OLHMS Weekly
~Week of 9/7/21~
Mustang Families and Scholars,
We hope everyone shared some moments over the extended weekend to relax and reflect on our wonderful opening! Again, huge thank you to our entire school community for patiently supporting the first couple weeks!
Our scholars took the Fall NWEA MAP Assessment and makeup will take place this week.
Here are a couple reminders/ updates!
Buses: Everyone should be aware that we are working with a third party company, First Student to ensure buses are running smoothly and on time. This has caused much frustration for all of us. We will do our best to get communications out as soon as we know if buses are running late.
Our estimated departure time from the middle school is 3:30 PM. Now that we have gotten a couple challenges ironed out, like auto calls not connecting, parents should continue to expect auto calls for the rest of this week ending September 10th. In the event that we have buses running late, parents should expect automated calls between 3:35 PM and 3:45 PM until the 10th going to all bus riding families. We were also just informed that Version service carrier is now labeling calls from OLHMS as "spam." Just wanted to make sure you were aware and why we will stop the auto calls to all bus riders this week.
Please ensure contact information, including the primary contact (first call) is accurate in skyward. If the bus company, First Student communicates specific bus estimated time of arrivals, calls would be individualized by buses that are running behind schedule.
Lunch: Here is the link for the September Lunch Menu . Please remember there is a free option, but any items not included with the free lunch will become a charge to your account.
Breakfast: Families please remind our scholars that order a breakfast in the morning to help keep our building and neighborhood clean by disposing garbage properly.
Medical Forms: If you have not already done so, please submit your medical forms to our Nurse’s office.
Parent Pick Up and Drop Off: Please continue to exercise a courteous approach when dropping off and picking up scholars! Scholars should not be running across the street to get into your vehicles- we have had a few very close calls with students almost getting hit by a car.
Media Center Focus Group: We are very excited about capital funding updates to our library this summer! Please email Mr. Cassidy, our D123 Facility Manager at lcassidy@d123.org if you are interested in participating in a focus group on the 9/13 or 9/20.
Amazon Smile Account: Our lovely PTSA has requested that we utilize and promote the PTSA Amazon Smile Account. Here is the link Amazon Smile. Parents/ staff would need to choose Oak Lawn Hometown Middle PTSA.
Save the Date:
September 16: PTSA Open Gym and 9/11 Exhibit
October 21: OLHMS High School Fair
PTSA Spooktacular
Want to help plan the D123 Spooktacular?
We are meeting this Monday September 13 at 6pm at OLHMS to start planning?
PTSA Open Gym Night & 9/11 Memorial Exhibit
Thursday, September 16th
Open Gym Night/ 9/11 Memorial Exhibit Flyer Link
PTSA Open Gym: 6:00pm - 7:30pm
$5.00 fee for Non-PTSA Members
FREE for PTSA Members
9/11 Memorial Exhibit: 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Free for Everyone
Feeling generous but fundraisers aren't your thing? Here is your pass to still help the PTSA give your kids a great year at school. Go to our memberhub store, purchase the Guilt-Free Giving Pass, and opt out of our other fundraisers for the year, guilt-free.
First Student Bus Driver Recruitment
Here is the flyer to apply today with First Student Bus Company- Drivers Needed!
Live Like Abby @ Fall on the Green
Proceeds from this year's Fall on the Green are being donated to LLA and two other charities.
LLA Activities at Fall on the Green are scheduled for September 11h & 12th.
We are also looking for volunteers. They can use this link to sign up.
Register Today for the 6K Run/Walk with World Vision at OLHMS on September 16th!
On Saturday, September 18th, we will once again be hosting our annual 6K walk/run in conjunction with World Vision to raise funds for clean water projects and education for the children of Africa. We walk/run 6K to represent the average distance young girls in Africa must walk to retrieve dirty, contaminated water for their families.
Online registration is now open at https://www.teamworldvision.org/event/d123.
We are encouraging all students, staff, community members, families, and friends to join us in this endeavor. You will see on the link the cost is $30 for an adult and $20 for a student. Your registration includes a t-shirt, race bib with a photo of a child you will be assisting, and a finisher's medal.