Pinewood Newsletter
November 3rd, 2023 - Pinewood Elementary School
Principal's Message
It's been a fun week at Pinewood. We kicked off the week with Costume Day and a fun parade. It's great seeing all of the families come and watch our kids having fun! We ended the week with a fantastic assembly. Wild Things is always a favorite, and it's a great way to learn about animal adaptations. Ask your kids what their favorite animals were! Here's a look at the week ahead!
Flu Vaccine Clinic
Pinewood has teamed up with Well Dorado and PHAB to bring us a Free Flu Vaccine Clinic. The clinic will be after school in the gym on Monday from 2:30-4:30. See the flyer below for more details.
Veterans' Day Celebration
Calling all Veterans! This Thursday, our 4th graders will be hosting a fun presentation in our school gym from 8:15-9:30. We hope to see you there! More information can be found in the flyer below.
Red, White, and Blue Day
On Thursday, we will be honoring our Veterans by wearing Red, White, and Blue.
No School Friday
In further honor of our Veterans, there will be no school on Friday. Enjoy your 3 day weekend.
End of the 1st Trimester
Today marks the end of the 1st Trimester. Conferences will be held the week of November 13th. 1st Trimester Report Cards will be handed out at their conference.
Submit Pictures
We've had a number of fun events on campus over the last month that we would like captured in our yearbook. If you have pictures from Field Trips, Red Ribbon Week, Monster Movie Festival, Spirit Days, or Halloween, please submit them by emailing pwyearbook@ppesd.org. Ensure to include a description including: What is the event? Name(s) and grade/teacher of the kid(s)/people in the photo.
VIP: Caitlin Hayden
Congratulations to Caitlin Hayden our VIP Volunteer for the Month of October! We appreciate you helping make our campus stronger!
Mark Your Calendars:
- November 6th -- Free Flue Vaccine Clinic
- November 9th -- Veteran's Day Celebration
- November 10th -- No School (Veterans' Day)
- November 13th-17th -- Early Release Days/Conferences
- November 20th-24th -- No School (Thanksgiving Break)
- November 28th -- PTC Meeting in Room 2
- November 28th/29th -- Dental Van Here
- December 22nd -- First Day of Winter Break
Skill of the Week: Bystander Power
Parent Teacher Club
Power's Out? School's In!
Hello Pinewood families and staff!
We invite you to help our yearbook team collect photos of all the fun moments and activities this school year. To help enhance the Pinewood yearbook and ensure it is full of meaningful memories for our students, we ask that you please consider sharing photos you take of school related activities/events (while on campus, field trips, sports and other school events). You may email photos to pwyearbook@ppesd.org now and throughout the year. Keep in mind that the yearbook team will be working hard in the spring to complete and finalize our yearbook. The earlier you send them, the better.
Note: While we want everyone to send photos, due to size and layout limitations, we may not be able to include them all. If there is a photo you want to ensure is in your personal yearbook, remember to take advantage of the 2 free custom pages that TreeRing offers when you purchase a yearbook for your family, and include your special photo(s) there.
IMPORTANT: This email is monitored by a parent volunteer, NOT school staff. Do not send questions or content regarding topics other than the yearbook to this email. Please utilize your normal routes of communication with your student's teacher or the office for all other inquiries.
If you have photos you would like to share with yearbook staff, please email them to pwyearbook@ppesd.org. Ensure to include a description including:
What is the event?
Name(s) and grade/teacher of the kid(s)/people in the photo.
Thank you! Your contribution will help us make a yearbook full of memories for our young Falcons to cherish.
School Events/Resources
Community Events/Resources
Important Links
Pinewood Elementary School
Email: jmckeand@ppesd.org
Location: 6181 Pine Street, Pollock Pines, CA, USA
Phone: (530) 644-2384