Tiger Tales
February 2024
A Note from the Principal
Thank you to everyone, families and staff included, who worked together to make the most of the virtual instruction days in January. There were certainly many growing pains with the synchronous and asynchronous virtual days. I appreciate the communication that took place between families and classroom teachers to have as many students as possible participating in instruction. Thank you!
I am grateful to the families who have been able to join me for the Breakfast with the Principal each month. If you have not yet been able to attend, mark your calendar for March 1 for the next breakfast. An RSVP will be sent about a week prior. This is a great time to meet other families, hear from a few students, and ask me any questions that you may have.
As you know, we do not have an assistant principal at North Glen; however, we have an amazing team that supports each other, our students, and our families. When I am out of the building for Principal Meetings or leave, there is always an assigned Administrator Designee. Typically, Ms. Wayment, (our behavior interventionist) or Ms. Scott (our school counselor) fill the role of Admin designee. If you haven't yet had the opportunity to meet Ms. Wayment or Ms. Scott please see their picture in this newsletter! All staff at North Glen chip in to make things go well each day. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!
As we continue in the Winter Months, please remember that recess is outdoors as long as the temperature feels like 32 degrees or higher. Please remind students to bring jackets, hats, and gloves. There is a tree in the front lobby where students can take a tag and give it to their teacher, me, or Ms. Scott if they need any Winter Clothing items.
All families should have received two important emails recently. One email indicates your child's school of enrollment for next year based on Phase 1 of AACPS Redistricting. The other email is a link to the second marking period report card. If you have questions about your child's report card, please contact your child's teacher directly. If you have trouble accessing either of these emails, please contact Ms. Sturgill in the main office.
Be sure to check your emails to find out how to volunteer at school. We will be seeking volunteers for a variety of tasks. We look forward to seeing you in the building!
Thank you for your continued teamwork to make North Glen an awesome place for our students, families, and staff!
General Information
Congratulations to students who received an award for their hard work during the 2nd Marking Period. Awards were distributed for many categories including Science, Math, Reading, Cultural Arts, iReady, Attendance, and more!
Congratulations to the following students who had perfect attendance for January! We know that perfect attendance is not always possible when students are sick. If your child has a fever, please keep them home and complete an absence note on Power School, or send an email or note to the teacher. We want to celebrate attendance because it is important that students are at school as often as possible so that they can make academic and social gains.
Pre-K: Fahad S, Maverick F, Ameer G, Hector GR, Liam G, Tristan H, Isabel H, Zaharah M, Asher M, Melany RG, Anthony S, Junnior TI, Eduardo TG, Brandon VB
Kindergarten: Janey A, Ludvin CV, Ethan F, Xara H, Allison M, Angel MS, Alex SM, Chyler T
1st Grade: Claira-Anne C, Jason J, Kashmere J, Adonis K, Liam L, Lyla R, Leah S, Brayden W
2nd Grade: Ruth A, Jordan A, Zoe B, Daniel JG, Liam K, Alyssa K, Joshua K, Khaleesi L, Connor M, Adeline MS, Mario ML, Ethan N, Davian O, Kimberly P, Sheez S, Ruby S, Thaddeus T, Victoria W
3rd Grade: Zena B, Lucy B, John D, Levi E, Stephanie GZ, Amiyah H, Jeremiah H, Vivian J, Autumn J, Teresa LM, Marcus M, Amy MP, Dana N, Aiden R, Jamal S, Ethan S, Sandra S, Jamie S, Lillian T, Mackenzie Y, Noah Y
4th Grade: Vivian A, Deborah A, Alexander A, Aiden B, Dylan B, Jacob H, Mariana JG, Gerad K, Christopher LM, Victoria MS, Deonna N, Kari R, Jaaziel V
5th Grade: Merlyn DM, Aleeza F, Maritza G, Xiya H, Mikhai H, Mikey H, Reagan L, Giselle L, Jason ML, Anthony RS, Joseph R, Kaylin S, Marissa S, Genesis SF, Max UB, Na'Leah WQ
Updates from Mrs. Bocanegra:
Afterschool clubs are coming soon!
Two clubs are beginning on February 12th- Girls on the Run and Science Fair Club. Both will be offered to 3rd-5th grade students. Registration opens February 2 for both when information is sent home, spaces are limited.
All other clubs will begin after Spring Break in April.
Mark your calendars! On Saturday, March 9th, we will be having Read Across North County. We will have a pancake breakfast, storytime, and lots of fun and surprises. All families will take home fresh fruits. More information is coming soon!
This Spring we will be having a parenting series for families of children ages 0-5. We don’t want anyone to miss this opportunity, so we will be offering dinner, childcare, and giveaways. Transportation arrangements can be made if needed. More information coming soon.
Our yearly family survey will be out in March, please be on the lookout and help us prepare for next year by giving us your feedback.
Literacy News from Ms. Lanman: In the November newsletter, I shared that K-2 students receive one of two programs during their foundational literacy skills instruction based on their DIBELS score. The December newsletter shared information about Fundations which is one of those programs. The other program is the Phonics, Spelling and Word Study Program also known as PWS. In PWS, students engage in learning phonics and word analysis strategies by focusing on the building blocks of written language. The program teaches students to use sounds, letters, and words in reading and writing. Students engage in learning phonics and word analysis strategies to foster growth in reading and writing. Click here to visit the PWS website and learn more and check out the at home resources for Kindergarten, First Grade and Second Grade.
Also, be on the lookout for a flier about our Bowie Baysox reading incentive. Read 4 books, complete the reading log and submit it by March 18th and you will receive 2 tickets to the May 4th Baysox game.
Math News from Ms. Aldous: All students in grades K-5 will take the mid-year iReady diagnostic during the first two weeks of February. This data, which will be presented to families at our February 27th parent advisory meeting, allows us to modify classroom interventions and supports to ensure our students have the opportunity to learn math at an appropriately challenging level.
The Reveal Math content for February includes:
Kindergarten: Understanding subtraction; addition and subtraction strategies
1st grade: Meanings of subtraction
2nd grade: Measurement: length, time, and money
3rd grade: Fraction equivalence and comparison; Use multiplication to divide
4th grade: Understanding addition and subtraction with fractions and mixed numbers
5th grade: Dividing decimals; Adding and subtracting fractions
Please see the grade-level newspaper sent home by your child’s teacher for more information on the content and how you can reinforce what your child is learning in math at home!
Cultural Arts Updates
Art Room News: Hello North Glen Families! Mark your calendars. Artists have been working hard on many projects this year. Come and see their artistic excellence at the Youth Art Month Show at the Linthicum Library. The show will run from February 16 - March 11, 2024. The address is 400 Shipley Road, Linthicum Heights, MD. Stay tuned for announcements in the next few weeks regarding who will represent North Glen this year.
Media News: In media, second, third, and fourth grade students have been doing Makerspace projects! They used the engineering design process to create a tall structure (2nd grade), a bridge that can hold animals (3rd grade), and a floating structure (4th grade). Fifth graders are beginning a monument project, in which they will create their own monument to a leader or event in Civil Rights or African American history. We will work on this throughout Black History Month in February. Many students, especially kindergarten and first grade students, are having difficulty bringing their books back to the media center. Please create a routine around bringing library books back to school on media day, and find a safe space in your home to keep the books so that your child will remember them. If books are lost, families will be charged for missing books. If this is a hardship, please contact Mrs. Woods, the media specialist at jmwoods@aacps.org.
PE News: Hello North Glen Families! Students just finished with our catching unit where they learned how to catch with their hands. The students practiced catching many different kinds of balls (footballs, tennis balls, foam balls, yarn balls.) They practiced with self catching and with partner catching. We have also been working on teamwork. All the students did a fantastic job playing tug of war, demonstrating great sportsmanship. We will soon be moving into our basketball unit. As always, feel free to contact me at dmarrocco@aacps.org
Music Department News: Mark your calendars for our Spring Concert, which will be on Wednesday, May 22. The concert will begin at 6:00pm.Be on the lookout for more detailed information as we get closer to the concert date. As a reminder, students will need to bring their instrument and music to school on Mondays and Wednesdays, unless otherwise notified.
Spring Concert Coming This May! North Glen musicians in band, strings and chorus will have their annual spring concert on Wednesday May 22nd, 2024 in the cafeteria. Musicians and families should plan to arrive by 5:45 p.m. The concert will start promptly at 6:00 p.m. and last about one hour. The dress code for musicians is a white shirt with black pants. We are so excited and can’t wait to enjoy this fun musical evening together!
If you have any questions please email Mrs. Lopata (chorus) at slopata@aacps.org or Ms. Dabaldo (band and strings) at gdabaldo@aacps.org.
PTA News
Our monthly PTA Meeting will be on Thursday, February 8th at 6:00 pm in the cafeteria! We hope to see you there!
We will have a Valentine’s Gram Fundraiser this month! Be on the lookout for a flyer coming home soon!
Mark Your Calendar
February 6: Unity Day, 2-Hour Early Dismissal
February 8: PTA Meeting, 6:00 NGES Cafeteria
February 19: Schools and Central Offices closed, Presidents' Day
February 20: Chick Fil-A Spirit Night (Mention NGES!)
March 19: Unity Day, 2-Hour Early Dismissal
March 25-29, April 1: Schools and Offices closed, Spring Break