MCCHS Friday Focus
272nd Issue - October 20, 2023
From the Desk of Mrs. Kelly Hilton
This time of year at Marian Central also brings many changes for our students, including the end of the first quarter, college application season, preparations for the fall play, and the end of the fall athletic season – to name a few. As much as all these things can be exciting, tensions also run high as our students are often pushed to their limits making sure that they fulfill the many obligations they have in their lives. It is so important, especially as stress levels increase, that we keep an eye on our students’ well-being. We need to ask them how they’re doing and truly listen to their responses, encourage them to talk about any difficulties they might be facing, and be watchful for changes in their behavior - increased or lack of sleep and appetite, lack of focus, and signs of isolation. Students who are struggling with their mental health often appear “down” and report feelings of anxiety, exhaustion, and lack of motivation.
If you are concerned that your teen might be experiencing mental health struggles there are options for support. Mr. Kruse and I, Marian Central’s school counselors, are available to consult with parents and/or to meet with students for check-ins. Additionally, there are outside resources for support including two that the Mental Health Club shared with the student body during a recent Advisory period including the new 988 National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline that allows students to call, text or chat for access to professionals. Locally, we have the MCHelp app developed by the McHenry County Mental Health Board that connects teens with trained counselors 24/7.
It is important to us here at Marian Central that none of our students ever feel hopeless, alone, or isolated. We want them to know that through faith in God and the support of the Marian family there is no trial or tribulation they cannot overcome.
Mrs. Kelly Hilton
Director of Guidance
Conferences - In Person
Spirit Wear
Stock up on your Canes Wear and show your Hurricane Pride!
Winter Sports Parent/Student Meeting
Student Athletes and parents are invited to join us for the winter sports meeting on Monday, October 23rd at 6:30 pm. The meeting will start in Landers Pavilion and then each sport will break off into a separate meeting.
- Learn about Marian Athletics
- Meet the Staff
- Learn about the Athletic Boosters
- Meet other Parents
Contact Cody O'Neill with questions. We hope to see you there!
Planned Absences
Students who need to miss school for a pre-arranged absence MUST obtain their assignments before their departure. Parent notice must be presented to the office a minimum of one week in advance of the planned vacation/trip or family/personal purpose. Students will be given an Advanced Leave Notice form to be signed by their teachers and parents and returned to the office. This must be in advance of the planned absence. Please see the Student Handbook for details.
Lost & Found
We have two LOST AND FOUND areas at Marian—in the office and the Auxiliary Gym. If you’ve lost anything, please stop by and see if we have it.
Currently we have a Pandora bracelet, a few rings/necklaces, a couple of calculators, a Bible with a nice fabric cover and many sweatshirts and water bottles. We usually get a nice collection of random air pods, too. Please stop by and see if any of these items are yours!
Football Meat Raffle - October 21 - Tomorrow
Get ready for the holidays with our Football Meat Raffle! Win great silent auction items and mingle with football families. You'll have a chance to win big money with our 50/50 raffle! Everyone is welcome for an afternoon of pure fun, not exclusive to football families.
Senior Portrait Update
You should have received an email from Higher Focus Photography on Thursday with a link and ordering information for your senior's school portraits. You can also login directly at www.higherfocusphotography.gotphoto.com with the access code provided via your student's QR Code from Senior Picture Day.
There is an option for your student to select the photo that we feature in the Yearbook and class composite. Please make this selection by November 18 to change the default image currently selected.
If you have any additional questions about these images or need help accessing your photos, please email service@higherfocusphotography.com and let them know you are from Marian Central along with your senior's name. We hope you enjoy the photos!
October/November Calendar
Thursday, October 26th - Conferences; Noon Dismissal
Friday, October 27th - Conferences; No School
Wednesday, November 8th - Late Start
Wednesday, November 22nd - Noon Dismissal
Thursday, November 23rd - Thanksgiving; No School
Friday, November 24th - No School
Practice ACT - October 26th
Juniors will have the opportunity to take a free practice ACT on Thursday, October 26th beginning at 12:30pm. The test will last until approximately 4:30pm. To register for the exam, please visit Revolution Prep's website. For more information, please contact either Mr. Wochner or Mrs. Diamond in the Guidance Office.
Next Week's College Visits in the Guidance Office
Juniors and Seniors may attend these visits. Students must sign up for all visits in SCOIR and obtain permission from their teacher.
Tuesday 10/24: University of Kansas-3rd Period, University of Nebraska-Lincoln-10th Period
Wednesday 10/25: Carthage College-1st Period
Picture Day
Students will wear full uniform (sweater season) for these photos. Ordering information will be shared later.
Harlem Wizards are Coming to Town!
The Marian Central Athletic Booster Club is arranging a one-of-a-kind historical fundraiser that includes all our deanery schools united under one roof! On November 2nd at 6:30pm, Marian Central will host the famous Harlem Wizards basketball performance team! This exciting, super-fun, high-energy, slam-dunking family entertainment event will have us all on our feet to support our own teachers as they face the Wizards, a professional team of athletes and entertainers. Tickets and sponsorships are available now at https://harlemwizards.givesmart.com.