Mills Elementary School
November 27, 2023-December 1, 2023
Welcome back!
Thank you to everyone who volunteered and attended Mills-Giving on November 16. The Mills cafeteria team served 989 Thanksgiving lunch meals- wow! Special thanks go to the hard work and organizational efforts of our front office staff, Mills & Austin ISD food service members, and parent volunteers who went the extra mile to make this day a success.
As you know, November is Kindness Month. Videos and family resources on ways to spread kindness have been shared with you in past newsletters. Have you had a chance to check out our Tree of Kindness by the cafeteria? It is currently FILLED with Kindness leaves, written by students and staff. Our students truly live up to the school motto, 'Be Kind, Be Responsible, and Always be the Best YOU can be.'
The next few weeks leading up to Winter Break promise to be filled with learning and fun! If you are looking for ways to volunteer and serve on campus, reach out to our front office team. We are happy to connect you to a worthy campus cause that speaks to you!
Tree of Kindness & Kindness Leaves
Human Sexuality & Responsibility (HSR) Family Information Hub
Human Sexuality & Responsibility Curriculum in Austin ISD
Human Sexuality instruction develops and strengthens the ability of students to make conscious, healthy, and respectful choices regarding dating/romantic relationships, personal safety, anatomy and physiology, puberty and adolescent development, pregnancy and reproduction, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV. The school district’s Human Sexuality and Responsibility (HSR) education program has been established to provide information and skill development for students in Kindergarten through Grade 12 so that they may reach their highest potential for physical, emotional, mental and social health.
The HSR curriculum content will be delivered in a developmentally and age-appropriate manner and will include the most current and scientifically accurate information. The content of the curriculum is based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for Health Education, with supplemental content established by the National Sex Education Standards that have been approved by the Board. Content shall include information regarding healthy and unhealthy dating/romantic relationships, online and personal safety (including the prevention of child abuse, family and dating violence and sex trafficking), anatomy and physiology, puberty and adolescent development, pregnancy and reproduction, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV. All content shall be inclusive of all students, regardless of gender expression, gender identity, sexual orientation, sexual experience, pregnancy, parenting status, or family structure. (EHAA Local)
Timeframe: Lessons for Kinder-5th grade students will be taught in December prior to the Winter Break, during each class’ Health/ Science period.
Kindergarten- 4th Grade: Dec 11-20, 2023
5th Grade: April 2024
Lessons & HSR Principal Slides:
Families can opt in/out to each lesson. There is no make up for the lesson. It is important for parents/caregivers to carefully review each lesson teachers will be using to teach the HSR curriculum.
In addition, you can view Principal Frageman’s HSR slides from the HSR Orientation Session for Families that will be provided on November 28, 2023 at 4pm via Zoom: HSR Slides
Zoom link: https://austinisd-org.zoom.us/j/89916606428
View the Austin ISD HSR lessons here:
CATCH Family Fitness & Fun Night
Mills CATCH Family Fun Night is coming! Mark your calendars for December 12, from 5pm-6:30pm. This is a completely free family event on campus organized by the Mills' PE Coaches and CATCH Committee. Last year, over 350 families attended!
New to Mills? Keep reading for more information about CATCH!
CATCH (Coordinated Approach to Childhood Health), a school health program embraced by over 10,000 schools and communities in the United States and internationally, centers around aligning the endeavors of educators, school personnel, and the local community.
This initiative prioritizes physical activity, wellness, and nutritious food choices for children spanning preschool to eighth grade, and it includes supplementary modules addressing sun safety and e-cigarette prevention. Scientific research has substantiated the effectiveness of CATCH, influencing the enactment of Texas state legislation mandating coordinated school health programs.
The program underscores health principles through a comprehensive approach encompassing classroom instruction, physical education lessons, school nutrition services, and family events.
Registration for SY 24-25 is Underway
Austin ISD has created a new student enrollment/registration system called 'Enroll Austin' to support all returning and new families. Our campus goal is to have 100% of Mills families complete registration for school year 24-25 by February 6! Please do not wait until the Spring to complete registration for your Mountain Lion(s). Registering early helps our campus with planning for staffing needs, resources, and scheduling.
The flyer below has simple step-by-step instructions to support you in completing the Enroll Austin registration process. Still need help? Do not hesitate to reach out to our wonderful campus registrar, Kristi Thomason, at kristi.thomason@austinisd.org. We're ready to help you via email, in person, or over the phone!
You can also visit www.austinisd.org/enroll to access the enrollment application or go to portal.austinisd.org and find the “Enroll Austin” tile. An additional help line is available to families at (512) 414-7328 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Dates to Remember
11/28- Human Sexuality & Responsibility (HSR) Family Zoom Session, 4pm
11/30- Super Fun Book Club, 5th Grade, 3:15m Library
12/1- 2nd Grade Field Trip to Science Mill
12/4- Campus Advisory Council Meeting 3:30pm via Zoom
12/6- Spanish & Global Studies 4th Grade Showcase
12/7- 3rd Grade Field Trip to The Nutcracker, Long Center
12/11- HSR Lessons Begin for Kinder-5th Grade Students
12/11- Gifted & Talented (GT) Showcase (after school)
12/12- CATCH Family Fun Night 5pm-6:30pm
12/21-1/8 - Winter Break/No School for Students