
A collaborative partnership of
school districts, staff, students, parents/families, and community agencies
Supporting Equitable Learning, Programs and Access
for ALL students.
Who is in the CAC?
- Parents/guardians of individuals with disabilities (the majority)
- Representatives of agencies that serve people with disabilities
- School staff
How can I participate?
Members of the public are always welcome to attend CAC meetings and give public comments. CAC Meetings are governed by the Brown Act and only items on the agenda will be discussed. Staff may follow-up as needed. If you prefer to speak with a CAC member privately or by phone, call the SELPA office at (805) 437-1560 for contact information, including the name of your school district representative.
Promote connection, collaboration and communication between districts and parents
Creating Community: Outreach to families and connecting with the broader community
Building Capacity: Fostering connections between districts, parents, and community organizations
CAC Activities:
- Meet the admins events, regional coffee chats, needs assessment and/or surveys, connection building for CAC reps and district administration, promoting the CAC Newsletter, the SELPA website and resources, and encouraging connection to the SELPA through email sign-ups.
- Community Awareness of Disability: Promoting awareness events and activities like National Bullying Prevention Month, Unity Day, Inclusive Schools Week, and Disability Awareness, sharing the CAC Newsletter with the broader community.
- Raising Awareness about Students with Disabilities who are also English Learners, Migrant Students, Foster Youth, and/or Homeless Youth with a focus on cultural sensitivity.
- Promote Recognition Awards for educators, students, parents, and community members, etc.
- Utilize ADR resources, trainings, and support – to help facilitate open conversations building parent and school relationships.
Inclusion and Beyond:
Parent Education:
The Why, What & How of Inclusive Practices
CAC Activities:
- Promoting the SELPA belief statement on inclusion with the community, promoting inclusive practices, promoting inclusive preschool, focusing efforts to address literacy, communication and social emotional development from the early years, using inclusive language, fighting Ableism, ensuring equitable access to student resources, changing unconscious bias.
Mental and Social Emotional Health:
Parent Education:
Provide parent education and resources available to help families understand mental health with an emphasis on destigmatization and fostering their child’s social emotional development.
CAC Activities:
- Reinvigorate Carpe Diem, develop resources to help families with out-of-home placements, promote understanding of dual diagnosis of disability and mental health challenges, promote the easily accessible resources for student mental health services and supports including local Wellness Centers, develop resources to assist families with school refusal.
Legislative Action:
Participate in Legislative Action Day, connect with local and federal lawmakers
Transition Across the Grade Spans:
Parent Education:
- Virtual and In-Person Transition Fairs
- Transition IEP training
CAC Activities:
- Expand and promote Virtual and In-Person Transition Fairs and Walking the Path
- Attend Virtual and In-Person Transition Fairs
- Develop milestone transition resources and promoting best practices for transition IEP meetings
- Provide resources and support to help foster understanding of the Transition to Adult Life process with an emphasis on new legislation
- Add milestone transition resources to the parent guide
CAC and Leadership Development:
- Receive leadership development support and training
- Develop updated VC SELPA CAC Best Practices
- Update Parent Guide and CAC Handbook
Email Sign-Up!
The Ventura County SELPA is dedicated to providing information and support to families and caregivers of students with disabilities so that they can be informed partners in the educational process of their children. There are numerous activities and resources that are provided to fulfill that mission.
Sign up to receive announcements of informational items for families directly to your email.
To nominate someone (Teacher, Student, Parent, Specialist) for "going above and beyond" in serving special education students and/or families, go to the SELPA website, click on "Information for Families" and look under CAC for an application.
You Are Invited To The Next CAC Meeting:
Monday, March 6, 2023
4 - 6 PM
Members of the public are always welcome to attend CAC meetings and give pubic comments.
To receive Meeting Notices Click Here.
The CAC Is Here to Support You!
2022-2023 CAC BOARD
Carole Shelton, Chair
Lee Ann Holland, Vice-Chair
Myra Medina, Membership Secretary
Amanda Alfred, Treasurer
Vacant, Parliamentarian
Flavia Seawright, Public Information Officer
Amber Christensen, Recording Secretary
The workshop will give parents and caregivers:
- Insight into behavior patterns of their child.
- Ideas for intervening early as behaviors start to escalate.
- Ways to keep everyone safe.
The cost is FREE. Space is limited. Register EARLY!
February 6, 2023
8:30am - 3:30pm
Location: Ventura County Office of Education, CESC5100 Adolfo Road, Camarillo, CA 93012
(Room changed) - CONEJO Conference Room
Registration: To register you will need an OMS Account. Go https://vcoe.k12oms.org/login.php to to create an account. If you already have an OMS Account, go to http://vcoe.k12oms.org/1630-228551 to register.
There is no cost for this conference but does require registration. For Spanish translation, please request seven (7) days in advance. This is a virtual session.
Register: https://vcoe.k12oms.org/1630-215871
February 7, 2023
3:00pm - 5:00pm
Katie Novak Ed.D, Consultant
Internationally renowned education consultant
Shelley Moore, Educator
Internationally recognized teacher, researcher, consultant and storyteller
Please join us to learn about Layla's educational journey as a neurodivergent female of color with autism. She will share her experiences going through the public school system and what she helped others learn along the way about students with autism.
February 9, 2023
3:00pm - 5:00pm
Cost is Free. Requires registration.
Conference is on Zoom
To register you will need an OMS account. Go to https://vcoe.k12oms.org/login.php
To create an account - if you already have an OMS account, go to http://vcoe.k12oms.org/1630-228441 to register.
February 15, 2023
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Ventura County Office of Education
5100 Adolfo Road
Camarillo, CA 93012
There is no cost for this event, however registration is required.
To register you will ned an OMS account. Go to https://vcoe.k12oms.org/login.php to create an account. If you already have an account, go to: http://vcoe.k12oms.org/1630-227742 to register for this event.
Spring Transition Fair
Spring Transition Fair
Help young adults with disabilities (ages 15-22 years old) prepare for the quality adult life they envision. Students, parents, teachers, and care providers are invited to join us at the Transition Fair. Meet local agency representatives and gain information to assist with making adult life decisions.
Saturday, February 25, 2023
9:00am to 12:00pm
Special Presentations:
- Transition Talk (IEP Process)
- Colleges
- College Program for Significant Cognitive Disabilities
- Self-Determination
- Student Center
Interact with agency representatives from the Department of Rehabilitation, Tri-Counties
Regional Center, Colleges, Ventura County Behavioral Health, Ventura County Public Health and many more.
Presentations and information at the fair will be available in Spanish. Spanish interpretation will be provided for anyone who needs this language service. No need to call ahead. Interpretation in ASL and other languages is available, but must be reserved 2 weeks in advance. Call 805.437.1560.
For more information on Transition go to www.vcselpa.org/For-Familiies/Transition-to-Adult-Life/Families. There is no cost to attend this event.
Essential Skills for Effective Collaboration
Location: Ventura County SELPA - 5100 Adolfo Rd., Camarillo, CA, 93012
Tier 1: Foundational Skills for Engaging Challenging Conversations.
Thursday, March 23, 2023
9:00am - 2:00pm
CONEJO Conference Room
There is no cost to attend, however registration is required. To register, go to https://vcoe.k12oms.org/1630-228371. Lunch is provided in Tier 1 session.
Tier 2: Operating From The Third Side: Supporting Others To Navigate Conflict
Thursday, May 18, 2023
9:00am - 2:00pm
BOARD Conference Room
Friday, May 19, 2023
9:00am - 2:00pm
CONEJO Conference Room
There is no cost to attend, however registration is required. To register, go to https://vcoe.k12oms.org/1630-228372. Lunch is provided in both Tier 2 session dates.
If you are having trouble accessing the system or you do not have access to a computer, please call (805) 437-1560 or email: Ana Teran aolvera@vcoe.org
Preparing for Life's Transitions
The Special Alert from the California Student Aid Commission - NEW AB 469!
The Special Alert from the California Student Aid Commission (Commission) notifies school districts, county offices of education, and California charter schools of the new AB 469 requirement per California Education Code Section 51225.7. Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) are required to confirm that high school seniors complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application (CADAA).
Students may alternatively complete an opt-out form, which shall be collected and retained by the high school. These requirements apply beginning with the 2022-23 school year for the 2023-2024 FAFSA/CADAA application cycle that starts on October 1, 2022.
For more details, please view GSA 2022-33.
Celebrate Inclusive Schools Throughout Your Schools and Communities in 2022-2023!
Create A World Without Bullying All Year Long!
What is Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)?
Rainbow Connection Family Resource Center
For more information and to register or for ongoing Support Groups, Training & Activities go to:
Call: 805-485-9643 or 800-332-3679
Email: rainbow@tri-counties.org
Tri-Counties Regional Center
Tri-Counties Regional Center is one of twenty-one non-profit regional centers in California providing lifelong services and supports for people with developmental disabilities residing in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties.
TCRC provides person and family-centered supports for individuals with developmental disabilities to maximize opportunities and choices for living, working, learning, and recreating in the community.
Tri-Counties Regional Center Offices
All TCRC offices have re-opened to the public.
On-Call Managers
Simi Valley Office: (805) 456-8020 sv@tri-counties.org
Oxnard Office: (805) 456-8021 ox@tri-counties.org
Early Start Program – Newborn to Age 3, No Referral Needed
Are you concerned about your child's development? Does any aspect of their speech, physical abilities, behavior, or any other area seem delayed? We want you to know that the Tri-Counties Regional Center Early Start program is here to identify and treat developmental delays in children 0-3 years of age. These services are free; there is no cost to you. Our clinical and intake teams are fully operational. Please share the word that anyone may refer to our Early Start program. If you are concerned about your child’s development, visit our Connect with an Intake Coordinator web page. Learn more about our Early Start program here.
State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD)
Welcome to SCDD!
The State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD)is established by state and federal law as an independent state agency to ensure that people with developmental disabilities and their families receive the services and supports they need.
Consumers know best what supports and services they need to live independently and to actively participate in their communities. Through advocacy, capacity building and systemic change, SCDD works to achieve a consumer and family-based system of individualized services, supports, and other assistance.
Californians with developmental disabilities are guaranteed the same full and equal opportunities for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as all Americans.
The Council advocates, promotes and implements policies and practices that achieve self-determination, independence, productivity and inclusion in all aspects of community life for Californians with developmental disabilities and their families
The Ventura County SELPA office is responsible for the implementation of the Ventura County Special Education Local Plan, and for ensuring a free appropriate public education to all students with identified disabilities according to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
Emily Mostovoy-Luna - Associate Superintendent
Sarah Fontenot- Administrative Assistant III
Local Plan Implementation
Interagency Coordination, Policies & Procedures
SELPA Office Operations
Related Staff: Adapted PE Teachers, Assistive Technology Assessment Center,
Orientation & Mobility Specialists, Residential Placement Consultants
Regina Reed - Director of Personnel Development Anabel Lopez-Penny - Administrative Assistant II Program & Personnel Development
Early Start
Related Services Staff: Social/Emotional Services Specialists, DHH Teachers
Joanna V. Della Gatta - Director of Technical Support and Transition Mariella Cazares-Flores - Administrative Assistant II
SIRAS Support, Forms & Instructions
Private Schools
Pattern of Strengths & Weaknesses Model
WorkAbility Program
Related Services Staff: Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, WorkAbility Specialists
Kim DeAnda - Program Specialist
Jeanine Murphy-Assistant Director, Family & School Collaboration
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Services
Email: vcselpa@vcoe.org
Website: www.vcselpa.org
Location: 5100 Adolfo Road, Camarillo, CA, USA
Phone: 805-437-1560
Facebook: https://facebook.com/VenturaCOE
Twitter: @VenturaCOE