Dust Devil Weekly
Sunday, September 24
The cooler weather and the calendar clearly indicate that Autumn has arrived in Alpine. Footballs are being tossed around, and Fall decorations are springing up all around. Last Friday’s Lunch on the Lawn was, as always, a marvelous time. I love seeing families and friends enjoying lunch time with one another here on campus.
We are gearing up for another exciting week at JMMS. This Tuesday afternoon will be the first School Site Council meeting of the year, and this Wednesday we will hold our third Leadership Assembly. I hope you enjoy the cooler weather as much as you will enjoy this edition of the Dust Devil Weekly!
Sighted on Campus...
"The North Pole's Got Talent"! Over 50 students showed up to show that they were interested
in being involved in this first production!
- Students in Ms. Zarick's room working on team building and making plant cells from shrinky
dinks! We love to see kids discovering the joy of shrinky dinks!
Lunch on the Lawn
Picture Orders Reminder
This is a friendly reminder to place picture orders by Monday September 25th
Orders received after that date will be assessed a $10 late/shipping fee and will be mailed home. This includes STAFF packages. No exceptions can be made.
Visit www.hagerphotosd.com to place your order!
Progress Reports Posted
JMMS Band is Back!
Join the Joan MacQueen Middle School Band!
Returning Students
Practices will be 7 am - 7:45 am Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings in room 306. You did
great work in the band last year and I’m excited to pick up where we left off at the end of the
year! Please come to each class with your instrument in working order, your Standard of
Excellence book, a pencil, and your music folder.
First Year Students
Practices will be 7 am – 7:45 am Monday, and Wednesday mornings in room 306.
Students will need a working instrument two weeks after class starts. We will spend the first
few classes discussing the different instruments so you can choose an instrument that you like.
Attached is a flyer for Alan’s Music Center. It is a great local music store in La Mesa that has
Rent-to-Own programs for acquiring a musical instrument. If using a used instrument, please
make sure that it is in good working order. Alan’s music also provides repair services if needed.
Please ensure your student has all parts needed. For brass instruments this includes a
mouthpiece and valve oil. For reed instruments this includes a mouthpiece, a ligature, cork
grease, and appropriate reeds for the beginning level. Please ensure that you have extra reeds
as they need to be replaced frequently. All instruments also require appropriate maintenance
tools for cleaning.
The book we are using for this class is Standard of Excellence: Comprehensive Band Method by
Bruce Pearson. There is a book for each separate instrument. Please purchase the book for
your instrument (once chosen) from Amazon or a music store.
Please come to the class each practice with your instrument in working order once acquired,
your Standard of Excellence book, a pencil, and your music folder.
Note to Parents about practicing:
Please encourage your students to practice. Even short sessions can be helpful for muscle
memory. They should be working through their Standard of Excellence book, and they can
practice the music they are provided in class. Music lessons are a great way to support their
learning and will help them advance quickly. Appropriate how to videos on the internet can
also be a useful resource.
Communication will happen through Google classroom including updates, schedule changes, and ways to support your band student at home!
Birthday Wishes
2023-2024 Yearbook
JMMS Spirit Wear
JMMS is excited to offer Spirit wear for our Dust Devils! You can find offers and options here:
Upcoming Dates
Weds 10/4 - Late Start Morning 8:30 am
Fri 10/6 - 6th Grade Dance (Periods 7 & 8)