Standards Based Grading Information
Central CSD Middle School-High School, Elkader, IA
What is standards based grading (SBG)?
How is standards based grading (SBG) different from traditional grading?
How are grade level standards determined?
What are formative assessments?
What are summative assessments?
Summative assessments are used to evaluate student learning and academic achievement at the end of a defined instructional period—typically at the end of a project, unit, course, semester, or school year. Summative assessments are used to determine whether students have learned what they were expected to learn. from http://edglossary.org/
What does each of the numbers in the 4 point SBG scale represent?
4 = Mastery - comprehensive knowledge, highest level of understanding
3 = Proficiency - showing competency and skill consistently and without help
2 = Developing - showing understanding with support
1 = Emerging - can show minimal understanding with teacher guidance
0 = No adequate data
How will I know if my child is performing at grade level?
A 3 indicates that a student is consistently performing at grade level. A 4 indicates that a student is consistently performing above grade level. Students may start with 1's and 2's but it is our expectation that all students will perform at 3's by the end of the semester or school year.
How will I know if my child needs help?
Is it possible to achieve a score of 4 in SBG?
SBG measures academic learning. But in the real world, people are also 'graded' on behaviors (i.e., effort, attitude, teamwork) in addition to knowledge. Are behaviors taught and measured in addition to academic learning?
SBG focuses on academic understanding of a standard(s). Behaviors, such as effort, participation, cooperation, attitude and attendance, are not measured in SBG. However, students involved with SBG quickly realize that their behaviors--that is, their effort and attitude toward classroom activities and assignments--impact their learning and can prevent them from becoming lost or falling behind or help them excel in the classroom. With SBG, students are required to take responsibility for their own learning. For example, if a student does not do well on an assessment because he/she did not put in the time needed to learn the standard, the student is responsible to do additional practice to move to the next level (re-assessment/re-testing of the standard). It is the student's choice if he/she wants to proceed with learning the standard.
Teachers have high expectations that students do the work to learn. And the teachers are committed to being actively involved in supporting and monitoring their students' learning. Teachers use formative assessments that look for gaps in understanding, meet individually with students to provide feedback, and provide resources that support learning.
Individualized interventions are also put into place for students who struggle with certain behaviors.
How does SBG work with GPA which can be a requirement for admission into some colleges and requirements for certain scholarships?
A Meets 70% of the standards at Level 4 with no standard lower than Level 3
A- Meets 50% of the standards at Level 4 with no standard lower than Level 3
B+ Meets 25% of the standards at Level 4 with no standard lower than Level 3
B Meets 70% of the standards at Level 3 or above with no standard lower than Level 2
B- Meets 50% of the standards at Level 3 or above with o standard lower than Level 2
C+ Meets 25% of the standards at Level 3 or above with no standard lower than Level 2
C Meets all standards at Level 2 or above
F At least one standard is at or below a Level 1
What if I want more information about SBG?
- Nick Trenkamp, Superintendent - ntrenkamp@central.k12.ia.us
- Aaron Reinhart, Principal - areinhart@central.k12.ia.us
- Your child's classroom teacher
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