Irving Elementary
February 2021
Third Grade Spotlight
Mrs. Stone's and Mrs. Reed's Third Grade
Irving’s third graders are ready for Kindness Month! The kids wrote several ways that they could be kind to others on strips of colorful paper. Then, they linked the strips to form a chain. Outside, the kids joined each other in a socially-distanced “kindness circle.” It was a fun way for the kids to think about ways to be kind to others. We hope all of the classes will participate in Kindness Month in some special way.
Third Grade "Kindness Circle"
Kindness Month
Spread Some Kindness This Month!
Message From Mrs. Abernathy's Remote Classroom
The Winfield 5th grade remote class made up of students from Irving, Whittier, and Lowell have been working very hard on writing, editing and illustrating stories to publish into a hardbound class book. It is scheduled to go to the publisher, Student Treasures, on January 22. They have worked hard on it. As the publishing date approaches, the excitement is mounting!
Our Books Arrived!
Emmy Pipes, Kindell Steiner and Brinley Keesey are excited to receive the book their remote class created!
One School, One Book
Students at all grade levels will be listening to the story The One and Only Ivan in their classrooms this nine weeks. Each classroom teacher will be reading this story with their students to encourage reading for fun! Activities, challenge questions and prizes will be a part of enjoying this story with our whole school. Remote students will also be participating in the One School, One Book challenge!
Irving Elementary
Email: jeff_everett@usd465.com
Website: https://irving.usd465.com/
Location: 311 Harter Street, Winfield, KS, USA
Phone: 620-221-5140
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/irvingwinfield