Key Communicator
August 31, 2023
Farmer Joe Welcomes Sargent Elementary Students on the First Day of School
The Board approved the Employment List which included:
- Sheldon Rockey, High School Boys Assistant Basketball Coach
Teacher Contracts
- Mary Miller, 2nd Grade Teacher
- Peter De La Cerda, Junior High English Teacher
Contract Addendums
- Katie Brown, Elementary Teacher
- Deana Floriani, Secondary Counselor
- Dave Larson, Junior High Math
Classified Staff
- Penny Reider, Food Service
Critical Shortage Contract
- Annette Troncoso, Secondary Art Teacher
Extra Duty Pay Agreements- Coaches
- Peter De La Cerda, High School Head Cross Country Coach
- Peter De La Cerda, Junior High Head Cross Country Coach
- Haley Summers, Assistant Junior High Cross Country Coach
- Haley Summers, Assistant High School Cross Country Coach
- Melanie Squire, JH Assistant Volleyball Coach
- Mark Jones, Head Track Coach
- Kelsey Kimberling, Assistant Track Coach
- Thomas Jester, Assistant JH Baseball Coach
- Andrew Masterson, Head JH Baseball Coach
- Terry VanBibber, Head HS Baseball Coach
- Trent VanBibber, Assistant HS Baseball Coach
- Eduardo Gonzalez, Assistant JH Football Coach
- Mike Behil, Assistant High School Football Coach
- Sheldon Rockey, High School Boys Head Basketball Coach
Extra Duty Pay Agreements
- Kadi Wright, ESS Director
- Kacie Cobb, Teacher Mentor
- Rafe Paulson, Teacher Mentor
- Deanna Floriani, Secondary GT Coordinator
- Shelley David, Elementary GT Assistant
- Danielle Price, Elementary GT Coordinator
- Shelley David, CFG Coordinator
- Rebecca Quintana, CFG Admin Support
- Kristin Stambaugh, District Assessment Coordinator
- Sarach Schaller, Vocational Administrator
- Kristin Stambaugh, Tech Coordinator
- Rafe Paulson, Tech Coordinator
- Gina Mitchell, Elementary Science Fair
- Jamie Behil, Elementary STUCO
- Kadi Wright, Elementary STUCO
- Ryan Rumley, History Fair
- John Willis, History Fair
- Nathan Zimmerman, HS Science Fair
- Terri Paulson, JH Science Fair
- Terri Paulson, JH Drama
- Stephanie McBartlett, JH NHS
- Stephanie McBartlett, NHS
- Sarah Schaller, FFA
- Stephanie McBartlett, FBLA
- Annette Troncoso, Art Club
- Terri Paulson, JH Knowledge Bowl
- Rafe Paulson, HS Knowledge Bowl
- John Willis, HS Knowledge Bowl
- Deanna Floriani, HS STUCO
- Stephanie McBartlett, HS STUCO
- Ryan Rumley, JH STUCO
- Terri Paulson, JH STUCO
- Stephanie McBartlett, Yearbook
- Kelli Lister, Senior Sponsor
- Michelle Burkhart, Senior Sponsor
- Michele Peterson, Sophomore Sponsor
- Nicole Rockey, Junior Class Sponsor
- Deanna Floriani, Freshman Class Sponsor
- Stephanie McBartlett, Freshman Class Sponsor
- Dave Larson, 8th Grade Sponsor
- Ryan Rumley, 7th Grade Sponsor
- Terri Paulson, 7th Grade Sponsor
Substitute Positions
- Colleen Hurst, Certified K-6 Substitute Teacher
- Michelle Burkhart, Secretary Substitute
- Xzavier Gomez, Custodial Substitute
Black and Gold Broadcast: Episode 2
Other Items
The financial reports for July and minutes of the previous meeting, adult lunch price increase, the 2023-2024 Board Charge and a first reading of Board Policy AD-School District Mission/Vision/Goals and AD-E District Objectives were approved. The Board also approved the following agreements:
- Intergovernmental Agreements for the 2023 Coordinated Election with Rio Grande and Alamosa County
- Intergovernmental Agreement - School Resource Officer
- Financial Audit Letter of Agreement with Wall, Smith, Bateman Inc.
- Colorado Digital Learning Solutions Partnership and Terms of Service Acknowledgment/Agreement
- Financial Provisions Addendum to Cooperative Agreement for Concurrent Enrollment and Ascent Programs for the 2023-2024 School Year
Next Meeting
The next regular Board meeting will be September 25, 2023, in the high school library. If you would like to sign up for community input please email srklecker@sargent.k12.co.us prior to the meeting.