RVHS Weekly Newsletter Oct 2, 2020
Principal's Message
I don't know about you, but I am happy to see August and September in the rearview mirror. They were the two most unusual months in my education career.
As we roll in to pumpkin season, there are a number of things continuing and few more being added on the Ranch. Teachers are continuing with "porch visits" to students struggling to attend online classes. The library is still checking out iPads to students have not come to get one.
Later this month, we will begin inviting select students to do their online learning by actually attending a Learning hub at RVHS. Additionally all students will receive an invitation to meet once every two weeks with a life coach to assist them in setting goals, getting motivated, exploring career options and other worthwhile topics. Please make sure your student completes the Coach Request survey.
Have a terrific week. We got this!
Tim Dignan
Abigail Singleterry
Abigail is a rock star, attends class, always is engaged during sync lessons and has helped teachers on numerous occasions with solving tech issues from the student side as well as giving feedback on the way things are working from the student side in canvas. Along with all of this she is as nice as could.
Evan Bryon
Kevin Eagleton is in his second year at RVHS and teaches U.S. History. He has a great connection with students and always brings a positive attitude to class everyday. On most days you can find Mr. Eagleton arriving at school on his motorcycle, which is probably at the heart of his “try new things” mindset.
Mr. Eagleton has whole heartedly stepped up to the challenges that online learning has thrown his way. He is the lead teacher for the Attendance Team, which helps track and support students to attend classes. Mr. Eagleton brings with him a volunteer's heart and continues to help out wherever he can at school.
In class Mr. Eagleton uses positive reinforcement and motivation for students to engage in activities. He uses a variety of methods for making sure all the students are understanding and following the lesson. You’ll find that most of his students turn their cameras on when in his online class, possibly because he has a way about making students feel comfortable and understood. He, like many teachers, has implemented many new technologies and strategies focused on helping students achieve their best during this online learning period. Mr. Eagleton’s wellness to adapt and step up to any challenge; to make the best out of difficult times, and provide a great classroom for students to learn, makes him this week's employee of the week. Thank you Mr. Eagleton for all your hard work and dedication to the students.
Got Grades?
Gradebook Links
Canvas Account Information
email-- krice1@tvusd.us
cell #-- 951-401-9935
Lisa Sindermann
Assistance Principal Tim Mann
Email: lsindermann@tvusd.us
Website: https://www.tvusd.k12.ca.us/RVHS
Location: 32225 Pio Pico Road, Temecula, CA, USA
Phone: 951-695-7320