EPAMS Family Update
Most Recent Update: March 12, 2025
Special Calendar Dates
March 14: Student Early Dismissal/Staff Inservice
March 17: Staff Inservice; No school for students
March 18: Targeted Parent/Teacher Conferences; No School for Students
March 25: Final Day of 3rd Marking Period
PTO Happenings
Social Media
Find us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/1710656122309902/
Next Meeting
Thursday, April 3 at 5:15 PM
- We will be making banners to motivate our Panthers as they work on their PSSAs...
- Continue to prepare for Teacher Appreciation Week in May.
- MS PTO meetings take place in the middle school lobby and last 45 minutes or less.
- We are always happy to have new members join us!
Thank you for supporting your PTO!
National History Day Success
Congrats, Panthers!
On March 1st a contingent of Panthers marched into the National History Day competition at Messiah University.
Competing in the Junior Documentary Category: Ella Hall & Charlotte Gillis; Katya Patitsas.
Competing in the Junior Performance Category: Sara Wagner & Gift Abiona.
Competing in the Junior Historical Paper Category: Addison Zettlemoyer.
And Congratulations(!) to Katya Patitsas who will be moving on to the statewide competition in April by virtue of her 3rd place finish at Messiah! Great job, Katya!
Click the poster to order your tickets today!
Smiles PA Dental Services
The Smiles PA mobile dental service is visiting East Pennsboro Area Middle School in May. Click here to visit the registration page.
Once accepted into the program, a state licensed dentist will regularly check your child's mouth & teeth, as well as provide a cleaning, x-rays as necessary, fluoride treatment and apply sealants, as needed. Additional care, such as fillings, may also be provided. A dental report card will be sent home with your child. By completing this, the dentist will be able to see your child for their initial visit as well as all follow-up visit
The Long Walk Home
IXL Incentive Has Been Reached
First of all, what is IXL?
IXL - short for I Excel - is an online tool our students began using this year as an aide to skill building - all the way to mastery. Kids can work at their own pace, with software that asks interactive questions and provides immediate feedback. The practice is personalized for each student, and it targets the areas they want to learn more about. Students can attain Proficiency or Mastery as they work through the questions.
Back in October, Mr. Wright challenged the entire student body. If the school hit the target of 15,000 skills mastered by May 10, Mr. Wright would walk home from school. Well, at about 2:15 on the afternoon of March 11, the 15,000th skill was mastered, and Mr. Wright's plans for May 17th were finalized.
Starting at around 7 AM on Saturday, May 17th, Mr. Wright will begin his walk from East Pennsboro Area Middle School to his home in Halifax. The mapped out route - chosen for safety and accessibility - is slightly over 20 miles long. Students will be able to track his progress via a GPS app, along with periodic live-stream check ins.
A deal is a deal🤝
Credit Recovery/Summer School
Recently our School Counseling Office mailed out letters to inform families that their student is currently in danger of failing one or more courses for the 2024-25 school year. We followed up that letter with an invitation to meet with the core teachers on March 18th.
If you did not receive such a letter, your student is most likely on the path to passing all of his/her core courses. However, please encourage your student to remain focused on work completion and their strong academic commitment. The year isn't over just yet, and focus all the way to the end of this year is the best way to make sure next year starts off strong.
Should it be necessary, students may be able to enroll in credit recovery over the summer in order to earn the credit needed to be promoted to the next grade level.
Cost is $150 per course, payable before beginning the course. This fee is non refundable in the event a student does not pass. In the past, these fees were covered by a federal grant. That grant is no longer available.
Students must pass at least four out of their five core courses in order to be promoted to the next grade. Students are permitted to take no more than two credit recovery courses per year.
- Students who fail four or more core courses are not eligible to take credit recovery courses. These students will be retained.
- Students who fail three courses are eligible to take two credit recovery courses. They must pass both courses.
- Students who fail two courses are eligible to take two credit recovery courses but must take at least one course (and pass it) in order to be promoted.
- Students who fail one course are not required to take credit recovery but are eligible to do so.
Remember, parents/guardians can keep track of student grades and assignments via Sapphire. We also encourage students to take advantage of FLEX period, held every day from 3:00 – 3:30. This is an excellent time to get extra help from teachers. Transportation is provided.
East Pennsboro Township Day Camp Offered
East Pennsboro Township Hiring Summer Staff
Scholastic Art and Writing Competition: Gold Key Winner
Congratulations to Sofia Fogleman!
The Scholastic Art and Writing Competition is open to students in grades 7 - 12, and regardless of the student's grade, all pieces are evaluated and judged together. This year, 8th grader Sofia Fogleman has been awarded a Gold Key and her story has been moved on to the national competition. Only 5% of entries from our region are awarded a Gold Key, and for a middle school student to earn such an honor when her writing is being judged against some of the best high school writers in our area.....well, this is indeed a very special and noteworthy accomplishment. We can't wait to see where this takes you!
Well done, Sofia!
EPYAL Cheerleading Registration
EPAMS Student Moving on to Regional Spelling Bee
Your word is: A-W-E-S-O-M-E!
The top four finishers of our East Pennsboro Middle School Spelling Bee moved on to compete in the written portion of the Central PA Spelling Bee! Congratulations to Christos Patitsas, Kat Gaston, Tyler Schroeder and Gift Abiona, our top four spellers! But that's not all!
Congratulations to 8th grade student Gift Abiona who is moving on to the Central PA Spelling Bee Live Competition set for Saturday, March 15th at Harrisburg University of Science and Technology. Gift was one of over 200 spellers from 10 different Central PA counties who participated, but one of only 33 to advance to this level of competition. Should she win on March 15, Gift will head to the 100th Scripps National Spelling Bee in Washington, DC! Click here for more information: https://www.witf.org/education/spelling-bee/
Monitor Your Child's Spending
Is your student blowing through his/her lunch account faster than you think?
Parents and guardians are reminded that though the school cannot restrict how much money students spend in the cafeteria, you certainly can. If you've noticed your child purchasing a lot of snacks, for example, and would like to limit this sort of thing, please email our Director of Food Services - Mr. Ryan McCarthy - at rmccarthy@epasd.org and ask him to set up a spending limit for your child's account.
MIddle School Yearbook Sales
June is barreling toward us!
It's that time of year - believe it or not!
Based on the last several years of sales, we have arranged for a limit of 300 copies to be sold this year. Once they are ordered, there will be no back orders.
Click on this link to order your 2024-25 EPAMS Yearbook for $20.
Don't miss out!
Music Boosters BINGO!
Invade Your Kid's Privacy!
Remember, who pays the bills...?
We've seen a sharp reduction when it comes to issues created by cell phones in schools (you can read more about the new 2024-25 policy below); however, cell phones and the issues they present haven't completely gone away. While most of our students keep their cell phones packed away in their lockers or backpacks, we still confiscate cell phones from time to time.
And although classroom disruptions have been greatly reduced, cell phones are still ubiquitous in the lives of most middle school students. Social media accounts - some fake, some real - are used as a tool for bullying and cyber bullying. When this happens outside of school, our ability to regulate and hold bad actors accountable is limited by privacy regulations. However, you as the parent/guardian are able to inspect your child's device whenever you want. Your help in keeping all of our kids safe cannot be overestimated.
Parents and guardians are strongly encouraged to regularly inspect their student's cell phones, computers, and social media accounts. Even good kids can be pulled in to the traps of social media negativity. Please, be a part of your child's online life.
EPYAL Football Registration
Students of the Month
Please join us in congratulating our students of the month as we move through the school year.
One student is selected by each team to be recognized for representing our school, their families, and themselves in a way we can all be proud of. Work ethic, kindness, integrity, respect for self and others, and focus on task are all considered by the team of teachers they work with every day.
Jaguars: Ainsley Perlman
Panthers: Sheila Zuniga-Perez
Olympians: Marwa Smaili
Titans: Leah Autieri
Griffin: Samantha Miller
Phoenix: Rheo Shukla
Jaguars: Ashwin Dhungel
Panthers: Makayla Hoke
Olympians: Brayden Hoover
Titans: Jordan Case
Griffin: Reese Scheib
Phoenix: Hadriana Trabert
Jaguars: Rowyn Howell
Panthers: Brody Waulters
Olympians: Kimberly Bedon-Rosales
Titans: Tyler Schroder
Griffin: Alexia Pikbougoum
Phoenix: Sherlyn Rodriguez Alfaro
Jaguars: Elliot Franz
Panthers: Xiuping Ling
Olympians: Joshua Bevin
Titans: Tyler Schroder
Griffin: Sahel Dhaurali
Phoenix: Lucas Scheuch
Jaguars: Alice Miller
Panthers: Greyson Bean
Olympians: Tryvena Beshara
Titans: Leah Proctor
Griffin: Gift Abiona
Phoenix: Bentley Pierce
Jaguars: Everett Ruddy
Panthers: Olivia Crum
Olympians: Eddie Walden
Titans: Scarlett Mendez Polanco
Griffin: Ethan Depuy
Phoenix: Kreyanshi Patel
Student Drop-Off, Pick-Up, and Transportation
Getting kids to school and back home again is obviously a key part of our operation. Students will arrive to school one of three different ways: they walk, they get a ride from a family member or friend, or they ride district transportation like a bus or a school van.
Morning Drop-Off
Students who walk to school or catch a ride in a personal vehicle will enter the building using the main entrance in the front of the building. Students who ride district transportation like a bus or a van, will enter via the cafeteria entrance in the rear of the building. Either way, the doors open at 7:45 AM.
School buses and vans will travel to the rear of the building, drop off their kids, and head back out for their next run.
Personal vehicles will do it a little differently – and it really depends on where the driver needs to go after they drop off their passengers. Drivers will have two places to drop off in the morning.
- If you plan to head out to Valley Road afterwards, you will drop off your students at the bottom of the ramp that connects the lower lot with the main entrance. If you drop off at the bottom of the ramp, you will not be able to make a right turn out of the lot.
- If you plan to head out to Enola Drive afterwards, you will drop off your students at the top of that connecting ramp. Please stick to one lane of traffic and do not try to pull around other vehicles. Remember, you should not make left turn at the bottom of the hill.
By doing this, we can drastically reduce cross traffic and get you moving on to your next destination a bit sooner – and safer.
Afternoon Pick-Up
Our afternoon departure procedures will remain the same as last year, except all buses line up behind the school. School vans line up in the very front of school.
Personal vehicles are to park in a space in the lower lot and wait for students. Please do not idle in the travel lanes of the parking lot, blocking cars who may be trying to back or pull out. Pull into a spot and make this process safer and more efficient for everyone.
Bus Stop Information
The transportation department takes care of bus stops. If you have any concerns, they'll be happy to help.
Bus Behavior
It’s important to remember that safety is the most important consideration for our bus riders. If students are behaving in a way that makes the ride unsafe for anyone including other riders, the driver, or others outside the bus, they will be referred to the administration and consequences assigned. This can include removing students from the bus for a period of time.
Bus suspensions can be very difficult for families as they try to make alternative arrangements, so it is best to prevent the need for any of this by behaving properly right from the start.
Other Questions?
If you have any questions about arrivals and departures, give us a call at the middle school office. If you have questions about bus routes, bus stops, or pick-up/drop times, please reach out to the transportation department.
Middle School Dress Code
Pease keep in mind the middle school dress code. Enforcement of the dress code will continue be a point of emphasis this year.
An easy-reference guide has been attached below.
Clear Backpacks
Clear backpacks....a success!
In previous years, no backpacks were permitted as students travelled from class to class. This year, students are able to carry a clear backpack through the middle school hallways.
On the first day of school, students were asked if they would like a clear backpack and every one who wanted one was given one by the end of the day. Students are able to use this or any clear backpack to organize their materials and save trips to their lockers, store cell phones and other electronics, and generally create a more efficient school day.
This is not a new restriction; rather, it is a new option. Please note, mesh backpacks can be used as well, as long as materials inside are visible.
Please note: we were able to use a grant to buy one backpack for each student. We cannot replace backpacks for students. Also, some students have utilized mesh backpacks and are reporting them to be more durable. These backpacks are permitted.
Cell Phone Restrictions
New board policy restricting electronic devices in school
As we begin the new school year, middle school students will not be permitted to be in possession of personal electronic devices, including cell phones and earbuds, during the school day. Students will be permitted to use their phones during their lunch period in the cafeteria.
Each student is issued a locker and a lock, as well as a clear backpack that can be used in the hallways between classes. Personal electronic devices are to be kept in one of those two locations.
This means students may not carry a phone or other device on their person, in their pockets, or in their hands.
The data is irrefutable. Cell phones in classrooms are the biggest impediment to learning in our society. Constant notifications, even on a phone set to silent, are a major distraction to learning. In order to make the classroom a better environment, we must restrict electronic devices.
Students in possession of a device will have that device confiscated and stored in the main office safe. For a first offense, the student will receive a 30-minute detention and will be able to pick up their device at the end of the day. For a second offense, the student will receive a 1-hour detention and the phone will be held until a parent/guardian picks it up. Further offenses will result in Saturday detention or ISS.
Parents and guardians who need to contact their student are welcome to call the main office with a message. We'll be happy to deliver it for you. In the case of an emergency here at school, the most important person students need to listen to is the adult they are with in the building. We will keep families informed as is appropriate and safe.
School Safety
Bus Evacuation Drills
For most bus riders, this isn't a new idea. Those who are new to the school bus were able to pick it up quickly and blended right in.
Fire Drills
Fire drills happen once per month, without warning our students.
Locks on Lockers
Last year we gave every student a combination lock to be used at all times on their lockers. Returning students must bring their locks back to start the year. new students will be given one. In order to be as safe as we can, we want to keep student belongings secure. However, we also want to make sure lockers aren't being used to hide anything that has no business being in a school.
In the past, this has made a number of students a little nervous about being late to class or forgetting their combination. We'll be reassuring the students all the time that they can do this!
Safe2Say Something
The state has partnered with Sandy Hook Promise to create an anonymous reporting system for students to notify school and law enforcement officials of any possible activity that puts our school community at risk of harm.
During the week of August 28th, our students viewed a training video on how to use this system. This system has been in place for almost four years and the tips we have received over that time were invaluable when it comes to helping kids.
If you have questions about Safe2Say, please reach out to Mr. Wright or Mr. Atkinson at 717-732-0771.
Do you have Panther P.R.I.D.E.?
PBIS returns with even more fun!
Our kids do amazing stuff every day. Beyond working on academics, there are the other things like being positive, showing respect, displaying integrity, displaying determination, and employing empathy. These are the attributes that make our kids not only good students, but good people.
When we see it, we acknowledge it. And continuing our practice from last year, we will continue to recognize Panther P.R.I.D.E. with PRIDE points, PRIDE tickets, and PRIDE prizes.
Ask your student to share more information about this program with you. If they don't know, tell them to find out and report back to you. The more adults who tell a kid how great they are, the better!
Substitute Teachers Needed
Breakfast and Lunch Prices for 2024-25
Click the links for pricing, menu, and nutritional information...
Allergies? Click on this link and/or download the app and you'll be able to enter your allergies and see the day's menu. https://epasd.nutrislice.com
This link will take you to our district dining services web page: https://www.epasd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=2167820&type=d&pREC_ID=2176212
This link will take you to a full listing of middle school lunch menu items: https://4.files.edl.io/4866/08/01/23/131114-a6774024-2556-4adb-b3d0-4197122aec9a.pdf
To add funds to your student’s meal account, please visit: www.MySchoolBucks.com. Cash or check payments may also be made to the school office for lunch accounts.
Attendance Email Address
Well, those days can be over. If your student is absent, you have the option of emailing a parent excuse directly to our attendance secretary - Mrs. Swope - at this address: epmsattendance@epasd.org.
Excuses must be turned in within 3 days of the absence in order to be excused.
Middle School Hours
Student Day: 8:00 AM - 2:55 PM
Office Business Hours: 7:45 AM - 3:45 PM