October 22nd. Please see the graphic below for more information.
PowerSchool/ Gradebook Access for Parents
1. Login to https://ps.maryvillecityschools.k12.tn.us/public/home.html
with your Parent username and password.
2. Sign up for emails of grades and attendance
- Setting Up Automatic Reminders: Emailed Notification of Grades
- Once parent is logged in, choose Email Notification on the left.
- Check what information you would like to receive, how often, and to what email address.
- Click Submit and Sign Out.
3. Download the PowerSchool app and view it on your phone
- PowerSchool Mobile App
- Install App.
- Enter District Code: QLNK.
- Login using the Parent username and password.
Canvas Parent Accounts
- First Time: Creating an Account:
- Directions
- Once you have created a login, use your User ID and Password.
- Existing Parent Account: Adding an additional student
- Editing Notifications:
- Once you make your account, you will start getting email updates unless you turn them off under Notifications.
- Directions