Digital Maker Playground
Play to Learn #p2lmooc
Create and Compose in an Innovative Learning Space
What does digital literacy look like? Where are you as a digital learner? A variety of digital tools make it possible to create and share with others. This maker course will provide hands on opportunities for participants to experience the power of creation, authentic problem solving in an innovative learning space. Participants will create from traditional workshop spaces or connected spaces of their choice.
Photo Credit: Pete Prodoehl
Event Information
Digital Maker Playground
Join us for the fun. Each two weeks, we will create around a theme using a variety of digital tools. Your creations are limited to your imagination. Cathy and Julie will be available for face to face workshop time in the Darby Creek Media Center from 4:00 to 6:00 on the following dates:
March 5
March 19
April 2
April 16
April 30
You may join us at Darby Creek on those dates or work from a connected space of your choosing. We will share our work in several online spaces including our own Google+ community, Digital Maker Playground.
Thursday, Mar 5, 2015, 04:00 PM
Darby Creek Elementary School, Pinefield Drive, Hilliard, OH
Can't Physically Join Us?
Digital Maker Playground is a unique opportunity open to everyone near and far. All educators are invited to play with us as we explore new tools, create and compose projects around the themes listed below, as well as share and collaborate with other educators around the world. Our work will be housed in our Google+ Community, which will allow us to connect with each other easily. Use #playtolearn when sharing your work on Twitter for another way to connect with others.
Interested? Go to the Google+ Community, Digital Maker Playground and request to join.
Maker Themes
March 5: What's Your Maker Space?
March 19: Lift a Line from Literature
April 2: Make a Statement
April 16: Rock My World
April 30: Connected