3rd Annual CASL Unconference 2016
Share 2 Learn ....And Yes there will be prizes!
Breakout EDU
A revolutionary new tool that allows you to bring gaming into your library or classroom. Take a look at the video. One lucky person will go home with one.
Buddha Board
The Buddha Board was named one of the top 10 favorites for Makerspaces in 2015. The surface of the board allows you paint, draw or create with water. When the surface dries, your creation disappears leaving a clear slate for the next creator.
Pear Deck
Pear Deck is an interactive teaching tool that allows you to put inquiry at the heart of your lesson. Take a look at how Pear Deck works!
World's of Making by Laura Fleming
Laura takes you through the nuts and bolts of imagining, creating, and managing a Makerspace in your library or school.
Be on the Lookout for More Prizes!
New prizes will be added as they are donated, keep checking back.