Pinewood Newsletter
September 22nd, 2023 - Pinewood Elementary School
Principal's Message
Happy Friday Falcon Families!
It was so much fun getting to see so many of you at our Donuts with Grownups this morning. What a great opportunity to enjoy a fun treat with your kids! I am so grateful to our Parent Teacher Club for putting together such a great event.
Congratulations to Ellie Post for winning last weekend's Fall Fundraiser Challenge! Way to go! In case you haven't heard, we've extended our Fall Fundraiser into next week. We have one more challenge this weekend. I'll announce the winner in next week's newsletter.
Here's a couple more reminders as we head into next week:
Drop Off/Parking Lot Changes
- Starting Monday, we will be back to our front of school drop off line. Our overflow parking lot will be closed as we make this transition. Please follow all signage and be patient as we learn our new routines. I've included a copy of our Parking Lot/Drop Off Procedures and Parking Lot Map here to help with this transition.
- We are noticing an increase in the number of students being checked out of school early. Please note, our teachers plan from bell to bell. This means that being checked out early may cause your child to miss valuable instruction. Checking a child out without prior notice between 2:00 and 2:30 can also become disruptive to the clean up and dismissal routine. This is especially true on Fridays during Choice PE. While we understand there are some circumstances that require a parent to check their child out early, this should be used sparingly. If it is necessary to check your child out early, please contact the office in advance so we can plan accordingly. Thank you.
Dress Code
- Just a reminder, students are expected to dress appropriately for all school activities. Students should attend each day in clothing that allows for movement and play. This includes appropriate shoes with backs. All students should wear clothing that provides appropriate coverage, even when jumping and climbing.
First Spirit Day
- Our first Spirit Day is Friday! It's Crazy Sock Day! Make sure to wear your craziest socks!
Have a great weekend Falcons! See you Monday!
Heather Minton
Mark Your Calendars:
- September 27th -- Cross Country Meet at Pleasant Valley
- October 4th -- Cross Country Meet at Sierra Ridge
- October 9th -- No School
- October 11th -- Cross Country Meet at Pioneer
- October 12th -- Hearing Van
- October 13th -- Monster Movie Festival -- Hosted by PTC
- October 17th -- PTC Meet at 2:45 in Room 2
- October 18th -- Cross Country Championship at Fairgrounds
- October 19th -- 4th Grade Field Trip
- October 20th -- Van Gilder/Curtin Field Trip
- October 23rd-27th -- Red Ribbon Week
- October 24th -- Vision Screenings
- October 27th -- Oakes/Price Field Trip
Congratulations Cross Country Runners!
3rd Grade Boys
- Logan Gough - 6th Place
- Ben Hayden - 7th Place
- Dominic Roman-Gonzalez - 16th Place
- Mason Gaeta - 19th Place
3rd Grade Girls
- Stella Strahm - 19th Place
- Chelsea Barth - 20th Place
4th Grade Girls
- Violet Velasco - 13th Place
4th Grade Boys
- Tanner Wood - 10th Place
- Hunter Stewart - 11th Place
Focus Skill of the Week: Mistakes Are Okay
Parent Teacher Club
Power's Out? School's In!
Join Our Team! Employment Opportunities:
We're looking to expand our Substitute Pool for this year. This is not just for people with teaching credentials. We have opportunities for all types of positions ranging from teachers, yard duties, library technicians, instructional aides, and custodial. The great thing about being a substitute is that you can be very flexible with your work schedule. If you are interested in learning more about subbing for our district, call the District Office at (530)644-5416. Start now to be ready by the start of next school year.
School Resources
Community Events
Parenting Classes - Hosted by El Dorado Hills Library
Dr. Paul Sunseri is conducting a series of no cost workshops for parents, therapists, and school staff. The second in the series, How to Improve Communication with Your Child or Teen is scheduled on September 23, 2023 11:00am to 1:00pm at the El Dorado Hills Library.
As you know, rates of depression, anxiety, and self-harm among young people have skyrocketed and this is unlikely to change anytime soon. The workshops are geared to the things families can do to reverse this trend and protect their child or teen against the various negative influences that are causing the problem (and despite what you hear, the problem isn't just social media).
Hope to see you there and please spread the word!
Important Links
Pinewood Elementary School
Email: jmckeand@ppesd.org
Location: 6181 Pine Street, Pollock Pines, CA, USA
Phone: (530) 644-2384