Tiger Tales
January 13, 2023
It was wonderful welcoming students back into the building after Winter Break. Whether enjoying time at home with family or traveling afar, students and staff were eager to share their holiday happenings last Monday. Students are back into their daily routine and continuing on their learning journey.
On another note, please know that Lake Villa Schools will be open on Monday, January 16th, which is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Typically, Lake Villa Schools are not in attendance during Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We will return to this practice next school year. Observing the holiday while school is in session is due to the construction at Hooper and Palombi Schools and a delayed start to the school year. On Monday, Thompson students will participate in a multitude of learning activities in celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s contributions.
Finally, Lake Villa School District 41 was identified as a polling site by the Lake County Clerk’s Office for the April 4th, 2023 elections. Because we cannot secure our buildings from the general public, the district will be shifting to an e-Learning Day on April 4th. The e-Learning schedule for that day will be shared soon. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we want to ensure everyone’s safety.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Kindest regards,
Sandy Allen, Principal
During the week of January 16th, Thompson K-5th grade students will take the NWEA MAP Math and Reading benchmark assessments. Each test will take approximately 40 to 60 minutes to complete and will be administered on different days. The results of the test will be used to measure your child's academic growth throughout the school year, and from year to year.
Measurements of Academic Progress (MAP®) tests are unique in that they adapt to your child’s appropriate level of learning. As a result, each student has the same opportunity to succeed and maintain a positive attitude toward school.
Please remind your child to take their time, do their best, and review these test-taking tips.
Before the Test:
- Develop a positive attitude. Tell yourself, “I will do my best on this test.”
- Get a good night’s sleep the night before the test.
- Get up early enough to avoid rushing to get to school on time.
- Eat a healthy breakfast.
During the Test:
- Relax and stay calm.
- Listen carefully to the directions the teacher gives.
- Ask questions if you do not understand what to do.
- Read each question carefully. Find the key words. Try to figure out what the question is really asking.
- Read the entire question and look at ALL the answer choices before you make your answer choice.
- Use strategies you learned in class to figure out the answer.
- Take your time!
In grades pre-kindergarten through 12, State law requires the District to provide age-appropriate sexual abuse and assault awareness and prevention education (105 ILCS 110/3) as a part of the Erin’s Law requirement. All Thompson Kindergarten, 2nd Grade and 4th Grade students will receive this instruction on Wednesday, February 1st.
Instruction will be delivered by staff from the Zacharias Sexual Abuse Center. The Center offers age-appropriate educational and empowering prevention programs for student’s pre-K through college. All of their programs are interactive and discussion based. From preschool through 7th grade, students will learn to define personal safety rights, recognize manipulative relationships, bystander intervention and how to report it to a trusted adult.
Students in kindergarten through 8th grade are not required to take part or participate in any instruction for recognizing and avoiding sexual abuse if the student’s parent/guardian submits the written objection and refusal to participate in the instruction (105 ILCS 5/27-13.2). No penalty exists for refusing to take part or participate in such a course or program.
If you do not want your child to participate in these classes or courses - or would like to preview the instructional materials and course outline - please complete the Parent Opt Out Form and return it to your child’s classroom teacher within five school days.
- Pancake Breakfast: Join us on Saturday, January 28th from 8:30am-11:30am for a Pancake Breakfast. The cost is $5 per person for a meal. There will also be a photo booth, games, and crafts. Volunteers are needed and can sign up here!
- Principal Lunch Raffle: One lucky student has a chance to win lunch of their choice with Mrs. Allen. Forms and funds need to be handed in by Friday, January 20th. Lunch will be on Friday, January 27th during the student's lunch time. Forms were sent home this week.
- Square 1 Art Fundraiser: Students will start working on their own masterpiece in Art class. We then send the student's art to Square 1 to be applied to a variety of merchandise for friends and family to purchase. Purchasing will take place sometime in March, but take a look at all that is available! Square 1 Art Fundraiser.
ECE-5th grade Valentine's Day Parties take place on Tuesday, February 14th. (Party time TBD) Parents of AM ECE students will receive party information from the classroom teacher in a separate communique.
In addition to the District-approved Snack List, party treats are limited to peanut and tree nut free candies (Skittles, Starburst, Laffy Taffy, Tootsie Rolls, Twizzlers, Pixie Sticks), fruits, veggies, and popcorn. All candy must be in the original package. Goodie bags that contain non-food items are also allowed. In addition, students may attach district-approved candy to their valentines. Please make sure to provide a valentine for each student in your child's class.
Only room parents may attend classroom parties. All volunteers must enter and exit the building through the main entrance and wear a visitor's pass at all times. In order to ensure a safe and orderly dismissal, we ask that room parents' children take their regular mode of transportation home on this very busy party day. Room parents are required to sign their student(s) out in the office if they choose to take their child(ren) home with them after the parties end. In addition, parent volunteers are encouraged to carpool, as parking is limited.
Please notify your child's classroom teacher if you would prefer he/she does not participate in the class party. An alternative activity will be provided for those who do not participate.
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January 16th-20th
- Winter MAP Testing
February 9th
- 2nd Grade Music Performance; 6:30pm; Thompson School MPR
February 17th
- Teacher Institute Day; Student Non-Attendance Day
February 20th
- Presidents' Day; Student Non-Attendance Day
February 24th
- 2nd Trimester Ends
March 3rd
- 2nd Trimester Report Cards Available
March 9th
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
March 10th
- Student Non-Attendance Day
March 16th
- 1st Grade Music Performance; 6:30pm; Thompson School MPR
March 27th-31st
- Spring Break
April 20th
- Kindergarten Music Performance; 6:30pm; Thompson School MPR
May 18th
- Spring Choir Concert; 6:30pm; Thompson School MPR
May 25th
- 5th Grade Band Concert; 6:30pm; Palombi Middle School
May 29th
- Memorial Day
June 9th
- Last Day of School (Half Day)
William L. Thompson Elementary School
Email: sandra.allen@district41.org
Website: district41.org/thompson
Phone: (847) 265-2488
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/William.L.Thompson.School
Twitter: @ThompsonTigers1