Olympic Hills WAG
September 2nd, 2022
Thank you all for showing up and being ready to connect, learn, and grow together on behalf of our students. We had a great week together connecting on our CSIP and vision goals for the year. We collaborated to create a welcoming environment across our school building.
We hope you enjoy your weekend and take time to relax and enjoy a good meal.
If you need anything this weekend, please reach out to either Rachelle or I. I will be out of town but will have my phone if you need to reach me (509) 830-5539.
Building Access Hours: The building will be open Saturday by custodial staff. If you want to come Sunday, please let us know if you're willing to be the point person for entry/lock-up.
Saturday 9/3 7:30-4:30 - custodial staff
Sunday 9/4 - no staff point person yet
To Do:
- Complete the Otter Care Survey if you haven't already.
- In preparation for our dress rehearsal Tuesday morning, please watch the PBIS Expectations Video and review handbook pages 28-29 and 34-39 as there are revisions to supervision, etc.
- Consider using the 22-23 Slides to share/adapt for students as you teach PBIS expectations (Download a copy to edit).
- Please see include your picture and a short blurb for the Staff Bulletin.pptx if you haven't already.
- Review your current staff profile on our staff website( Click). If you would like to add a blurb and/or picture, please send it to Ms. Nuzhat at namustafa@seattleschools.org.
- Read our Family Newsletter- Here
Other News:
- Our counselor decided to take a different position closer to home. We are currently hiring a 1.0 Counselor, please share the posting if you know of anyone that would be a great fit in our Otter Community.
- Other position oppotunities at OH include: ML instructional Assistants, Nutrition Services, Special Education 1:1 IA's; communicate with Mayra or Rachelle if you have anyone in mind.
In partnership,
Mayra Toledo and Rachelle Gardner
Upcoming Dates
- Birthdays: 9/5-Teri Elrand, 9/8- Cindy Lara, Carlos Vera
- Tri Days: 09/06 in Library at 8:00 am, all educators
- Additional, optional Math enVision Training 09/06 8:00-12:00pm
- First day of school 1st-5th- 09/07
- Prek and Kindergarten 1st day-09/12
- Superintendent Visit-09/12
- Fire Drill 09/15
- PTA Family Night-10/6
- Open House- 10/13
From the District
Training Courses
To access NEOED LEARN, you must first be logged into MySPS. Follow these instructions: Staff Training. All required courses must be completed by October 30th, 2022.
Staff Wellness Professional Development
In partnership with Thriving Schools and Kaiser Permanente, we have been invited to attend the following staff wellness workshop: The Way to Staff Well-Being in Schools: Creating a Culture of Well-Being.
This workshop will explore resources and tips to strengthen staff well-being at the individual, collective and policy level. This workshop is specially designed for school leaders, teachers, and other school staff.
It will be held Wednesday, Sept. 14, at 3:30 to 5 p.m. PST.
Please register through PDenroller. There are no cost and free clock hours available. See the attached flyer for additional training topics, dates, and times.
Staff Well-being in schools webinars 2022-23 Overview
For any questions, please contact: KPWA.WFH@kp.org
National Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month
September is National Suicide Prevention Month. All month, mental health advocates, prevention organizations, survivors, allies, and community members unite to promote suicide prevention awareness.
We know suicide is the second leading cause of death in people ages 10-34.
By knowing the signs, asking questions, and helping connect others to support, each person plays an important role in preventing suicide.
Guiding documents on how to respond to a student experiencing suicide and to learn more about warning signs, prevention supports, and resources in the community, visit the SPS Suicide Prevention and Intervention webpage.
Student Support Instructional Summit sessions and clock hour Information
SSIS Synchronous Sessions:
Clock hours are available for all sessions attended synchronously during SSIS. Anyone who attended live sessions will automatically receive clock hours for any synchronous training attended. All synchronous recordings will be posted/available as asynchronous sessions.
SSIS Asynchronous Sessions:
Clock hours are available for all asynchronous sessions listed in SSIS course listings. These clock hours are available to earn throughout the 2022-23 school year. To receive clock hours for asynchronous sessions, complete the training by the last day of school and submit the verification form that is linked to the content.
Asynchronous Sessions are available for independent learning and located on the Teams site: Student Supports Training and Resources
Reference Documents
Olympic Hills Elementary School
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Email: mesalesrojas@seattleschool.org
Website: https://olympichillses.seattleschools.org/
Location: 13018 20th Avenue Northeast, Seattle, WA, USA
Phone: (206) 413-2200