Covington Connection
September 7th, 2022
Emergency Drills
Due to unforeseen circumstances, we will not be holding our Drill Day tomorrow, Thursday, September 8th. We will still conduct our Bus Evacuation Drill in the morning as we have had that scheduled for a few weeks. However, we will be rescheduling our Lockdown Drill, Fire Drill, and Tornado Drill for a date in the near future. That date will be shared out when it is set.
Dogs on School Grounds
Please note that at no times are dogs allowed on school grounds. We have had some individuals bring dogs during pick-up or drop-off but for safety purposes this cannot happen. Please note that there are no exceptions to this expectation.
Playground Usage - Morning Drop-Off
Please note that we do not encourage playground usage in the morning. We want to ensure the safest arrival of our students and that means that the students are lined up with their classes and with our Morning Supervision Staff. When students are using the playgrounds before school, this creates a difficult situation for our Morning Supervision Staff to manage.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Covington Elementary School
Website: d123.org/covington
Location: 9130 S 52nd Ave, Oak Lawn, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-1530
Twitter: @d123covington
Mr. John Wawczak - Principal
Email: jwawczak@d123.org
Website: d123.org/covington
Phone: 708-423-1530
Twitter: @MrWawczak